The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 788

"That is to say, but the skyscraper actually does not include the secret of donghaiguo and yunwangfu." Cloud light moon road.

They looked at each other with doubts and surprise.

"Not included, not included, see the secrets of the top ten families, I did not waste a trip." Cloud shallow moon shallow smile, to two people ask, "three childe these days have done what?"

Ling Lian quickly replied: "since the young lady left, the third young master has been pretending to be ill in the shallow moon Pavilion according to the young lady's instructions. The emperor sent for two times to ask the young lady to go to the palace to play chess with him. All of them were pushed by the maid because she was ill. Later, the Emperor invited the jade bracelet girl and the green branch girl in the mansion to prepare for the grand ceremony of the son of heaven's adoption. They came to the shallow moon Pavilion for advice. The third young master was worthy of being the master of the Fengge Pavilion chosen by the young lady. He was extremely talented. He simply pointed out a few points and arranged a well for the inheritance ceremony of Yunli Shizi. During this period, the fourth Prince and the second prince who was released from the prison came to visit, and they were pushed by their servants. These days, except for the six princesses who made a big scene in the house last night, hurt young master Yunli, and the third young master wrote a letter of divorce to the sixth princess

Yunqianyue nodded, thinking that night sky was ranked second among the princes. Now there is no crown prince, with the second prince to match. She asked, "what's the injury of Yunli? Is it serious? "

"Very serious!" Ling Lian nodded, "and he refused to take medicine, I'm afraid the face will fall scar later."

Cloud shallow moon frowns, "why doesn't he take medicine?"

Ling Lian and Yi Xue shake their heads.

"Let's go and see him!" Yunqianyue got up and stood up. Thinking of Yunli, after all, he has not experienced the big storm. He is afraid that the third childe's action will frighten him. Now I don't take my injury seriously. She thought of such a clean and handsome face, if there were scars, it would be a lifetime thing. Although men didn't attach importance to appearance, the ancients paid attention to appearance, which also affected appearance. Cloud from the innocent, naturally can not bear this.

Ling Lian and Yi Xue nodded and walked out of the house behind the cloud.

When he got out of the pavilion, he ran into the guard at the gate. The guard saw the cloud and said, "Miss moon, Emperor The emperor sent someone to announce that you would enter the palace immediately... "

"I see!" The cloud shallow moon should be a, the footstep does not stop, continues to walk toward the courtyard which the cloud leaves.

"Miss, it's only the third watch. Would it not be good for the emperor to let you enter the palace now?" Ling Lian asked anxiously.

"It's OK!" The moon shakes her head.

Ling Lian no longer talks.

Because Yunli was granted the title of Prince Yun's son, he lived in the West Maple Garden where he lived. At this time, the West Maple Garden is also on. A group of three people came to the West Maple Garden, which was quiet, without a servant.

Yunqianyue just remembered that the people who served in the West Maple Garden had all left with yundushan. Yunli was just a childe who was a branch of the cloud palace. Naturally, there were no waiters around. She forgot to arrange for him. She turned back to Ling Lian and said, "tomorrow let the three childe transfer eight people from the wind pavilion to follow in the cloud away from the side."

"Yes Ling Lian answers.

Three people went to the door, the door opened from the inside, and yunliheyi came out. Under the light, you can clearly see five finger prints on your face. Three of them were obviously scratched by long nails, two of which were shallow and one was very deep. On his handsome face, he was extremely eye-catching and even had a shocking feeling.

Cloud shallow moon looks at cloud to leave the face, in the heart rises anger, have not waited for him to speak, then angry way: "she catches you, you can't hide? Don't you know how to hide? Let her catch it? "

Cloud from a Zheng, as if subconsciously stretched out his hand to cover his face, drooping his head, as if afraid to see cloud shallow moon, voice slightly low, "I hide, did not escape. The sixth princess has some martial arts skills! "

Yunqianyue remembered that Yunli had no martial arts skills. The sixth Princess knew some Kung Fu. She was not angry and said, "then you won't ask the bodyguard in the mansion to stop her? Let her make you look like this

"When she broke in, there was no bodyguard here..." Cloud from the more drooping head.

Cloud shallow month a breath hold in the heart, looking at the cloud, the heart suddenly soft down, pursed the lips and said: "I'm wrong, I forgot to send you a few people here! I've just arranged that someone will come tomorrow, and you won't be bullied again. "

"It's OK. It doesn't hurt." Cloud from raised his head, the cloud shallow moon a smile, seems to affect the wound, his brow a wrinkle.

"Let's go into the room. I'll give you the medicine." Cloud shallow moon pulls cloud to leave the house.

"You don't have to take this medicine! be it so! I'd like to keep it like this all the time. " Clouds leave the low voice.

"Nonsense! Will you leave a scar? Who doesn't want to pay attention to appearance? You are the son of the cloud palace. Although you were granted the title by the emperor, I recommended you. Your face represents the face of the cloud palace. How can it be done without medicine? " The moon glared at the cloud.

"Compared with the six princess was written a letter of divorce, this little injury is nothing, as long as the cloud palace is OK." Yunli shakes his head.

"You've healed the wound, and the cloud palace is still OK! She's not worthy of you. She'll take it off! What are you afraid of? " Cloud shallow month pulled cloud from the room, to Ling Lian command, "I did not expect so heavy, then brought the ordinary wound medicine. You go to my room and get the bottle of gel in the dark compartment on the third floor of the cupboard in the middle"Yes Ling Lian answered and went in a hurry.

"Yi Xue, you go to fetch water." Cloud shallow moon to Yi snow command again.

Yi snow should a, also hastily walked down.

"In fact, it doesn't matter if you fall a scar. You'd better keep the gel cream! I heard that there is no such gel in the emperor's palace. It's too wasteful for me. You can use ordinary medicine Cloud away and low voice.

"No matter how expensive it is, it's not as important as your face." The moon glared at the cloud. It was she who pushed the boy to this position, and naturally she wanted to protect him.

Yunli no longer talks.

Yi Xue draws water in, and yunqianyue pulls up his sleeve to clean the wound for him. Yunli seems to be trying to bear it, but still makes a subtle air pumping sound. The action of yunqianyue is as light as possible. After a while, Ling Lian comes with the gel cream, and Yun Xiaoyue also cleans his wound and gently smears the gel on his face.

Cloud from sitting quietly, he first lowered his head, a moment later looked at the cloud shallow moon. Seeing that she pursed her lips and looked serious, the gray color on his face gradually faded. When the moon stopped, he suddenly said in a low voice: "I don't know how many people envy me!"

"What do you envy? Do you envy that you were caught in the face by the sixth princess The moon glimpsed the clouds.

Yunli shook his head and did not answer.

Cloud light month also no longer asked, will pour fat dew to Ling Lian, told her, "tomorrow you come to give him medicine, once a day in the morning. Seven days in a row, it will be fine, and there will be no scar. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!