The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 792

Cloud shallow moon looked at the situation in front of her, some funny, she also really smile, to the old emperor way: "emperor uncle why angry? This is also human nature. It's my brother and your princesses. Look for marriage in the future! Strong twist melon is not sweet. If you really want to kill these princesses today, my heart will be disturbed! After all, all of them are beautiful... "

"Father, please don't be angry. Since the younger sisters don't want to, you don't have to ask for it. There are many daughters in the boudoir of the ministers in the capital. One of them is worthy of leaving the son of heaven, and he is not in a hurry for a moment. " Night Tianyi looked at cloud shallow moon one eye, also advised the old emperor.

The old emperor was still angry and didn't tell the soldiers to let go of the princesses. The cries of the princesses resounded through the temple of the holy sun.

"Emperor, seven princesses ask to see you!" At this time, Brunei's voice sounded from the outside.

In a daze, the old emperor waved his hand to the still crying princesses and said angrily, "shut up! If anyone cries again, he will be dragged out and cut off immediately. No one will plead. "

He said, the princesses immediately stopped crying, half silk voice also did not smell, Shengyang hall for a time extremely quiet.

"Princess Xuanqi comes in!" The old emperor seemed to subdue his anger and gave orders to Brunei.

Brunei answered and yelled outside. Not long after, the curtain opened and the seven princesses came in from outside.

The seventh princess was in a simple and elegant dress. Her figure was delicate, but her behavior was dignified. She did not see any obscure and dark color between her eyebrows and eyes, nor did she feel sad when she was seen by Yun Qianyue in the yard of Rongfeng, the Marquis of Wenbo. She walked in quietly and knelt down to the old emperor! I wish my father good health as soon as possible. "

The old emperor's face softened a little, and waved to the seventh princess, "no ceremony!"

The seventh Princess stood up and stood with her head down. She did not look left or right. She was very polite.

"I heard from your mother's wife that you are not feeling well and you are recuperating in bed. How are you coming now?" The old emperor looked at the seven princesses and asked with satisfaction.

"Back to my father, my daughter accidentally caught cold yesterday, and her body is a little uncomfortable. Now she is much better. It worries the father and his mother. " The seventh Princess replied respectfully.

The old emperor nodded, "your body is weak. You should pay more attention in the future."

"Yes Seven princesses hang their heads.

"What do you want to see me for?" The old emperor went back to business.

Seven princesses smell speech to kneel down suddenly on the ground, say to old emperor: "return to father emperor, son minister wants to ask father emperor a imperial edict."

"Oh?" The old emperor squinted, "what decree?"

"The son minister wants to ask the father emperor to marry the son of the cloud palace to leave." The seventh Princess spoke word by word. Before her voice dropped, all the people in Shengyang hall looked at her in surprise, including those princesses who stopped crying.

Cloud shallow month is also a Zheng, she also did not expect seven princesses unexpectedly come to ask to marry cloud to leave. Isn't she fond of Rongfeng? What is this for? She looked at the seventh princess. She lowered her head and could not see the expression and eyebrows on her face. She could not guess what she was thinking. For a moment, she was puzzled.

The old emperor was also stunned, and his old eye was a little surprised. He took a look at Yun Qianyue, but he couldn't see any expression on her face. He looked at Ye Tianyi standing on one side, but he didn't see any expression. He looked at the seventh Princess again, raised his eyebrows and asked, "do you say you want to marry Yunli, the son of the cloud palace?"

"Yes Seven princesses nodded.

"Why?" The old emperor asked again.

"My daughter saw Yunli and thought he was very good. I want to get married. " Seven princess quiet tunnel.

"Qi'er, do you know such things can't be joked about! Does your mother know what you think? " The old emperor asked again.

"My daughter is not joking. The mother and concubine don't know yet, but as long as the father and the emperor agree, the mother and princess will certainly agree The seventh Princess hung her head and did not raise her voice.

"Your mother and princess have three daughters, one is Qingwan, one is the sixth princess, and the other is you. Your two sisters are not very competitive. One was humiliated and died, the other was injured by mischief. I put Yunli in custody. Now you are the only one left by your mother's concubine. Do you know that Yunli's face has been destroyed The old emperor asked again.

"My daughter knows that!" Seven princesses nodded.

"Moon girl, show the portrait in your hand to the seventh princess." The old emperor looked at the moon.

Cloud shallow moon nodded and handed the portrait to seven princesses.

The seventh princess finally raised her head and took a look at yunqianyue, which was very calm. She reached out to take over the portrait. The portrait of Yun Qianyue was very lifelike, especially the picture of that face was very clear. She looked at it, nodded, and still said, "my daughter is willing to marry Yunli."

"Moon girl, what do you think about Princess Qi's voluntary marriage to Yunli?" The old emperor looked at the moon.

Yunqianyue looks at the seventh princess. Although she doesn't understand why she wants to marry Yunli voluntarily, she is sure that she doesn't like Yunli. She squatted down, the same height as seven princesses, and asked, "seven princesses, do you really want to marry Yunli?"

"Miss moon, I heard you right!" Seven princesses nodded."You don't care what he looks like now?" Cloud shallow moon pick eyebrows.

"Don't care!" The seventh Princess shook her head.

"Don't care because you don't like it, or don't care because you like it?" Cloud shallow moon asks again.

The seventh Princess pursed her lips, looked at the eyes of Yun Qianyue and said in a soft voice: "love can be cultivated! I don't care about his appearance. I'm willing to marry him. I'm willing to treat him with all my heart after marrying him, and slowly like him. It's not about looks. "

"Good!" Yun Xiaoyue got up and stood up and said with a smile to the old emperor, "then seven princesses! It proves that the seventh Princess and the cloud are predestined. If the emperor's uncle agrees, please give an order! I'd like to go back with the edict. "

The old emperor did not immediately give orders, but looked at Ye Tianyi, "Tianyi, what do you think of this matter?"

"Since the father and the emperor intend to achieve a happy event, let the royal family and the cloud palace marry, then no matter which princess is a happy event. Seven younger sisters voluntarily marry Yunli, just as yue'er said, it is predestined, and the father emperor has made seven sisters complete! " Night Tianyi looked at the cloud light moon one eye, light way.

"Well!" The old emperor nodded and looked at the seven princesses, "Qi'er, once the edict has been given, you can't go back on your word! You have to think about it! "

"Go back to my father, my daughter has thought it over!" Seven princesses nodded in a decisive tone.

"Good! Tianyi, you come to draw up the intention The old emperor waved his hand to Ye Tianyi and said in a deep voice: "the seven princesses are gentle and dignified, knowledgeable and reasonable. They are a model of many princesses in my life. I am very happy to have this daughter. From today on, I have granted the seventh princess as a first-class Princess and married Yunli, the son of cloud palace. Choose a date to get married! That's it , the fastest update of the webnovel!