The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 786

Yunqianyue looks at Rongjing suspiciously. Seeing that he doesn't speak, he affirms the speculation in her heart. He doesn't dare to make trouble for her by taking advantage of the courage of the third young master. Without Rongjing's command or instruction, he would not have done such a bold thing. After all, it has never happened since ancient times that a princess should be divorced before she is married. It is equal to a big slap from the royal family. No wonder night Tianyi entered the palace in a hurry as soon as he entered the city.

"When did you give advice to the third young master?" Yunqianyue looks at Rongjing and thinks that last night, just a few hours ago, she woke up early and didn't hear his orders. And now there is no remote control, let Rongjing remote control the third childe.

"Before you leave the capital!" The scene was careless.

Yunqianyue thinks that this is really what Rongjing will do. Although she and Yunli were not happy with the edict of marriage, there was another person who was more unhappy than she and Yunli, that was, the six princesses who wanted to marry into the Rong palace. He must have expected that according to the temperament of the sixth princess, he would not dare to make trouble in front of the old emperor's bed, or if he could not make any trouble with the old emperor, he would certainly go to the cloud palace to make a big scene. Therefore, he made such an explanation to the third young master. She looked at Rong Jing and said with admiration: "young master Rong, you are really capable. I'm impressed by you."

"It's not necessary to look at each other. Just don't make trouble with peach blossom for me." Rong Jing took a leisurely glance at the cloud and the moon.

Cloud shallow moon suddenly aphasia.

Rong Jing reaches out to hold cloud and shallow moon's body in his arms, such as jade's hands to stir up her falling hair. In a moment, he pulled her face, lowered his head and covered his lips.

Cloud shallow month reaches out to hook the neck of Rong Jing, shallow ground caters to his kiss.

A moment later, Rongjing let go of the cloud and the moon. She breathed heavily. She stuck it on her lips and said in a very low voice: "yunqianyue, don't be soft to night Tianyi again."

Cloud light moon light panting, smell speech mind move, closed eyes open to look at Rongjing, hazy eyes on the upper Rong Jing clear haze of the eye light, she thought for such a long time Rongjing is tolerant and tolerant to her, her heart a warm, nodded, "good!"

"Good!" The lips of Rongjing are like a crescent moon, with a deep smile.

Cloud light moon's heart was shaking, and she clearly felt her heart beating. Her face was red and she put out her hand to beat him on the chest. She said softly and angrily, "demon!"

"Well?" Rong Jing raises her eyebrows.

"Disaster!" Cloud shallow moon angry again.

"Well?" Rong Jing raised her eyebrows.

"A big peach blossom!" Cloud shallow month again angry a, in the heart thinks a man looks so good-looking what to do? She still remembers the first time she saw the old emperor at his birthday party ten years ago. Such a jade doll made of jade made her look again and again. She wondered whether she was confused by the man who was still a little child at that time? So that no matter who it is, they can no longer enter her eyes.

Rong Jing burst into a low smile.

"What are you laughing at?" Yunqianyue thought of being scolded and laughing so happily.

"If you can bewitch you, even demons and evil waters are willing to do so." Rong Jing's voice is gentle, and her picturesque eyebrows and eyes suddenly have a trace of charm that was hard to see in the past.

Cloud shallow moon eyelid rolled. I couldn't help laughing at his appearance.

Quiet in the car, two people no longer talk, but warm and warm.

The carriage stopped at the gate of the cloud palace, and the voice of string song came from outside, "son of the world, Miss shallow moon, the cloud palace is here!"

"Well!" Rong Jing should a, holding the cloud shallow moon not let go.

Cloud shallow moon moved, Rong Jing still did not release her, she raised eyebrows to look at him, asked: "are you going back to the house, or go down with me?"

"Back to the house!" Yung King Road.

Yunqianyue nodded, thinking that he had been away from Beijing for a few days, and that he should return to the mansion immediately. After all, many people in the Rong palace coveted the position of his son in law. Although he knows everything, it is hard to avoid that some people still make some small moves under his command.

"I really want to turn you to the Rong palace and never come out again." Rong Jing suddenly sighed, reluctantly let go of the cloud shallow moon.

Cloud shallow month purses a mouth to smile, no longer speak, pick open curtain to jump off the car. She waved her hand to the string song and didn't shout for the door. She jumped over the high gate of the palace and disappeared in an instant.

String song looked at the lightness skill of yunqianyue with admiration. With a whip, the carriage went to King Rong's house.

Although the gate of the cloud palace is closed, the courtyard is full of lights. Now it's time to fall asleep. The abnormal situation like the cloud palace shows that something has happened in the cloud palace. I'm afraid that people in all the houses and courtyards are in panic. For fear that the old emperor would be angry and ordered people to destroy the house of Lord Yun.

Around the courtyards, the cloud moon back to the shallow moon Pavilion. There was no one in the courtyard. The curtain of the main room was closed. Only the light of the light was reflected. She could not see clearly the situation in the house. She floated down and reached for the door.

"Who?" A low drink came from the house. It was her voice. No, it should be said that the third childe acted as her voice."It's me!" Cloud shallow moon answers.

"Little girl?" The sound of night light dye came from the house.

Cloud light moon push door's hand a meal, night light dye unexpectedly is here? She settled down and pushed the door again, but the door opened from inside. Night light dye showed a beautiful face and looked at her without blinking.

"Why are you here?" Cloud light moon to night light dye a smile.

Night light dye facial expression is not quick, "little girl, where did you go?"

"Oh, I went out on business." Cloud light moon more and more night, light dye looked into the inside, saw three childe dressed up she was lying lazily on the soft couch, saw her back, winked at her, did not get up. In addition to the third childe, there are Ling Lian and Yi Xue in the house. They stand beside the third childe and are relieved to see her coming back.

"Where have you been?" Night light dye block in the door, to cloud shallow moon frown.

"A long journey!" Cloud shallow month stretched out his hand to push night light dye, "let me in first!"

Night light dye staggers the body, cloud shallow month carries to walk into the house, to three childe way: "you may go!"

"I've wanted to go for a long time, but someone won't let me go!" The third young master stood up, glanced at the night and walked out. Even now yunqianyue is standing in front of him, he still has the same walking posture and style as yunqianyue. Ping Ping Tingting walks out of the door and leaves the pavilion.

"Who is she, little girl?" Night light dye sees three childe leave, did not stop.

"He's my man!" Cloud shallow month thinks night light dye does not seem to have seen through three childe's identity, she naturally will not rush to tell him. After all, he was the third son of the filial piety palace. He was remembered for a while because of yunxianghe and was forgotten again because of his death. , the fastest update of the webnovel!