The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 791

Ye Tianyi doesn't care about cloud. The moon doesn't talk to him. He still says with a smile: "is this painting cloud from?"? Yue'er should also draw the picture that he was not injured. Only in this way can there be a comparison. "

"Something happened, it happened! It can't be as if nothing happened. If a person's appearance has been destroyed, it will be destroyed. This is the present tense. People can only go forward and never go back to the past, and the time will not go back. At this time, Yunli is the one the princesses want to marry. No matter how good the past looks, it is the past. " Yun Xiaoyue's voice is light and her words are down. She finishes a painting. She raises her eyebrows and looks at Ye Tianyi. She asks without emotion, "seventh prince, do you think I'm right?"

Ye Tianyi looks at the cloud and the moon, with deep eyebrows and eyes and no words.

The old emperor looked at them, frowned and did not speak.

Yunqianyue wants this effect. She thinks that ye Tianyi should be able to understand what she means. She and he can't go back! Since then, it's best to draw a line. She reached out and picked up the scroll on the table, gently blew the ink, took the scroll and walked to a dozen princesses kneeling on the ground.

Night Tianyi pursed her lips and looked at the straight back of the moon, and suddenly felt that she was really changed. A few days ago, she was not so. But today goodbye, he found that the former affection seemed to have disappeared in her body, leaving no trace in her heart, but it left a deep trace in his heart. No matter how hard he tried, he filled in the injustice.

Yun Qianyue went to the front row of princesses kneeling in front of her. She unfolded her painting in her hand and faced those princesses. Her voice was calm. "This is the appearance of Yunli, my brother, who was hurt by the sixth princess."

All the princesses had lowered their heads and looked very clever. At this time, they all raised their heads when they heard the painting. When they saw the painting, their faces changed. Half of the face is swollen, with five clear guidelines and blood dripping. The other half of the face is pretty, but it looks terrible as a whole.

"There is no exaggeration in this portrait, nor is it missing. It's what clouds look like when they leave. " Yun Qianyue looked at all the princesses and changed their faces. She continued to say calmly: "it is very important to know a person's appearance. Although Yun Li is a man, we are a land of rites and ceremonies. Men should also pay attention to appearance. Now he was disfigured, so I wrote a letter of divorce to the sixth princess in a rage

All the princesses turned pale and did not speak at the portrait. What's more, they hung their heads and did not dare to look at the portrait again.

Cloud shallow moon light smile, "but although my brother was destroyed appearance, but the emperor's uncle has given the six Princess corresponding punishment, this matter also is to come to an end. In the final analysis, the sixth Princess and my brother have no marriage. His brother is very talented, otherwise, he would not have been selected as the son of the cloud palace from the huge side branches of the cloud palace. Moreover, he was steady and had a good temper. If one of the princesses can marry his brother regardless of his appearance, I can guarantee that the cloud palace will certainly treat him with courtesy, and I will respect her as her sister-in-law. "

Yun Xiaoyue's words are sincere, which makes people believe that she has such sincerity. She thought that although they were the daughters of the old emperor, they were actually more pitiful than the daughters of other officials' families. She originally hated that the palace of King Yun married a princess, but if someone really saw this portrait, regardless of Yunli's disfigured appearance, she would accept an old emperor's daughter.

She said, all the princesses look at me and I see you. After a moment, they all hang their heads together, and even some people are kneeling back.

Yun Qianyue looks at them calmly. The nine sons of the dragon are different. What's more, there should be a woman who doesn't look at people by her appearance? It's a pity that she was wrong. She waited for a long time. All the princesses hung their heads and no one spoke. With a sudden smile, she turned to look at the old emperor and said, "uncle, I'm afraid I'm going to let you down! You girls don't want to marry Yunli! It means that they have no predestination with cloud! It's not a niece. I don't accept your love. It's just God's will that I can't do anything about it! "

The old emperor twisted his brows into a character of Chuan, and looked at his princesses with a deep voice. "Who of you wants to marry the son of cloud in the palace of King Yun? Come forward and I'll give her the title of first-class princess."

The princesses were startled, and Qi looked up at the old emperor.

Cloud shallow moon think of the old emperor is really under the blood! The first-class princess can only have this honor if she is a daughter who has made contributions to the royal family. However, if you marry down and give Yunli to the royal family, you can get the title of first-class princess. It seems that the old emperor really valued the royal palace! She said with a slight smile. After that, she gently shook the portrait in her hand and said with a smile, "the emperor's uncle really values my brother. This is the title of a first-class princess! Princesses have to think about it. Don't miss it. In the future, such opportunities may not be available. "

Hearing this, the princesses turned their heads and saw the portraits in her hands. Everyone shivered and bowed their heads again.

The old emperor's face was angry, but he didn't expect that the title of the first-class princess could not arouse his daughters. His voice was a little harsh, "no? Who will stand up! I have not only given her the title of a first-class princess, but also prepared a great gift to get married. "

All the princesses hung their heads and said nothing. They are not stupid. First class princesses are so noble. If they get this award, they will be superior to other princesses in the future. Not only the harem, but also the concubines and concubines under the four concubines should be saluted, and even the ministers below the third grade in the imperial court should be saluted to them. That is to say, since ancient times, only one daughter of the first-class grandfather was granted a first-class princess, but it was also because he blocked the sword for the first-class emperor, and he pursued the seal after his death. This shows how noble he is. But compared with their happiness in life, they feel that it is not worth a princess title. Who wants to be ridiculed by the sisters every day in front of an ugly man whose face has been destroyed? The princesses compare who married well and who got a good son-in-law. Therefore, although they are excited, they dare not agree."No one?" The old emperor looked at the princesses angrily. He thought for a long time after he was angry yesterday. Today, he arranged this game of chess. He thought that yunqianyue would not agree and said that which princess was not worthy of Yunli. Then he could ask the hidden guard to take her down and then take the cloud palace. No one could say anything. But Yun Xiaoyue agreed, but gave him a backhand to such a move, let the princesses themselves choose, he thought that there will always be one will come forward, but do not want him to have a group of good daughters, no one to stand up. Sheng Sheng cut off his good intentions. How can he not be angry? When the princesses saw the old emperor's anger, they all retreated back. Everyone looked frightened, like a group of frightened birds.

"Come on, I'll drag these things out and chop them off!" The old emperor was very angry. Clap the boat and have a big drink.

"Father, forgive me..." The princesses were terrified and began to cry in fear.

Outside, soldiers heard the old emperor's cry and rushed in, and they were going to drag the princesses down. , the fastest update of the webnovel!