The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 787

"You have such a man! Such a delicate transfiguration Night light dye looks at cloud shallow moon, solitary doubt way: "how do I see her face changing skill like from that weak beauty's hand?"

Yunqianyue thinks that it is night light dye. Even this can be seen. She nodded and confessed, "well, Rongjing changed his face for him! You don't look bad. "

"No wonder it was so similar that I almost fooled me in the past." Night light dye hums.

Cloud shallow moon went to the table to pour a cup of tea for himself, sipped a sip, and did not speak.

"Little girl, she wrote a letter of divorce to the sixth princess, which is also your inspiration?" Night light dye looks at the cloud light moon, found that she seems to have some changes, but let him say, he still can't say where has changed, in short, it is not the same.

"Well!" Cloud shallow moon nods. Thinking of Rongjing's inspiration is also her inspiration! In short, she was relieved by the move to leave without marriage. Think of that day the imperial edict of marriage was placed by the old emperor, now this move makes the bad old man in Shengyang hall jump feet and feel happy.

"Little girl, do you know the consequences? How can you make such a fool of yourself? That's six princesses! Where does a minister give up the princess before she marries? Do you really want uncle Huang to copy the cloud palace in a rage? " Night light dye to cloud shallow moon glare, tone a little anxious, "do you know when the emperor uncle saw the letter of divorce, angry at that time, he slapped the bed board. I haven't seen uncle Huang lose his temper so much since I was a child. Uncle Huang doesn't know that the person who wrote the letter of suspension is an impostor. If you do, can you know the consequences? "

Cloud light moon quietly listen to night light dye words, a sip of tea, and did not speak.

"The emperor granted Yunli, the son of the cloud palace, to marry him and the sixth princess. This is a generous treatment to his ministers. Did you write a letter of divorce, or did you leave before you married. This is undoubtedly a blow to the face of Uncle Huang and the royal family. All countries, vassal princes and civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty will get the news. What would uncle Huang do to protect the royal face? Is the cloud palace really able to compete with the royal family? " Night light dye more say, seem to be more urgent.

Cloud shallow moon slowly drink tea, still do not speak.

"Little girl, did you hear what I said?" Night light dyed frown.

"I hear you!" Yun Qianyue put down her tea cup, looked back at night qingran, and said with a smile, "if someone else talks to me, I think it's bullshit. Since I dare to do it, I'm not afraid of the consequences. But now it's you who say it. I know you care about me. "

Night light dye purses the lip to look at him, facial expression does not agree, "even if you are dissatisfied with the emperor uncle's act, there are ways, why so openly oppose? Are you not forcing uncle Huang to attack the cloud palace and you? "

"Don't worry! The emperor's uncle will not attack me and the cloud palace! " Cloud shallow moon does not think of a smile, light way: "at least at present is! If he could, he would have done it! You don't have to let me piss him off again and again. "

"Are you still holding on to Uncle Huang's hand?" Night light dye see cloud light moon don't care, he pick eyebrow.

"No!" Cloud shallow moon shakes his head, "the cloud palace is different from the LAN family in those years. It can let the emperor's uncle copy his family and destroy his family overnight. He can do what he wants. Yunwangfu has a huge root system for a hundred years, and there are aunts and princes. Moreover, the most important point is that the new and old regimes have been replaced, and ye Tianqing and ye Tianyu have joined hands. Even though ye Tianyi is talented, he is still constrained by various aspects and is struggling. Therefore, if the emperor's uncle doesn't want his country to collapse, he can't make a big move. Because a daughter eradicates the cloud palace, even if he is angry and angry, he still dares not move the cloud palace. "

Night light dye breathed a sigh of relief, nodded, "you are right! Little girl, it seems that you have understood uncle Huang thoroughly! "

Cloud shallow moon light smile, "but big trouble does not have, small trouble can have a few just!"

"As long as it's not a crime of killing the family, it's easy to say! Otherwise, if Uncle Huang wants me to attack the cloud palace, I really can't do it. " Night light dye reaches out to rub forehead, a buttock sits on soft couch, some depressed way: "little girl, why do you think I was born in Prince De Qin's house, surname night?"

Cloud shallow moon "Puff Chi" a smile, "your life is good, can choose! How many people admire the identity of the little prince of the prince's mansion! Today, the power to take over 400000 troops and horses in the capital is greater than that of Ye Tianyi in the capital. "

Night light dye skimmed her lips, "four hundred thousand soldiers and horses are a poison!"

"Sometimes poison is good medicine." Cloud light moon road.

Night light dye is the default. Both of them knew that this was the emperor's army and horse placed in Prince Deqin's mansion, which indirectly told the prince's mansion not to participate in the struggle for the throne among yetianyi, yetianqing and yetianyu. We should not allow the replacement of the old and new regimes to be stained with the blood of soldiers, so as to preserve the holy national strength. Otherwise, once the 400000 troops are baptized for the throne, the troops of Tiansheng will be weakened. When the time comes, Nanliang and Xiyan will be covetous. In case of rebellion, the already prosperous appearance and the internal exhaustion of national strength will fade away. The consequences of internal and external troubles are unimaginable. But despite the old emperor's plan, ye Tianyi, yetianqing and yetianyu will not let go of the big fat in night light dye's hands. If you can win the support of night light dyeing, then it is the biggest help. So, his 400000 troops are a poison. But on the contrary, because of this poison in his hand, no one dares to touch him. It is also a good medicine."You said that uncle Huang would not copy his family and destroy his family. How could you say that?" Ye Tianyi is silent for a moment and asks again.

"The emperor's uncle is a piece of ginger. I'll know about it when it's morning. " Cloud shallow moon does not care.

"I'll try my best to help you! But little girl, don't be too silly. After all, my family name is night Night light dye suddenly gets up to stand up, some annoyed to drop a word, lift step to go out.

Cloud shallow moon does not speak, looking at night light dye three or two steps out of her room, left the shallow moon Pavilion. She sighed softly. Night light dye surname night, this was originally a noble surname, but because of her, let him very helpless? But she and he both knew that sooner or later, the royal family and the cloud palace would be in a situation where the ice and fire could not be tolerated. Then maybe she and he will meet each other.

The room is quiet, even the air seems to be stained with a faint sigh.

Ling Lian and Yi Xue see night light dye leave, at this time they come to the cloud light moon side, Ling Lian asked softly, "Miss, you went to the Ferris cliff, but saw the ten families and the secret of Donghai kingdom?"

"I saw the secrets of the ten aristocratic families, but there was no secret of Donghai." Cloud light moon road.

Ling Lian and Yi Xue are stunned. Yi Xue even asks, "Miss, how can there be no secret of Donghai? I heard that Ferris cliff contains the secrets of the world , the fastest update of the webnovel!