The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 785

Cloud shallow month thinks of the big shrimp appearance of south Ling Rui with a sigh of relief, "also!"

Rongjing no longer talks, cloud shallow moon closed her eyes and went to sleep.

The two carriages left the city one after another, heading north, all the way quietly without any obstruction. No one in the two carriages talked to each other. The distance between the two carriages was not far or near, like driving together or driving separately.

The road was very peaceful. I had a break twice and didn't stay overnight. Yunqianyue was woken up twice by Rongjing, and then went to sleep after a simple meal in the car. After a day and midnight, the carriage finally returned to the heavenly capital.

At this time, after midnight, the carriage of night Tianyi goes straight into the palace, while Rongjing's carriage turns to Wenbo's residence.

Yunqianyue had already woken up early. It was a big sleep in the carriage for the past two days. Now she has had a rest, and the whole person is extremely energetic. She reaches out to open the curtain and looks out. She sees that the carriage is neither going to the Rong palace nor to the cloud Palace. She looks back and asks Rongjing in doubt, "to Wenbo Marquis's house?"

"Well!" Rong Jing nods, he is also extremely spiritual, accompany cloud shallow moon to sleep this way.

"What do you want to do in Wenbo's residence?" The cloud is shallow and the moon is strange. In the middle of the night to disturb Rong Feng.

"Some people wonder if that person is Rong Feng, send him over first!" Yung King Road.

Yunqianyue blinked and did not speak. He heard the excited voice of a teenager outside the car, "Hello, Rongjing, is that person really Rongfeng? The son of Wenbo Marquis? It is said that the descendants of the literati who were full of knowledge and talent at that time? "

"You will know when you go to see it!" Rong Jing glanced at the boy lightly.

"Good!" The joy and joy of the young man's promise are beyond his words.

Yunqianyue puts down the curtain and looks up and down Rongjing. Rongjing raises her eyebrows. She curls her mouth, wondering if Rongfeng can cope with this person. However, it would be good to put him in the mansion of marquis Wenbo.

The carriage came to Wenbo Marquis's house and went down to knock on the door. After a while, the door opened from inside, and an old guard came out. Seeing Rong Jing's carriage, he was stunned and saluted respectfully.

"I want to see Rong Feng!" The young man did not wait for Rongjing to open his mouth, turned over and dismounted, threw down the bridle, and strode to the house.

The old man was stunned and looked at the young man. The young man, dressed in beautiful clothes, was also following Rongjing. He did not know whether to stop him and looked at Rongjing's carriage.

"Tell your son of the family that this man is a distinguished guest, and let him treat him well!" Rongjing gave orders to the old man.

"Yes, jingshizi!" When the old man heard the words, he quickly answered.

Rongjing gives an order to Xiange, and Xiange sits back in front of the carriage and turns the horse's head. The carriage leaves Wenbo Marquis's house and goes to the cloud palace. The carriage went out very far, still can hear the teenager's cry, "Rong Feng, you give me come out!"

Yunqianyue was amused to hear the extremely arrogant cry and asked Rongjing, "when will the princess honor guard of Donghai Kingdom enter Beijing?"

"Half a month!" Yung King Road.

Cloud shallow moon nodded, and suddenly asked: "what happened in the capital these days?"

"Six princesses made a big fuss in the cloud palace and scratched Yunli. Is it a matter?" Yung King Road.

Cloud shallow moon's eyes narrowed, "isn't she thinking behind closed doors? Why did you go to the cloud palace? Did you scratch Yunli

"If the decree has been given, she is to be married. After the canonization ceremony, she will arrange the wedding date to marry into the cloud palace. How can I be shut up by the emperor again? Naturally, it was released. She ran to the cloud palace and asked him to leave and retire. Cloud should not leave, she made a big fuss about the cloud palace, hurt cloud from Yung King Road.

"When did it happen?" Asked the moon. These days, she has been running fast on the road, thinking that there are three childe and Ling Lian in the mansion. Yixue three people sit in town, then lazy to pay attention to, also did not inquire the news of the capital.

"Last night." Yung King Road.

"What did I do with the one in the shallow moon pavilion?" Cloud shallow moon asks again. Thinking that it's past midnight, last night, that is, a few hours ago?

Rong Jing suddenly laughed, "this matter can be much more interesting, shallow moon pavilion that you instead of cloud from the six Princess wrote a letter of divorce. It says in the letter of divorce: the six princesses have no virtue or appearance, do not know the propriety of women, and are not worthy of being married. They are indeed the laughing stock of women in the world. Today, I hereby give up and never marry them! "

"Leave before you marry?" The cloud is shallow and the moon is wide eyed.

"Well!" Rong Jing was smiling.

"Three childe did it?" Cloud shallow moon thinks three childe is also too talented! She sent a letter of divorce to the sixth princess. It's a big deal for a royal daughter to be divorced before he is married. He really dares to do it.

"No, you did it! There is no third master in the shallow moon Pavilion, but everyone can see that it is a solemn letter of divorce written by Miss shallow moon, who was seriously in charge of the cloud palace when the sixth Princess hurt Yun Li Rong Jing see cloud shallow moon, eyes wide open, eyes smile deeply.

"It's me Cloud shallow moon looks up to the car roof, facial expression some strange, half ring asks, "that old emperor there how?"

"This letter of divorce has caused a stir in the capital. It must be known to the whole world after the sun rises in a few hours." Rong Jing said with a smile: "the emperor is said to be furious. As for the cloud palace, you will know about it when you go back soon.""It's troublesome! It turns out that there is still a big problem waiting for me when I come back from a circle! " Cloud shallow moon sighs.

Rong Jing was silent.

Cloud shallow moon also silent, a moment later, suddenly stretched out a hand to pat the car board, extremely antidote way: "good rest!"

Rongjing began to smile.

Cloud shallow month suddenly turns to look at him, doubt ground asks, "can't you teach three childe to do so?"

Rong Jing picked her eyebrows and laughed without saying anything. , the fastest update of the webnovel!