The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 772

Cang Pavilion looked at three people down the third floor, sitting body suddenly stood up and went to the window.

"Young Lord, do you want to stop these three people?" Suddenly a man, an old man, came down from the room and inquired about the Cang Pavilion.

"I can't stop it. Send someone to send a message to the master LAN. They said that they had already set out for LAN city Cang Ting looked out of the window and didn't look back. He saw that the three men left the zuixiang building within a moment, and then turned over and rode north. His voice was warm and shallow.

"Yes The old man droops his head.

"In addition, we ordered us to go back to Cang's house." Cangting road.

The old man was stunned and looked at the back of Cang Pavilion and asked in surprise, "little master, are you not here to help the blue master? According to the previous arrangement, you are going to follow these people behind you. When the time comes, you will fight back and forth with the blue master. Why do you want to go home now? "

"Since we can't, it's useless for us to go. It's better to go home. " Cangting road.

"There are only three of them. How can we not stop the three of them if we join hands with the blue family?" The old man frowned.

"It's true that they are three people, but since they entered the city yesterday, there are hundreds of people secretly protected by Qi city. It's still a secret guard. We don't have a chance. Why waste your mind in vain. " Cangting road.

The old man was startled and looked at the Cang pavilion's back and said, "the master of the blue family said that one of them was Prince Rui of Nanliang. What are the other two? My subordinates are not ordinary people. "

"The two men..." Cang Pavilion suddenly a smile, some light, "one of them and the flower of the little Lord looks a bit similar, should be the flower of the people, and the other person, to really hard to say."

The old man wondered, "the little Lord can't see where the man came from?"

Cang Ting no longer answered, as if he did not want to say more.

The old man did not answer the Cang Pavilion and asked no more questions. He went down and ordered him according to the command of Cang ting.

When the room was quiet, the Cang pavilion was covered under the curtain in front of the window, and suddenly said in a very low voice, "who can it be? It's just a person who can't afford it... "

Out of the zuixiang building, cloud light moon three people quickly out of the city, to the orchid city.

All the way was very peaceful. I entered LAN Cheng at ten minutes after noon. Cloud shallow moon, with a gallop, doesn't intend to stop at all. It passes through the south gate and goes to the north gate.

Naturally, Hualuo doesn't object. He follows yunqianyue, but nanlingrui doesn't do it. He looks at the door of zuixiang building full of guests and friends. It's lunch time. The smell of the meal wafted into his nose and he was clamoring for hunger.

Yunqianyue throws a steamed bread to nanlingrui, but he doesn't even return. The steamed bread is beating Ling Rui's arms.

Nanling Rui reached out to catch the steamed bread and couldn't believe it. She said, "little girl, do you want me to eat this?"

"I don't want to give flowers!" Yunqianyue doesn't look at nanlingrui either. He doesn't affect the speed of his riding. In a flash, he runs through the door of zuixiang building. She thought that the next city after LAN Cheng was Fengcheng. After fengchengzi, she would be able to get to Yuncheng before nightfall. She could see Rongjing. What's hard work.

Nan Lingrui wants to throw the steamed bread out of his hand. Instead of giving it to Hualuo, he smashes it on Yun Xiaoyue's head. However, seeing that zuixiang building has fallen far behind, he puts the steamed bread to his mouth and takes a big bite.

Yunqianyue sees nanlingrui no longer shouting. She smiles and takes out a steamed bread and throws it to Hualuo. She takes another one for herself.

Three people on horseback, against the wind, a steamed bread belly, is to solve the lunch.

Out of orchid city, all the way without any obstruction, came to Fengcheng before dark.

Yunqianyue does not stop. Before nanlingrui opens his mouth, he throws a steamed bread to him. This time, it hits his mouth and blocks what he wants to say back.

Nan Ling Rui took off the steamed bread that blocked his mouth and threw it out.

Cloud shallow moon ignore him, straight hit the horse out of Fengcheng, to the Cloud City. The flowers still have no objection.

South Ling Rui stares at cloud shallow moon back half ring, gnash teeth, but helpless.

Fengcheng is about a hundred miles away from Yuncheng. There is a small valley in the middle, which is the only way for Fengcheng to get to Yuncheng.

When you come to this small valley at night, the moonlight is a little shallow, and the stars in the sky are also a little thin. The mountain valley is quiet, only hear the trampling sound of three people riding from far to near.

When we got to the hollow of the valley, there was a rain of arrows on the four sides of the slope, and the arrow rain was very dense.

Yun Qianyue immediately reined in the reins. One pulled nanlingrui's horse close to her, and the other pulled the fallen horse close to her. She urged her skill to set a small protective ring between the three men and three horses before the arrow rain came. Protecting three people and three horses, arrow rain hit on the protective ring, and was blocked back by Zhenqi intact.

Suddenly there was a scream on the hillside.

"Waste!" On the hillside came a murmur, "set up a shield! Keep shooting

After a low voice, the arrow rain hit again. After being blocked back by the true Qi of yunqianyue, the arrow rain hit the shield and made several clangs, and no one gave a scream.

"You can't do that, little Lord! It seems that these people have a lot of arrows. It's not good for you to consume your true Qi so much. You've got to take your breath off now and let the subordinates come down. " The flower falls low to the cloud shallow moon road."No problem! Let's take a look at it for a while. Now that Rongjing has arranged someone to protect us, we'll wait for a moment and see what's going on The moon shakes her head. Looking up to the top of the slope, I just heard a low drink from a man. I don't know if it's from Lanyi.

"Give us the man on the horse! We immediately stopped firing arrows. " Suddenly there was another murmur on the ascent. It's still the man.

Yunqianyue glances at nanlingrui, and sees him lying on the horse's back like a prawn. She thinks that now others hold a sword around his neck, and he probably has no strength to open it. She did not answer the man's words on the slope. Suddenly, her wrist was in the space of a wave of arrow rain, and she was sitting on the horse. She was ten feet high, and beat the arrow rain back again. At this time, she was in mid air. The arrow rain, according to her instructions, went around the shield and shot at the man hiding behind the shield.

At this time, a person suddenly flew up the slope. The man was dressed in a blue dress. She jumped several feet like the cloud and the moon. She urged her true spirit, and instantly blocked the arrow rain on the man who was about to hit behind the shield. The body is beautiful, the curve is smooth, and the martial arts are beautiful.

Yunqianyue exclaimed, and he is indeed the master of the blue family. It seems that he was influenced by nanlingrui a few days ago.

"Blue beauty, I didn't know that you thought so much of me, and you stopped me here. You said earlier, why shoot an arrow secretly? I just miss you When nanlingrui saw LAN Yi, his eyes suddenly brightened. He sat up straight on his horse's back. He wanted to be more upright and more upright. His exhaustion was swept away. His smile on his face opened his face. He wanted to be more romantic and beautiful. , the fastest update of the webnovel!