The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 771

"Nothing! Take me to room one, the word of heaven Cloud light moon road.

The shopkeeper wants to say something more. Seeing that Yun Qianyue looks calm, he doesn't say any more. He can only continue to lead the way upstairs.

When she came to the third floor, she passed by Tianzi room 2. Yunqianyue glanced at it. The door of Tianzi No.2 room was closed. She walked forward quietly. Nanlingrui also glanced at the Tianzi room 2, and suddenly laughed. He seemed to think of something. He looked a little playful. Hualuo followed them, and also looked at Tianzi room 2. He was alert.

When he came to the door of Tianzi No.1 room, the shopkeeper opened the door. Yun Xiaoyue took a look at the room, and there was no difference. He gave a few simple orders to the shopkeeper, and the shopkeeper ran down immediately. She went straight to the desk and reached for the mirror on the table. The situation in room two was reflected in the mirror.

Nanlingrui and Hualuo also immediately came over.

I saw a young man living in room 2, about 20, handsome face. Sitting at the table, there are several dishes on the table, which are extremely exquisite, a pair of chopsticks, a pot of tea, a cup, no wine. At this time, he was slowly tasting tea. He drank half of the tea in the cup. Even if he was alone in the room, he also behaved courteously and had no indecent behavior.

"I thought it was a blue beauty. It turned out to be a smelly man!" Nan Lingrui put aside his eyes and stopped looking. He walked to the soft couch. After two steps, he came to the soft couch and fell down.

Yunqianyue thinks that nanlingrui is really poisoned! But he forgot Ye Qian.

"This man should be the master of the family." Hua Hua looked at the man carefully for a moment and whispered.

"Well!" Yun Qianyue nodded, and the top ten families were well-known families hundreds of years ago, and they had strict requirements on their children's conduct. Judging from this gesture, it should be the people of the top ten families. I just don't know which family.

"My subordinates have seen that in addition to the wind family and the blue family, they are the Cang family." Hua Luo said: "I don't know if the little master paid attention to it. There is a small line under the Cang family's Secret collection. The relationship between the young master of Cang family and that of the blue family is very shallow."

"Well, I see it!" Cloud shallow moon suddenly a smile, the flower falls is worthy of the mother and the seven elders of the people, is very keen and intelligent. She looked at the young man and said, "it turns out that this is the little Lord Cang Pavilion of Cang family. No wonder it is somewhat similar to Cang LAN, and it is also so elegant. Cang family, Phoenix family and flower family are beautiful men. Is he at LAN Yi's invitation come to help us win the southern Xinjiang jade seal that we robbed? "

"Not impossible!" Flower Drop road.

Cloud shallow moon smile, "know who he is easy to do!"

Hua Hua no longer spoke. At this time, the shopkeeper came in with a few assistants. The front two guys were carrying the food, and the other two of them carried a big barrel. The water inside was steaming hot, and the food was placed on the table in turn. The shopkeeper told the boy to put two wooden barrels in the big room inside, and one barrel in the small room outside. Then he closed the door quietly and walked out.

Before leaving the mirror, yunqianyue came to the soft couch and kicked nanlingrui with her feet, "go and have a bath!"

"Tired!" Nanlingrui spits out a word.

"Nothing! Do you expect me to have someone to serve you? Wash it Yunqianyue kicks nanlingrui again. But it's light.

Nan Lingrui lies on the soft couch.

"No eating without bathing!" Yunqianyue left a word, took the clothes from the package and went to the screen.

Nanling Rui murmured, and finally stood up and walked to the inner compartment. Flowers did not go, but to cover for two people.

Cloud shallow moon wash very fast, not much time to come out, nodded to the flowers, flowers went in. She went to the table and sat down, picked up her chopsticks and ate and looked at the young man in the mirror. She thought that the noble elegance in her bones was not learned by everyone.

Before long, nanlingrui and Hualuo came out one after another. Even after bathing, Nanling Rui is not very energetic and looks tired. The man was still tasting tea after three people had finished eating. Nanlingrui has already fallen into the big bed with one foot deep and one foot shallow. Cloud shallow moon shallow made a yawn, to sit in front of the table does not move the flower way: "we all go to sleep."

"Little Lord, I can stand it. You and Prince Rui have a rest! I'll guard it in case something happens

Cloud shallow month smiles to shake head, "need not, tonight will not have the movement."

"My subordinates don't think so. These people are obviously coming for us." Flower Drop road.

"There is a strategy called mystery, and there is also a word called" grass and trees are all soldiers ". LAN Yi or cangting must be familiar with the art of war. She probably knew our whereabouts. Even if we left Lancheng and went south, we would return in time. So her people must have told her that we only settled in the Fenghuang pass area, and never went south. When we returned to the city, according to the distance between Fenghuang pass and several cities, the bearing capacity of Ma Benbo people was limited, and they could not move forward after being tired. This should be the place to settle down. So let people wait here. When we see those people downstairs, we will prevent them from attacking us, so even if we have a rest, we can't have a good rest. You'll be tired if you go on the road tomorrow. And she happened to be in the next city, or the next city with people intercepted. In that case, we can't sleep well all the way. It's not good for us, it's good for her, it's good. This is the mystery. " "So, these people just make us uneasy. There must be no movement. Sleep at ease"Good!" The flower falls to feel small Lord to say reasonable, nod a head, also lie on the bed to sleep.

Cloud shallow moon closed the mirror, also lay back on the bed.

In the middle of the night, it was like a cloud. According to the analysis of the light moon, the three people were sleeping soundly without any abnormality. The lights in room 2 of Tianzi were on all night, and the guests at the dozens of tables on the first floor of zuixiang building stayed overnight.

Wake up the next day, cloud light moon god, fresh air, flowers fall also. Although nanlingrui is worse than the two people's state, but also spirit, than yesterday's one face dish color is strong, does not know how many.

When they passed by, nanlingrui suddenly reached out and pushed the door open. He looked at the young man who was still sitting at the table. He looked at him, looked at him carefully, moved his eyes, and said, "he doesn't have my beauty."

Yunqianyue's eyelids rolled. Seeing the young man looking at them, they were shocked. Apparently, they didn't expect to be pushed open from the outside. She pushed nanlingrui aside and nodded in a funny way, "yes, it's not as beautiful as you are!"

South Ling Rui is proud to pick eyebrow, footstep is light a few minutes.

The three men went downstairs as if they were alone. , the fastest update of the webnovel!