The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 781

"What are you laughing at?" The young man raised his eyebrows to the cloud and the moon. He was beautiful, even with his eyebrows raised.

Cloud shallow moon smiles at him not to speak. Who dares to chop Rongjing's carriage with a big ax? Or a carriage made of agarwood? This teenager is the first. What's more, this posture is not funny? She found that two encounters with the teenager made her happy.

"So funny?" The young man's face, staring at the cloud shallow moon.

Yun Xiaoyue nodded honestly, which was really funny. She thought it would be funny for everyone, not just her. This man is definitely a treasure.

"Who are you?" Young up and down looking at cloud shallow moon, see her just smile do not speak, he picked a good-looking eyebrow.

"Guess!" Cloud shallow moon suddenly began to joke.

The young man saw Yun Qianyue tugging Rongjing's arm, and they were very close to each other. Rongjing's face did not show that he was not a stranger. On the contrary, his face and eyes toward this woman were warmer than others. There was a flash in his eyes, and his good-looking eyebrows were raised. He snorted, "I don't guess."

Cloud light moon blink eyes, smile on the face slightly thick.

"But if you help me find someone and tell me his name. I'll guess who you are. " The young man suddenly changed his voice and said again.

"Oh? Who are you looking for? " Yunqianyue is really interested.

"This man!" The young man suddenly took out a picture from his arms and threw it to Yun Xiaoyue.

Yunqianyue releases Rongjing's arm, reaches out to take the picture and opens it. When she sees the hands shaking on the scroll, she almost throws it away. She raised her eyelids and looked at the teenager in a strange tone, "what do you want him to do?"

"What do you want me to do with him? Tell me if you know him or not, just what his name is Youth road.

Cloud shallow moon looks to Rong Jing, Rong Jing does not look at her, a pair of irrelevant appearance. She finally understood why Rongjing had to change her into a woman's dress. There was still a problem waiting for her. She lowered her eyelashes and shook her head, "I don't know him."

The corners of his mouth are slightly raised, and the arc is very shallow.

"You don't really know him?" The young man looked at the cloud and the moon.

Cloud shallow moon shakes his head, very decisive, "really do not know."

"I knew you didn't know him!" Seeing that Yun Qianyue looks serious, he reaches out and grabs the picture in Yun's hand. He takes it back to his hands. He puts it into his arms and makes a posture of chopping and chopping the carriage, threatening Rongjing, "Rongjing, I know who the man is and what his name is. Tell me quickly. If you don't tell me, I will chop your carriage today 。”

"Chop Rongjing spits out two words.

The young man swung his axe and chopped down the carriage.

Rongjing did not move and let him chop. Yun Qianyue took a look at Rongjing and then at the young man. He saw that the boy was serious about chopping. Obviously, the boy also knew martial arts. With such an axe, the valuable horse would surely be smashed. When the axe was about to fall on the carriage board, he immediately took a step forward to stop the young man.

The young man used a lot of strength, but his martial arts were obviously not as good as Yun Qianyue. He was so angry that he shook his body. He held an ax and held the car wall to stare at Yun Qianyue. "What are you doing?"

"Do you know this is a carriage made of Agave wood? It's worth a million dollars. " Cloud shallow moon looks at the youth.

"I don't care what kind of carriage he made. If he doesn't tell me who the man is, I'll chop it." The boy's neck is horizontal.

Yunqianyue is speechless, and looks at Rongjing. Rongjing glances at her. The look makes her sweat on her forehead. She is shocked and asks the teenager, "what do you want to do with him?"

"It's up to you!" The young man raised his axe and threatened Rongjing, "Rongjing, I'll give you another chance! If you don't say so, I'll have to chop the carriage today. "

Rong Jing looked at the young man lightly. Although he didn't speak, his attitude could be seen by anyone, that was to let him be casual.

The young man was angry, gritted his teeth and raised his axe.

Cloud shallow month stepped forward again, stretched out his hand to grasp the axe in the young man's hand, and said to him, "if you split the carriage, he won't say, isn't it useless?"

"Then tell me what to do?" The youth looks at the cloud shallow moon.

Cloud shallow moon some headache, think how to do? Can't she change back to men's clothes now, tell her that's the person he's looking for? Yu Guang sweeps to see Rong Jing, the eye warning, she thinks she dares to change back, his eyes can kill her. She managed to squeeze out a smile and asked tentatively, "what do you want to do with him? I'll see if I can Help you find it. "

"If I tell you, can you really help me find it?" The young man raised his eyebrows and looked at the moon.

"Well, basically." Cloud shallow moon nods.

"Good! I'll tell you, I'm looking for him Find him... " The young man said, his face suddenly turned red. Under the questioning eyes of yunqianyue, he threw an axe and lowered his head. He said, "I I like him

Cloud shallow moon a stagger to the ground.Rong Jing took a look at the cloud, and did not reach out to help, watching her fall to the ground. There was a slight thump. She hit the wheels of the car hard on her forehead.

Cloud shallow moon where to care for pain, sitting on the ground, not too far away.

"Well, what's the matter with you?" The youth raised his head to look at the cloud shallow moon, a beautiful peerless small face suffused with the light of crimson halo.

Yunqianyue looked back, looked at the young man's red face, a pair of beautiful big eyes and the scroll of half a picture in his arms. He opened his mouth and said, "I I like him, too

Her words fell, and the string song fell to the ground. , the fastest update of the webnovel!