The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 783

"Is there such a delicate technique of transfiguration? I can't see it. It's just two people. " The young man took a look at the painting scroll, put it away again, snorted, looked at Yun Qianyue with a critical eye and said: "you are clearly a woman. You are a woman everywhere. You are soft and weak, delicate and soft. Where is that person's duty and heroism? Don't insult that man

Cloud shallow month first also felt to hide good, now said out did not expect that people do not believe, she is a little powerless.

"Don't you let me find him just because you like him?" The young man looked at Yun Qianyue and saw that she had a bitter face. He believed the guess in his heart and said to Rongjing: "do you know that Yun Qianyue also likes that person, and if she is afraid that she will see that person with extraordinary heroism, she will throw her arms to that person instead? So I can't see that person because I can't see him? "

Rongjing did not speak.

"I am not deceived by you! If you don't tell me, I'll find him sooner or later and know who he is one day! " The young man suddenly jumped out of the carriage and saw that the boy was leading two horses. He stepped forward, seized a horse's reins, turned over and mounted the horse, and said to the two people, "now I'll follow you to the capital. I'll look at you, and I'll see him."

Cloud shallow moon helplessly looks at the youth, slants the head to look at the Rong Jing.

Rong Jing ignores the youth and takes the hand of cloud shallow moon to get on the carriage. The curtain fell down to cover their figure. He told the helpless string song, "set off, return to Beijing!"

"Yes, Prince!" String song immediately sat in front of the car, a whip, the carriage went up.

The young man followed the carriage with a straight waist, beautiful clothes and a beautiful face, which attracted people to and fro in the street in the early morning.

In the car, yunqianyue holds Rongjing's arm and sits beside him. She leans half of her body in his arms. She is very upset and asks in a low voice, "what should I do?"

"Deal with your romantic debts by yourself!" Rongjing snorted.

"But you know who he is and dare not offend him. What should I do?" The cloud is shallow and the moon is glaring.

Rong Jing deeply looks at the cloud shallow moon, a pair of Phoenix eyes are quiet.

Cloud shallow moon is seen by him scalp tingle, frown way, "I also did not mean! I was going out of the city with Hualuo that morning. How could I know that he ran out of the city and said that he should be responsible for the spring breeze with me all night. I was amused for a moment, and ye Tianyi chased after the north gate. I was afraid that he would fall into the hands of Ye Tianyi, so I took him out of the city and gave it to you. How could I know that I was in debt with peach blossom? "

"Are you still aggrieved?" Rong Jing picked her eyebrows.

"Not wronged, innocent! I'm innocent. " Yunqianyue emphasizes her innocence. She felt really innocent.

"I didn't know you were good at blocking peach blossom for me!" Rong Jing reached out and touched the face of the cloud and the moon, and suddenly a smile, "it's not bad!"

"Not bad? Is it trouble! It's still a big problem! " The moon is a little gloomy. She didn't want to help Rongjing block peach blossom like this. A watched flower never blooms, but an untended willow grows.

"In this way, the capital is busy again!" Rongjing carelessly spat out a sentence, "you are more troublesome than I am!"

Cloud shallow moon corner of the mouth smoked, do not agree. The boy followed them back to Beijing. It is estimated that it will be very busy after returning to Beijing. Especially when the teenagers are looking for her. She could imagine that the temperament of a teenager would turn upside down. Indeed, as Rong Jing said, she was more troublesome than he was. It's better to look at her than to look at her. But thinking of the pure eyes of teenagers, some worry, "is this not good? He is still a teenager! In case he treats me... "

Rong Jing glanced at her, and the moon was silent immediately.

"The people of Donghai, whether men or women, can not be underestimated! If you underestimate him, you are wrong! " Rong Jing reached out and patted the head of Yun Qianyue, "I didn't sleep enough, then I went to sleep!"

Cloud shallow moon body soft down, lie down the body, the head pillow in the Rong Jing leg. Considering that the mixin Pavilion on the motianya did not include the information about Donghai Kingdom, and the old emperor searched all over the world, but she couldn't find her mother's whereabouts. Does that mean that her mother was in Donghai? I'm too familiar with Donghai, so I don't need to include it. And Mi Xin Pavilion did not include information about the cloud palace. She married into the cloud palace, the cloud palace is too familiar, so do not include. Does this mean that donghaiguo and yunwangfu have a certain connection with her mother, and they don't have the same characteristics in this matter. In addition, her father came and went without trace. Was he in Donghai?

So, can the boy riding the carriage be a breakthrough?

"No sleep?" Rong Jing sees cloud shallow moon lying on his leg, looking at the roof of the car, dazed, pick eyebrows.

"Rongjing, you said that although my mother was born in Nanliang, did she live in Donghai. The old man who took his mother away was from Donghai country? " Cloud shallow moon looks up at Rong Jing and asks in a low voice.

"Maybe!" Rongjing spits out two words.

"Do you think my mother is still alive?" Cloud shallow moon asks again.


"When I was on the skyscraper cliff, my brother wanted to see the secret of King Rong's mansion, but I didn't agree. I didn't see it myself. " Cloud shallow moon looking at the scene, again.Rong Jing raised his eyebrows and seemed to know, with a smile, "what do you want to know? I can tell you, you don't have to waste your eyes. "

"I want to know about the secret of the cloud palace, but there is no record on the skyscraper. Why don't you tell me? " Cloud light moon road.

"I don't know the secret of the cloud palace." Rong Jing shakes his head.

Cloud shallow moon sighs, no longer speak.

"But..." Rong Jing turned his voice and looked at the cloud and said, "I know there is a place that also contains the secrets of the world. A place different from the skyscraper cliff in the Red Pavilion may have some secrets about the cloud palace. "

"Really?" Cloud shallow moon immediately opens big eyes, "where?"

"Ink Pavilion." Yung King Road.

"Ink red movement, the shock of the ink pavilion?" Cloud shallow moon pick eyebrows.

"Or who do you think it is?" Rong Jing looks at her with a smile.

"Is the ink Pavilion yours?" The cloud is shallow and the moon is high.

"I can't tell you what you're looking at

What is it! Cloud shallow moon flat mouth, ink Pavilion, Red Pavilion, the world's two big Pavilion. It is said that it is mysterious, but the ink Pavilion is more mysterious than the Red Pavilion, which was established a hundred years ago. It is said that there was once a childe who was more elegant than the first emperor and the four kings. However, he did not like to enter the imperial court and love the lake and lake. People are like ink, but the dragon can't see the end. After the establishment of Mo Pavilion, it was named after its name.

The ink Pavilion is extremely mysterious. It is said that the original emperor finally deterred the ten aristocratic families from seclusion. Since then, the world is at peace. But I don't want to be born a ink Pavilion. Everyone in the world knows that there is an organization like Mo Pavilion, but no one knows the specific location of Mo Pavilion and the people in it. The first emperor had no way to break up the organization. , the fastest update of the webnovel!