The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 773

Cloud shallow month rolled a white eye, thought south Ling Rui has not saved! LAN Yi has become his stimulant!

LAN Yi didn't seem to hear nanlingrui's words. He threw aside the arrow rain and floated down. He said to the cloud moon, "the lady of the cloud palace is worthy of her reputation."

Yunqianyue didn't expect LAN Yi to recognize her identity. She thought that since LAN Yi had set up an ambush here, it was dozens of miles away from the Cloud City, indicating that she was the first to spend the night in Tianyi? Did you know her identity from ye Tianyi's mouth, or did you infer it from yourself? She also floated and fell, sitting back on the horse, a faint smile, "the master of the blue family, the top ten hermits, is not a vain name!"

"Blue beauty! Didn't you hear me? " Nanlingrui sees that he is ignored by LAN Yi, and thinks about it for a few days. The woman who is confused by him in the second room of Tianzi has a long skill. She doesn't speak because she knows that she can't speak.

LAN Yi still ignores nanlingrui and says to yunqianyue: "miss Qianyue is good at stealing the jade seal quietly. I really admire it. "

"I'm flattered! Good to say Cloud shallow moon hook lips a smile.

"Hello, blue beauty, do you and I have the affection that I buy you a drink? How can you ignore me?" Nan Lingrui stares at LAN Yi.

LAN Yi still didn't hear it. He said to Yun Qianyue, "when I went to southern Xinjiang earlier, who sent me to have such martial arts? It turned out that she was the lady of the cloud palace."

"The injury of my hidden guard was given by the leader of the blue family, but he was also blamed for his own martial arts defeat." Cloud light moon dripping water, words down, tone has a bit of cunning color, "but fortunately I took back, thank you for the generous gift of the blue master."

"I stop here to see how capable she is of taking the jade seal of Southern Xinjiang from me. Second, I want to have a bet with Miss shallow moon. " Blue Yi did not seem to hear cloud shallow moon last that generous gift four sons. Go straight.

"Oh? This is soldiers before ceremony! Please say so Cloud shallow moon picks eyebrow to smile.

"I have a pack of ecstasy. Xiaohunxiang is a kind of San Gong San specially developed by the blue family to deal with people with martial arts. As long as I let it go, it's hard to resist the fragrance even if you use your power and stop breathing. " LAN Yi reached into her arms, took out a small cloth bag, raised her hand, held the cloth bag to Yun Qianyue and said, "you and I will compete in martial arts. You win. I will let you three leave. Let bygones be bygones. If you lose, keep him. " Words fall, she reaches out a guide Ling Rui.

Cloud shallow month suddenly a smile, looking at blue Yi way: "do you know who he is?"

"I don't care who he is. In my eyes, he is a dead man." LAN Yi glances at Nanling Rui, and her anger is obvious. The tone is a little hateful.

"Ah, blue beauty's mouth is so poisonous. I'm alive and kicking now. Don't talk nonsense. I haven't made love with you yet. How can I become a dead man? Be careful of your widowhood. " Nan Lingrui quit immediately.

"When I seal your mouth, I'll stop you from speaking." South Ling Rui digs south Ling Rui one eye, pick eyebrow to cloud shallow moon, "how?"

"Not so much!" Cloud shallow moon shakes his head, "I run all the way back, the blue family owner this bet is not reasonable!"

"Don't you believe you can beat me?" LAN Yi raised her eyebrows. "Isn't the lady of the cloud palace afraid of heaven and earth, and even the emperor's edict? Are there people who dare to destroy the emperor's sword in front of envoys of all countries and the civil and military personnel of the Manchu Dynasty? How come this small gamble dare not agree? If it's unreasonable, that's true, but what about that? Now I'm in a good position, and you don't. If you want to get through me, you have to bet. There is not so much fairness in the world. "

"Well said the master of the blue family After listening to this sentence, Yun Qianyue has a good impression on LAN Yi. At least, the woman's gambling is unreasonable and unreasonable. She smiles lightly, "it's not that she dare not agree, nor is it afraid that she can't win you, but..." In the middle of her speech, she suddenly stopped and saw LAN Yi raising eyebrows at her. She looked at LAN Yi's back and said with a smile, "I don't want to delay time, because I miss people!"

Blue Yi is stunned, did not expect cloud shallow moon is this reason.

"You have a conscience, you know you miss me!" LAN Yi suddenly heard a gentle and simple laughter behind him. Before the laughter fell, he saw the enchanting fragrance in his hands and flew back.

LAN Yi is surprised and suddenly turns back to look behind him. I don't know when there was one more person behind. He was wearing a white robe with crescent moon. He was thin and picturesque. He was looking behind her with a smile. His eyes were gentle and elegant. She immediately guessed his identity. This man is really easy to recognize. Few people in the world know him in this dress and appearance, but as long as he stands in front of the world, there are few people who do not recognize him. She raised her eyebrows. "King son of Rong's mansion?"

Rong Jing Ruyu's hand picked up the cloth bag in his hand and gave a faint smile to blue Yi, "this kind of thing harms people. It's better for the blue master to take it out less." Then he stopped looking at LAN Yi and said, "what are you still standing there doing? Not yet! Do you really want to bet her a game of martial arts

"Of course not Cloud shallow moon shakes his head, legs a clip horse abdomen, hit the horse to rush up the slope.

Nanlingrui and Hualuo immediately follow her.

Blue Yi's home is not blocked by blue Yi.Yunqianyue went uphill and came to Rongjing. Instead, she sat on the horse and looked at him. Rongjing also looked at her. They looked at each other. Although their eyes were quiet to outsiders, they were full of deep yearning. After a while, yunqianyue suddenly turned off his horse and walked two steps quickly, holding Rongjing's waist with both hands and closing her body to his arms Murmur soft way: "Rong Jing, I am starving to death, tired to death, you want to compensate me."

Rong Jing suddenly laughed, his hands around the slender waist of the cloud, soft voice with a thick smile, "OK, I'll make it up to you!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!