The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 779

Ye Qian suddenly pursed her lips.

Rong Jing looked at her faintly.

"It's a tough game now, but who can expect the future? Perhaps it is in this tough game that such a small piece of chess pieces in southern Xinjiang can play an unexpected role. " Ye Qian's eyes tenaciously looked at Rong Jing, "Jing Shizi should not be the talent in front of you. Now my conditions are useless, but I can't say for sure later. Maybe that's what you need. "

Rong Jing suddenly laughed, "Princess Ye is right."

Ye Qian looks tense.

"Well, I'll ask Princess ye to grant me a condition! As for what this condition is, it depends on the value of Southern Xinjiang and Princess Ye. I hope that Princess ye and Nanjiang can walk out of this difficult chessboard and not let me down Rong Jing said, no longer looking at Ye Qian, gently waved, Yun Qianyue's package was in his hand, he took out the jade seal and threw it out of the window.

Ye Qian, a pine on her face, reaches out to take the jade seal.

Rong Jing threw a white jade bottle to Ye Qian, and said faintly, "if you take one pill every ten days, the life span of the king of Southern Xinjiang for half a year should be preserved."

Thank you very much Ye Qian reached for the white jade bottle, and her hand was shaking.

Rongjing stopped talking and turned to the bed.

Ye Qian takes a look at the house and sees that the moon is still sleeping, as if she didn't know she was coming. She took back her sight, stopped staying, and floated out of the courtyard.

Rongjing sits back in front of the bed again and looks at the cloud light moon. Ruyu's hand gently rubs on her face, and her fingertips depict her eyebrows and eyes, which are extremely gentle and meticulous.

"Rongjing, you gave the jade seal that I had laboriously seized to that woman without my consent." Cloud light moon lazily opened Rongjing's hand, closed eyes, tired, soft tone.

"Is not yours mine?" Rongjing holds Yun Qianyue's hand, and Ruyu's hands wrap her small hands. He has known for a long time that her hands are like catkin, soft and smooth, but every time he touches her, he still feels excited.

Cloud shallow moon hum a, be regarded as acquiescence this sentence.

Rongjing looked at the cloud and the moon. He leaned down and put his face close to her face. The skin on her face was also warm and smooth. He rubbed it gently and said in a soft voice: "if you don't bother us to do something else!"

"Sleepy!" Cloud shallow moon spits out a word.

"Or you can do something else before you sleep." The temptation of scenery.

"No Cloud shallow moon shakes her head, the voice is extremely low, seems to be going to be able to sleep.

"Don't you always want to do something? What if I give it to you now? " Rongjing continues to seduce.

"Not so much." Cloud shallow moon still shakes his head, seems to be barely holding the spirit, spit out a word before the consciousness flies, and goes to sleep again.

Rong Jing looks at the cloud light moon, her even breath sound spreads out, he is some decadent, facial expression some depression. But looking at her tired face, the depression disappeared. He thought that he would rather tired her like this, and he would also like to see her come to him and sleep in his arms. Even if he just fell asleep and ignored him, he felt that it was better than not seeing her.

"Rongjing, you are really poisoned, but you are very happy." Rongjing murmured a word, and suddenly a smile, Ruyu's hand and Yun Qianyue's five fingers intertwined, clasping each of her slender knuckles into a ring. He lay down, held her in his arms, and looked at her sleeping without blinking.

The courtyard is quiet.

At dawn, a man came in from the courtyard. The man was dressed in black robes and had a beautiful appearance. However, because of the indifference on his face, he added three points to his beauty and resisted the coldness from thousands of miles. Although it is beautiful, it is also hard to get close to.

"Mr. cloud!" Xiange looked at the visitor and wanted to say something about yunshizi, but remembered that he was no longer the son of the earth, so he changed his mouth.

Cloud evening cold nods, asks to string song, "the moon son?"

String song looked into the room and replied, "Miss shallow moon is resting."

Cloud evening cold along the string song line of sight to see the main house, he is about three feet away from the main room, the curtain of the main room is not covered, you can see the shadow of people lying on the big bed in the room. Although across the curtain, but the person inside also has a faint outline, can let him see who it is. Instead of talking, he looked at the main room.

String song see cloud evening cold do not speak, also no longer speak. With his martial arts, he naturally knew who was coming from the courtyard and who he was. He didn't need to report.

After a moment, the cold cloud suddenly turned away.

"Isn't Mr. Yun coming to say goodbye to him? Is that how I left? " Rongjing suddenly opened his mouth.

"Since she is sleeping, there is no need to say goodbye! I hope King Shizi will not do anything to hurt my sister. " It's cold at dusk.

Rong Jing's lips were slightly hooked, and did not answer.

Although cloud Twilight cold also knew this to be superfluous, but he just couldn't help saying it. He didn't reply when he saw Rongjing. He didn't stay any longer and walked away from the courtyard.

Cloud evening cold just left, cloud shallow moon closed eyes opened, she looked out of the window, some reluctant.

"Now that you're awake, why don't you talk and pretend to be asleep?" Rong Jing looks back at the cloud and the moon.Cloud shallow moon sighs, "still want to say what words? See you off again? Affectation! Go away, not to the ends of the earth. Maybe in a few months, I went to Nanjiang on the spur of the moment, or Nanliang, and could not see him? To say more is just to add to the sadness. "

Rong Jing stretched out his hand and nodded the forehead of the moon, and said with a smile, "go out for a trip to the skyscraper cliff, I've got a long skill!"

The cloud shallow month mouth Cape pulls open, the tone is somewhat proud, "that certainly."

"Awake?" Rongjing looks at her.

"Well, not so much." Cloud shallow moon yawned, sleep this little sleep, although no where, but still calculate fatigue.

"Now that we wake up, what shall we do?" Rong Jing looks at her, her eyes will be absorbed into the cloud shallow moon.

The moon rolled her eyes. Her bones are bumped by the horse's back crisp, the whole body aches, what else can she do? Even if she could, she would not get out of bed for ten and a half days. This man Absolutely intentional!

With a low smile, Rongjing sat up and stretched out his hand to pull up the moon and dress her.

"When will you leave for Beijing? Shall I go back first, or will you go back with me? " Cloud shallow moon languidly allows the scene to pull up, asked.

"After breakfast, set off. With you. " Yung King Road.

"What about the princess of Donghai? Did you get it? "

Rong Jing's long eyelashes blinked and did not answer.

Cloud shallow moon squint at the scene, pick eyebrows, "huh?"

"I have received it!" Yung King Road.

"What's called it?" Cloud shallow moon eyebrows pick high, looking at the scene, smile asked, "is she not very beautiful?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!