The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 784

One of the biggest things that moge did was that shortly after the founding of the dynasty, the first emperor issued an imperial edict to increase the taxes on merchants. The taxes were extremely high, which actually suppressed the merchants and raised the status of farmers. The first Emperor didn't like the treachery of merchants. He thought that he could get food from farming, so as to improve the national strength and military strength of Tian Sheng. But I can't imagine that after the imperial edict was issued, all the shops of Tiansheng were closed overnight. After decades of war, Tiansheng was exhausted and could not easily cultivate himself. The land of initial prosperity collapsed in an instant. For a time, the people complained. The first emperor was shocked and forced to withdraw the imperial edict. The response to the merchants was restored. It is said that the person behind this matter is the master of Mo Pavilion.

After that event, although the ancestor emperor was angry, he could not help it. Fortunately, Mo Pavilion did not move again until the death of the first emperor. Ink Pavilion seems to disappear in the world.

It was not until fifty years ago that the world heard the ink order of Mo pavilion that the world remembered it. At that time, it became two mysterious organizations with the rise of Red Pavilion. Five years ago, there was a new wind Pavilion and cloud Pavilion in the world. Although Fengge and Yunge have a short time, they have developed rapidly. Some people connect the wind pavilion with the cloud Pavilion, the ink Pavilion and the Red Pavilion, which are called the four major pavilions in the world.

"There are seven treasures in the world," said the doggerel, which has been circulated all over the world. "There are seven treasures in the world. No one can boast of the two treasures. Everyone is afraid of the three treasures. The four treasure toads can also accompany the red flowers. The white flowers in the five treasures' poisonous places are white flowers. The six treasures' ink red moves. The seven treasures' money basket marries a poor man named Hua."

"Ink red movement, wind and cloud shock" said that the world's four pavilions, ink Pavilion ranked first, worthy of being the world's first cabinet. How mysterious is it? That is, it has been spread for a hundred years. People do not know the real name of Mr. Mo, but only know that the master of Mo Pavilion is known as Mr. mo. today, Mo Pavilion is even more mysterious, and the master of the pavilion is not known by the world, and even there is no news about it.

"Is the ink Pavilion really yours?" Cloud shallow moon wants to come here, pick eyebrows.

Rong Jing also picked eyebrows, "don't believe it?"

"Where is the place you are talking about? Is it far from here? " Yunqianyue thinks that if Rongjing, the ink Pavilion is really his, she is not disbelief, if something happens to this person, in fact, there is nothing strange.

"Not close." Yung King Road.

"What about the Ferris cliff?" Cloud shallow moon asks again.

"It's farther than the skyscraper." Yung King Road.

"Then you are not nonsense? Can I make another trip now? " Yunqianyue rolled her eyes, closed her eyes, thought and said, "I don't really want to know about the cloud palace. But I just want to know my parents. "

"Sooner or later, you'll find out!" Rong Jing pats the body of cloud shallow moon.

Yunqianyue thinks that sooner or later she will know. One day earlier, one day later. She yawned and was ready to go back to sleep. Thinking of Rongjing's carriage, if it's 300 Li, I should be able to return to the capital before midnight today.

Rong Jing leaned against the wall of the car and slowly closed his eyes.

At this time, the curtain was suddenly lifted from the outside, a crash, pulled into a cool wind.

Cloud shallow moon closed eyes immediately opened, saw the teenager sitting on the horse, one hand pulling the curtain, is looking at her and Rong Jing inquisitively. She blinked and asked, "what are you doing? Would you like to take a carriage, too

"I want to see what you're doing!" The boy fell down again.

Cloud shallow moon mouth corner to draw, looking at the curtain shaking, thinking that he still thought she and Rongjing are doing things not suitable for children? She looked up to see Rongjing. She saw that the man didn't even lift her eyelids. She also closed her eyes, which was funny.

When the carriage came to the north gate, the string song lowered its voice and said, "the prince, the seven princes are waiting at the north gate!"

"Well!" Rong Jing answered lightly.

At this time, the curtain outside was pulled away from the outside again. The young man looked at the cloud and said, "Hey, yunqianyue, why do you like Rongjing and don't like night and nature? Night Tianyi is also very beautiful. "

Cloud shallow month this time learn to be obedient, close eyes not open, light way: "no why, like a person is like. If you don't like a person, you just don't like it. It's decided by the people's heart, it's not controlled by anyone! "

The young man looked at her with some ignorance.

Yunqianyue no longer talks, thinking about her relationship with Ye Tianyi. She found that he had a close relationship with the blue family three years ago on Ferris cliff. Since then is not the stranger's stranger! She can't ask what ye Tianyi is like, but she won't be soft.

"You're right! Like a person is like it The boy nodded and put down the curtain.

The curtain was not properly placed, revealing a gap.

Yunqianyue opened her eyes and saw the carriage coming to the north gate along the gap. Night Tianyi's carriage stopped at the north gate. At this time, the curtain of the carriage was lifted and ye Tianyi was sitting in the car. Beside Ye Tianyi, there is a woman in blue clothes. Although the woman is covered with a veil, according to her figure, she can also be seen as blue ripples. A gust of wind blows, blue Yi's veil is lifted a corner by the wind, revealing her snow-white neck, there is a red mark on the neck. She was stunned at the red mark."King Shizi returns to Beijing today?" The voice of night Tianyi comes from the car and looks at the closed curtain. You can vaguely see a purple skirt along the gap of the curtain. With his eyes closed, he could recognize the dress.

"Good! It's the same way as the seventh prince! " Rongjing closed his eyes.

"Has king Shizi received the princess of Donghai Ye Tianyi raises eyebrows.

"The princess of Donghai will enter Beijing soon. The seventh prince does not have to worry about it. " The scenery looks pale.

"King Shizi should act with discretion." Ye Tianyi takes back her sight, looks at the boy sitting beside the Rongjing carriage, puts down the curtain, and tells the coachman, "set off!"

The coachman immediately waved his whip and the carriage of night Tianyi left the city first.

Yunqianyue thinks about the source of the red mark on Lanyi's neck. She remembers seeing Rongjing yesterday, Rongjing points Lanyi to nanlingrui. Later, she was so tired that she went to sleep and didn't know what happened. She frowned and half ring, raised her head and asked Rongjing, "did nanlingrui do anything to Lanyi?"

"It should be!" Rongjing's eyes are still closed.

"What is supposed to be? Is it, or is it not? " Cloud shallow month stretch out a push to allow a scene, some anxious, "she is the unmarried person of wind Ember. Even if he is my brother, he can't fool around with LAN Yi. "

"My brother has worked hard to follow you. It's nothing for me to comfort him." Rong Jing's words fall, see cloud shallow moon to him stare, he smile, some teasing, "yesterday you tired into that way, I want to give you, you do not want. You think your brother is more tired than you are, don't you? What can he do to LAN Yi? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!