The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 782

"Dong" a heavy ring, string song's head hit the stone at the door, than the cloud shallow moon planted heavier.

The young man suddenly opened his eyes when he heard the speech. He couldn't believe it and pointed to her, "you You say you like him, too? "

After the light of the cloud and the moon, she saw that Rongjing was still that pair of things that had already hung up. She nodded helplessly, "yes, I I like him, too. " Then she added, "well I love it. " She should like her own! That's right!

"You How can you like him? " The young man rose to his feet. His half bent body now straightened up. He forgot that it was on the carriage, which had a shed on it. He hit his head on the shed with a thump. He was in pain and his pretty face twisted.

Cloud shallow month looks at the youth to cover the head, feels the head faintly sends the ache, ache to the brain benevolence.

"You Don't like him The young man rubbed his forehead and glared at the moon.

The cloud shallow month thinks that she really does not mean to destroy the young young soul, it is a mistake. She looked at the boy's round, vicious eyes and nodded, "OK! I don't like him. "

When the boy was happy, he began to face up again! Don't lie to me

"Don't lie to you." Cloud shallow moon quite a little bit weak nod. Thinking of just a few days ago, she really provoked peach blossom! I shouldn't! What does this man like about her?

"Well, I think you are lying to me! If you look like this, who believes you have a ghost The young man took a hard look at yunqianyue, and suddenly remembered Rongjing. He looked at Rongjing and saw Rongjing standing by coldly. He looked at xiangyunqianyue. Seeing her annoyed situation, he immediately cried out, "yunqianyue, don't you like Rongjing? Why do you still think about him? "

"So you know I'm a cloud moon!" The moon was relieved.

"Nonsense!" The young man gave Yun Qianyue a look, which looked at her like an idiot. He disdained her and said, "miss Qianyue of the cloud palace and Jing Shizi of the Rong palace love each other very much. There are few people in the world who don't know. I don't feel dizzy. I know you naturally. "

"Good! I am the cloud shallow moon, you You can remember! Don't make a mistake The moon was relieved again.

The young man looked at her inexplicably, "I said that my eyes have not flowed, how can I get you wrong? Is it hard to use your brain He didn't wait for the reply from Yun Xiaoyue. He said to Rongjing, "are you not good at using your brain? How did you find such a stupid woman? When I say a word, she falls down? "

The cloud shallow moon mouth corner smoked, some have no language. She was scared by him! Doesn't he know?

Rong Jing did not speak, looking at the cloud shallow moon annoyed look, eyes finally revealed a smile, nodded, "well, her brain is not very good."

"Well, I don't think you're as good at it as she is. The bodyguard I'm looking for doesn't work well The young man glanced at the string song which was not up on the ground and hummed to Rongjing.

Xiange was in a cold sweat, thinking that it was no wonder that the son of heaven would look at Miss Xiaoyue everywhere. She is really good at provoking peach blossom! And it's a tough guy. He was also the first to meet the man who dared to split the carriage. What's more, he is in charge of taking care of this young man these days. He wants to see Miss shallow moon. He feels that he has been torn down by him.

"Well, you're right. We don't have a good brain, just your brain." Rong Jing also does not refute, agree to nod, to cloud shallow moon stretch out a hand, voice is gentle, "get up!"

Cloud shallow moon hand to Rong Jing, Rong Jing slightly forced, her body was pulled up.

"Does it hurt?" Rong Jing Ruyu's hand caresses the forehead of cloud shallow moon.

Cloud shallow moon "hiss" a, this just feels painful, she is plaintively staring at a vision, "you don't know to hold me?"

"I thought you liked to fall." Rong Jing looks innocent.

Does anyone like falling? Cloud shallow month wants to beat him a punch, but oneself is in the first place, she is a little angry, no longer speak.

Rong Jing gently presses Yun Qianyue's forehead. His fingers seem to be able to cure the pain. The cool feeling of his fingers is blooming in the bumping place. Yunqianyue's head doesn't hurt for a moment, and the protruding bag also subsides.

"Good craftsmanship!" The cloud shallow moon praised Rong Jing.

Let Jing put down his hand, looked at the carriage, and said to the boy who looked at them: "you should go now!"

"Go?" The boy's eyebrows were raised. See Rong Jing does not speak, just look at him faintly, he shakes his head, "why should I go? Don't go As a result, he simply sat in the car and could not walk.

"Are you still following us back to Beijing?" Rongjing looks at him.

The boy frowned and shook his head, "to the capital? No

Rong Jing seemed to sigh and said to the moon, "it seems that we are going to ride a horse!"

Cloud shallow month looks at the youth, that posture is to kill also not to get off! She nodded, "OK! Keep on riding Anyway, she has traveled thousands of miles back and forth these days, and she doesn't care about the 300 Li distance from the Cloud City to the capital city."String song, bring the horse!" Rong Jing turns back to command the string song.

Xiange had already kneaded his forehead and stood up from the ground. His head was knocked with a big bag, which was very eye-catching. With his handsome face, it affected the aesthetic feeling. He nodded and waved to the boy standing at the door, who immediately ran to lead the horse.

Cloud shallow moon looked at the string song, some funny, see no flowers at the door of the figure, thinking that flowers must be know that the youth looking for him, he hid. Otherwise, if he had been seen by a young man, he would have been in trouble ever since. Fortunately, flowers are smart.

"No! You are not allowed to go The boy immediately patted the pavement.

Rong Jing ignores the youth, and the moon does not speak.

"I won't let you go until you tell me who that man is." Young people say again.

Rong Jing suddenly pushed the cloud shallow moon to the young man and said to him, "I tell you, the person you are looking for is her."

Cloud shallow hang down a head, like a child who did wrong thing, nodded, "the person you are looking for is me!"

The young man first glared at me, and then he said, "I don't believe it. I don't want to take a woman to fool me!"

Cloud shallow month raises a head, serious way: "you are looking for that person is really me, I wear men's clothing only."

When the young man was stunned, he looked at the moon carefully. Suddenly, he took out the portrait and took a closer look at it. Then he compared one painting with another and said, "don't fool me! Do you think you are a fool? "

Cloud shallow moon speechless, patiently said: "that's because I changed my face! Shall I change a dress for you , the fastest update of the webnovel!