The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 774

Yunqianyue took a breath, and her breath was filled with the faint fragrance of snow lotus on Rongjing's body. She leaned against his chest and closed her eyes gently. She felt that all the tiredness of the journey was invisible at the moment of seeing him. All the weight of the whole body nestled in his arms, unspeakably comfortable.

Rongjing looked down at the man in his arms, delicate and indescribable. But nestling in his arms, his heart was full of heart, and he was up to the top of his heart. That kind of satisfied missing was in the bone, even if he held her in his arms, it seemed to overflow. His arm involuntarily tightened, tightening again and again, as if to rub her into the body.

"Rongjing, I miss you!" The moon murmured.

"I miss you too! Good Let the scene smile, gentle like water.

"How shameless you two are! Don't you see so many people here? " Nan Lingrui sits on the horse and looks at the two people's lips. On the way, in addition to eating dust behind the cloud and the moon, he is getting angry. Now he's hungry to the front and back. He could not have come back, but he wanted to accompany the little girl all the way, but the little girl was ungrateful and wanted to watch the little girl for Rongjing, and the guy didn't see his brother-in-law since he saw the little girl. It really annoyed him.

Cloud shallow month hears south Ling Rui's words hem haw, ignore him, still tired in Rong Jinghuai. She cares how many people look. She just wants to show the scenery and express it naturally.

Rong Jing raised his head and looked at nanlingrui. He was tired, and his face was full of vegetables, but he was still angry. He laughed at him kindly, "my brother is working hard!"

The cloud shallow month mouth corner smoked, Rong Jingzhen tube south Ling Rui calls elder brother, he also calls export.

Nanlingrui suddenly laughed, lost his anger and waved his hand, pretending to be natural and unrestrained: "no hard work! You will tie this blue beauty to me as a thank you gift! I don't care that I have to bear hardships after this smelly girl all the way, and I'm almost the enemy of the starving ghost because she keeps on going

Although Rong Jing sees nanlingrui tired, he looks at Lanyi with clear eyes. He looks at Lanyi, and his eyes flash slightly. He nods happily and agrees, "OK!"

South Ling Rui's eyes suddenly open a minute, obviously did not expect Rong Jing to agree so happily.

Rongjing doesn't look at him any more, and suddenly she reaches out to LAN Yi. LAN Yi is shocked. She only feels a strong air current coming to her. She quickly dodges, but the air current immediately traps her. Her body is stiff, and she is touched by the acupoint and is still.

"Master of the house!" This incident is only a moment, the blue family's people all cried out, immediately pulled out the sword to protect LAN Yi.

Nanlingrui is a quick step to come to Lanyi, reach for a fish, will blue Yi fished to him immediately, sitting in front of him, he rushed to the blue family lazily warned: "who is closer, I will kill her."

Although his tone is lazy, not murderous, but the most important thing is quiet, not like a joke.

The blue family immediately stopped and looked at LAN Yi, who was trapped in nanlingrui's horse. No one had thought that he had set up a fence here, but the owner was captured.

Yunqianyue looks at Lingrui in Rongjing's arms, frowns at Rongjing and whispers: "she is Lanyi, the owner of the blue family. The blue family has an engagement with the wind family. She is the unmarried person of Fengjin. How can you play with your brother? "

"It's OK. Find another one for Fengjin!" Rong Jing laughs and shakes his head. He picks up the cloud and the moon.

Find one? Easy to say! Cloud shallow moon body a light, is held in the arms of Rong Jing, she has some headache to think about really troublesome. Mou Guang sweeps to see south Ling Rui where still have the big shrimps appearance that has no strength on the road, she stares at him one eye. "You'd better pay attention to your propriety. She's the unmarried man of Feng Jin."

"Little girl, this is what Rongjing gave me!" Nan Lingrui winked at the cloud light moon innocently, "there is a beauty sent to the door. If you refuse, your brother and I will be a fool! Would you like to have a stupid brother

Cloud shallow moon rolled a white eye, lazy to pay attention to him. See blue Yi sit in front of the horse exasperated looking at Rong Jing, she smiles. If you don't play cards according to common sense, it's the man holding him.

Rong Jing embraces Yun Qianyue and turns over the horse that yunqianyue rode on. She gently protects her in front of the horse, with her legs sandwiched into the horse's abdomen, and goes to the Cloud City.

Hualuo takes a look at nanlingrui and follows Rongjing's horse.

Nanlingrui reaches out to touch Lanyi's face, and the tone is gentle and greasy, "beauty, what do you do with a cold face? Take it easy. Are you going to freeze me to death? "

LAN Yi can't speak. She sits in front of nanlingrui, her body is stiff, and she can't turn her head back. Her cheek is aroused by the place where his fingertip slips by. Her heart is angry, but she can't break out.

"That's not good! It's time to do a good job. " Nanlingrui reaches out and touches Lanyi's head, like the love for children. The gentle tone will arouse the cool wind at night.

LAN Yi's face is cold.

"Go! I'll take you for a drink. It's hard for you to ambush here for me. How can I disappoint the beautiful people? " Nan Lingrui smiles and sees Rongjing with cloud and moon. Hualuo has gone far. His legs are sandwiched with the horse's abdomen, and the horse's four hooves are raised and chase them.The people of the blue family take a look at it and quickly display their lightness skills to follow behind.

"You'd better stand here and don't follow, or I'll break her waist or break her neck by accident, which will be your fault!" Nanlingrui reined in his horse's reins and looked at the people of the blue family. He said with a smile: "but if you don't follow, don't worry, she will be safe and sound!"

The blue family immediately stopped.

Nan Lingrui is satisfied with a smile and drives forward with blue Yi.

Rong Jing with cloud shallow moon sat on the horse for a long time, reined in the horse's rein, holding her to turn over and dismount. Cloud shallow moon closed eyes open, asked: "why not go?"

"By car!" Rongjing spat out two words and walked to the carriage.

Cloud shallow moon this just saw stop in front of the left side of the official road on the carriage, she closed her eyes again, tired to yawn.

Come to the front of the car, Xiange immediately reached out to lift the curtain of the car, Rongjing probe, holding the cloud light moon slowly into the carriage, Xiange waved his horse whip, and the carriage went up. The official road here is stable, and the carriage made of agarwood is paved with thick cushion, which does not show turbulence.

Cloud shallow moon in Rong Jinghuai comfortable stretch a waist, tired way: "really tired to death me!"

"Got something?" Rong Jing raised her eyebrows and looked at her.

"Well, it's a great harvest." Yunqianyue looks at Rongjing and thinks that he is actually the owner of the Chu family and laughs at him.

Rongjing reached out and nodded the head of yunxiaoyue. With a slight smile, he suddenly accepted with a smile and reached out to pick up her clothes. , the fastest update of the webnovel!