The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 778

Xiange drove the carriage around the main street, came to a quiet street and stopped in front of a courtyard door. The courtyard door opened from inside, and a boy stood respectfully on his side. Rongjing got out of the car with cloud in his arms and went straight to the main house.

After entering the main room, Rongjing puts yunqianyue on the bed. She turns over and sleeps unconscious.

Rongjing stood in front of the bed and looked at yunqianyue. He wanted to reach out and do something. It seemed that he couldn't bear it or hesitated. After a while, he finally reached out and patted Yun Qianyue's body and said in a soft voice, "first get up and have dinner, then go to sleep."

The moon is still and sleeps heavily.

Rong Jing's hand added two points of strength, but to the cloud shallow moon body can't help but reduce, reach out to pull her body up, the voice is gentle, "darling, eat first and then sleep, you run around day and night, never eat well, so sleeping on an empty stomach is not good for your body."

Although the moon is not deep enough to sleep in the ocean.

Rong Jing reached out and patted her face, and Yun Qianyue frowned. He immediately took away his hand, and she fell asleep again. He sighed helplessly and could only hold her.

"Shizi, will you bring the food prepared for Miss Xiaoyue?" The sound of string singing is outside the door.

"Bring a bowl of porridge." Yung King Road.

The string song answered and came in with a bowl of porridge. Seeing yunqianyue sleeping soundly against Rongjing, he was stunned for a moment. Seeing Rongjing stretched out his hand, he gave him the porridge. Seeing that Rongjing had no other orders, he turned and walked out of the door.

Rongjing holds the cloud and the moon in his arms, holding a bowl in one hand and stirring the porridge with a spoon in the other. The room is quiet, except for the even breathing sound of yunqianyue, which is the light sound of the spoon touching the bowl.

Half ring, Rong Jing scooped a spoon of porridge on the cloud shallow moon lips, warm voice way: "open mouth!"

Cloud shallow moon motionless, leaning against his arm, snoring deep sleep.

"If you don't open your mouth, I'll feed you. Maybe you can open your mouth to eat." Rong Jing looks at the face of the moon, which looks like a poem. Under the dim yellow light in the room, the face is very gentle.

The moon suddenly opened her mouth.

Rongjing looked at her with regret and put the spoon in her mouth. She swallowed unconsciously.

The curtain had not been lowered to cover the room, and the situation in the room could be seen clearly from the outside. Ye Qian came to see such a situation, a man will hold a woman in the arm, the woman's eyes do not open, languidly lean on the man's arm, the man gently scooped porridge, patiently fed her, spoon after spoon. It's a situation that people can't bear to interrupt.

And this man is Rongjing! In the world, the color of the snow is shining The scenery of the city. "Graceful and elegant, the princes are unparalleled." The scenery of the city. "The son of heaven, the prince of yagai." The scenery of the city.

And this woman is cloud shallow moon! The most unlike woman! She thought that not only did she think so in her heart, but also that most of the people in the world thought so. The lady in the cloud palace was the most unlike a woman.

After arranging the flowers to have a rest, Xiange has been guarding the door. When ye Qian comes, he sees that ye Qian has no action and only looks at the room. He looks at the room, but does not speak or act.

Rong Jing seems to have no idea Ye Qian is coming. He feeds a bowl of porridge to Yun Xiaoyue and pushes it gently. The empty bowl falls on the table not far away. He takes out Juan PA and gently tries the corners of his mouth for her. He puts her on the bed and lies down again. A series of movements are extremely gentle.

"What a blessing! Can get Jing Shizi to treat like this! " Ye Qian finally made a voice, with a strange tone.

"Is that why Princess Ye visited late at night Rongjing stretched out his hand and pulled the quilt to cover the cloud. He did not look out of the window. His gentle color did not change, but his tone was light.

"Of course not!" Ye Qian shakes her head.

"Princess ye may as well explain her intention." Rong Jing sits on the bed and does not move. His eyes are not separated from the face of the cloud and the moon. It seemed that he could not see enough. He could not imagine how he could bear not to be close to her during the ten years of cold poison torture. Ten years, more than 3000 days and nights. How can he stand it? Now it's only a few days, and I miss her deeply.

"There are many reasons for the explanation! 1、 The king of ten thousand curses, two, the jade seal of Southern Xinjiang, and three, my father's disease. " Ye Qian stood in front of the bed and did not come in.

"This seems to be all about Southern Xinjiang." Rong Jing light way.

"But about jingshizi, about cloud and moon. I have to come. " Ye Qiandao.

Rongjing suddenly smiles, reaches out his hand to brush his clothes and stands up. He goes to the bed and looks at Ye Qian. In a window and out of the window, his smile is so light, which is in sharp contrast to the gentle face toward the cloud. It seems that his gentle face is covered above the clouds. Now what he lets people see is only the cloud, not the sky of the mirror above the cloud. He said to Ye Qian, "I thought that Princess ye had not come to me for such a long time, and she had not set foot in the palace of King Yun even when she left the capital. She did not mention the king of ten thousand curses. I thought that Princess Ye didn't need the king of ten thousand incantations, nor the king of ten thousand mantras. "

"Naturally, but the king of ten thousand incantations, I think it's safer to stay here for me than to take it back to southern Xinjiang." Ye Qian looks at Rong Jing and sees the light color on his face clearly. I suddenly remembered that there was a person who looked at her with gentle eyes. However, it was too long for her to remember only a vague outline. Now it seems that she can't remember who that person was."So it is!" With a faint smile, Rong Jing seemed to have expected it, but it seemed that he was suddenly surprised. The expression on his face made it impossible to know what he was thinking.

"The king of ten thousand mantras, I will take it back one day. I have come to take back the jade seal from southern Xinjiang and ask King Shizi to give me a medicine." Ye Qian looks at the light expression on Rongjing's face, or as long as it is not facing the cloud and the moon, it does not matter. This expression is always on his face. She wants to make detours with such people, but she can't, so she comes to the point and explains her intention.

"Oh?" Rong Jing raises her eyebrows.

"I used to use two conditions for yunqianyue to get the jade seal back for me. Although I set a time of one month, I didn't expect that yunqianyue was really capable. It took me a few days to get the jade seal back. Therefore, I don't care about the jade seal, I just come to take it. But I know that King Shizi has a medicine that can save my father's life for half a year. Only you can make a condition, as long as I can do it. No effort will be spared. " Ye Qian stares at Rong Jing's eyes. Even if he looks at half loud, he doesn't see that his eyes show half minute and indifferent mood.

"Princess ye, do you still have any conditions worthy of my offer?" Rong Jing threw out a sentence in a casual tone and continued: "Southern Xinjiang is now a tough game. Many people's eyes have seen the breakthrough in southern Xinjiang. The king of ten thousand mantras was lost in southern Xinjiang. The king of Southern Xinjiang was seriously ill in bed, and the jade seal of Southern Xinjiang was lost again. People in southern Xinjiang are now in fear. Only princess Ye was so calm. But how can one go back to heaven? I don't think Princess Ye has any conditions that will move me! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!