The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 780

"Except for you, all women in the world are the same in my eyes. Do you think she is beautiful?" Rong Jing also raised eyebrows, smiling rather than laughing.

Cloud shallow month is satisfied, overflow sweet in the heart, think of south Ling Rui said to her reserved, she coughed gently, pretending to be reserved and asked: "where is she now?"

Rong Jing took a deep look at the cloud and the moon without answering.

Yunqianyue frowned at Rongjing and waited for a while. She didn't see his answer. She didn't want to ask again. Seeing Rongjing dressed her in purple Ruan Yanluo's dress, her relaxed eyebrows frowned and frowned, "don't you want to go back to the city? Are you going to let me go back dressed like this? As long as you show up, everyone knows me. What should I do with the man in the moon Pavilion of the cloud palace? "

"Let him go back to the house of filial piety!" Yung King Road.

Cloud shallow moon is funny, reach out to block Rong Jing's hand, "wear men's clothing is light, don't wear this. I'll change it back when I get back to Beijing! "

"No way!" Rongjing has a tough attitude.

"If you don't hold me, you'll do it!" Yunqianyue remembered that Rongjing didn't want to hold a man last night. He pushed his hand aside and raised his eyebrows and said, "do you want to hold me in front of the little princess of Donghai? How can we make people feel better? "

"How could she be the best?" Rong Jing seems to be angry to say a word, tough to take away cloud shallow moon's hand, put clothes on her body.

Cloud shallow moon picks eyebrow, looks at Rong Jing strangely, "this is how? Did the little princess of Donghai really offend you? If you don't marry? How do you look like that

Rong Jing snorted and did not speak.

"Rongjing! You'd better make it clear! " Cloud light moon holds Rongjing's hand to dress her. If so, it would be troublesome! From now on, she has to work hard to get rid of her rival.

"Say what? Be honest, or I'll point your acupoints. " The tone of Rongjing is not good.

"Are you, Rong Rong?" The cloud shallow moon board raises a face, "mention East China Sea that little princess, you just look like this. It's hard for me not to believe that you're in love again! "

"Cloud light moon, do you really let me point your acupoints?" Rong Jing is also flat face, seems to have thin anger and depression.

Cloud shallow moon frown to look at him, "then you suddenly smoke what crazy?"? I'm not talking to you! I wear women's clothes and men's clothes. In order not to cause trouble and convenience, just wear men's clothes. What do you and I insist on? "

"There is a man who is more troublesome than me. Men and women do not care. " Rong Jing glanced at the cloud, and dressed her.

"Who is that man?" Yunqianyue feels that Rongjing's temper is a little puzzling.

"Who else but you!" Rong Jing gave a rare look at the cloud and the moon.

"Me?" Cloud shallow month opens big eyes, stretch out a hand to point at oneself, some be at a loss, "when can I make peach blossom? You don't care about men or women? Men are about the same. When did I mess with women? I don't know. "

Rong Jing snorted, ignoring the cloud and the moon.

Yunqianyue looks at Rongjing for half a sound. He ignores her and even doesn't give her a look. She touches her nose and doesn't speak any more. She asks Rongjing to dress her. She thought about this matter can be troublesome, Rongjing seems really angry.

After dressing for yunxiaoyue, Rongjing gets out of bed to clean her face.

Cloud shallow month sits on the bed to think, after half ring, suddenly suddenly suddenly realized, "Oh, are you talking about Li Niang? Li Niang and I are actually... "

"And a lady?" Rongjing suddenly turned back and narrowed his eyes.

Cloud shallow moon voice suddenly stopped, some Leng Leng looking at Rong Jing. Isn't he talking about Li Niang?

"Cloud light moon, can you do something that makes me want to be more angry?" Rongjing grinds his teeth. The tone was gnashing.

Yunqianyue pulled the corners of her mouth rigidly. Seeing that Rongjing's face was not good, she immediately got out of bed, two steps to Rongjing's side, stretched out her arms around his waist, and said with a smile, "you won't be jealous?"

Rongjing looked at her with a gloomy face.

"Don't worry, I'm not interested in women!" Cloud shallow month reaches out to pat Rong Jing's waist, see his eyes squint, she immediately promised, "I'm not interested in men." Words down, see Rong Jing's eyes and squint, she immediately added, "in addition to you."

Rongjing slowly takes back his sight, does not look at her, cleans his face slowly, and in a moment, cleans his face with Juan PA, which is elegant.

Cloud shallow moon peeked at the scene, curled his mouth, turned his eyelids, released his hands, put his hands into the basin, and said to him, "I want to wash, you wash me."

Rongjing put down Juan PA, ignored her and went to the mirror.

Yunqianyue reached out to grab him, but her hands were already water. She put them back in the basin and rubbed them together. Just rubbed twice, Rongjing turned around and grabbed her hand. The corners of her mouth were slightly raised and she began to laugh happily.

Two people tidy up, string song on the early meal, cloud shallow moon gobble up, content scene constantly help forehead, cloud shallow moon seems to be missing. A meal ended with Rongjing eating very little and yunqianyue eating too much.

After dinner, they went out of the room and the carriage stopped at the door of the other courtyard.

Cloud shallow month looked at this other courtyard, looked at it carefully, and asked Rong Jing, "is this your other courtyard in Cloud City?""Well!" Rongjing nodded.

"It's a natural nobleman who knows how to enjoy it everywhere." The cloud is shallow and the moon is curling its lips.

"The Tianzi No.1 room in zuixiang building is worth thousands of dollars only if it is built." Rong Jing glanced at the angry face of yunxiaoyue.

The indignant look on Yun Qianyue's face immediately faded. She grabbed Rongjing's arm and held it in her arms. She said with a smile: "this shows that we are both born to be a pair and will enjoy it."

Rong Jing looked at her with a smile. The sun was not strong in the morning, emitting a golden light, and the woman's face was like a flower. Let his face can not help but be soft, eyes light is also warm like spring water, a warm again warm.

When they came to the car, they saw Xiange looking at Rongjing helplessly.

Rong Jing picked her eyebrows, glanced at the carriage and did not speak.

Yunqianyue feels that the expression of string song is a little rare. Her eyes fall on the carriage and feel the breath of people inside. She smiles and looks at Rongjing, waiting for him to explain.

"Rongjing! You tell me who that man is! If you don't tell me today, I'll smash your car! " The curtain inside the carriage was suddenly lifted up. A young man was making a chopping posture with a big ax. Maliciously looking at the outside, when he saw the cloud light moon around Rongjing, his face suddenly stopped and picked his eyebrows, "who is this little beauty?"

Yunqianyue looked at the boy, and was shocked for a moment. She suddenly remembered that she was in a hurry to leave the city a few days ago. A young man in rags with a vague face blocked her at the gate of the city and insisted that she should be responsible. Later she took him out of the city and threw him into Rongjing's carriage. Now this young man is dressed in beautiful clothes and has a beautiful face. The breath on her body was also clean, which was quite different from that young man in rags that day, but she still recognized it as the same one at a glance. She picked her eyebrows and looked at his ferocious look and the posture of splitting the car. Suddenly, she was a little funny, but she couldn't help laughing out with a chuckle. , the fastest update of the webnovel!