The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 770

Cloud light moon is very light and warm, which seems to imply deep missing and affection.

South Ling Rui walks in the back step meal, suddenly rolled a white eye, hum way: "really is the female big not to stay."

Cloud shallow moon when did not hear, lift step forward. Just two or three days later, she really wanted to see the scene. I wish I could fly back with wings. After two steps, she heard nanlingrui shuffling along lazily behind her. She thought about it and asked Hualuo, "Hualuo, where are the envoys of Nanliang and Nanjiang?"

"Go back to Xiaozhu, get the message that it is still in Cloud City." Flower Drop road.

"That's it Cloud shallow month looked back at the south Ling Rui one eye, suggested: "elder brother, otherwise you stay here! Wait for the Nanliang emissary team to come, and then follow you back to Nanliang. You just have a rest, so you don't have to rush back and forth after going back. Anyway, it's so close to Fenghuang pass that it's the boundary of Nanliang

"No!" Nan Lingrui shakes his head.

"Aren't you tired?" Cloud shallow moon pick eyebrows.

"No more tired!" The footstep sound of south Ling Rui treads immediately light.

Cloud shallow moon eyelid turned, she also reluctant to part with her brother so quickly, that can walk together is a bar!

The three returned to the main hall for lunch. The flowers had already been arranged properly, and they were reluctant to leave the skyscraper. Climbing down the mountain with vines, yunqianyue thinks that it is really a fairyland here. But I don't know when she'll be back. But this kind of paradise is not suitable for her at present, she is destined to be in the world of ten Zhang.

Under the skyscraper cliff, Han had already led the horses to wait here. The three men turned over and rode back to the original road.

When she came to Fenghuang pass, Yun Qianyue couldn't help but stop to look at Fenghuang pass. The mountains stretched like a Phoenix. She couldn't help thinking about the young man standing at the Fenghuang pass with light robes and gentle belts and retreating from the Tiansheng 150000 soldiers. She thought about how romantic it was. No matter when she got to Fenghuang pass, even when she was old, she would be very proud to think that the man was her father.

"Little girl, go! What can I see? " Nan Lingrui naturally knows what Yun Qianyue thinks. Her expression makes him almost jealous of the man he also called his father.

"Why is there nothing to see? It's much better than seeing you as a playboy. " Cloud shallow moon glances at nanlingrui, legs a clip horse belly, horse's four hooves raised, to the next city castle peak city.

Nanling Rui suddenly angry, but see cloud shallow month has already hit the horse to go far, he can only a little angry to hit the horse to follow behind her.

Hualuo looks at the two people in front of her, which is funny. She thinks that the little master and Prince Rui are the most unlike brothers and sisters, but also the most like brothers and sisters.

From Fenghuang pass to Castle Peak City, all the way is unimpeded. When we enter castle peak city, it is already at night. Nanlingrui wants to rest, but yunqianyue does not stop fighting. He goes directly through the South and north cities of Qingshan City, and goes down to the next city Qi city.

Flowers naturally have no opinion, hit the horse to follow in the cloud shallow moon behind.

Nanlingrui has no choice but to fight his horse to keep up with the two men. The three horses go to Qicheng with the stars and the moon.

After walking about midnight, he came to Qicheng. At this time, it was midnight. Nanlingrui was already tired and lying on his horse. Yunqianyue entered the city, but still beat horses and went to the north gate. Obviously, she wanted to go through the north gate and continue to drive.

"Cloud light moon!" Nanlingrui can't stand it. He yells angrily, but even his anger seems powerless.

Yun Qianyue reinforces her horse and looks back at Nanling Rui. She sees him lying on the horse like a prawn rice again. Even at midnight, you can clearly see his complexion. She couldn't bear to take a look at the quiet street. All the lights in Qi City were off. She thought that even if she kept on going, she would not be able to get to Cloud City at dawn. There is also a orchid city and a Fengcheng City in the middle of Cloud City! Besides, although she can stand it, Nan Lingrui can't stand it. Although Hualuo didn't say that, she was also tired, so she gave up the idea of going on, turned her horse's head, and said to Shangnan Lingrui's sad, dissatisfied and angry face, "let's rest here tonight."

"Stinky girl, you still have a little conscience. Remember not to starve your brother to death." South Ling Rui has the spirit to hum a, "knew I just didn't come back with you to suffer."

"It's not too late now. You can wait for the team of Nanliang envoys here." Cloud light moon road.

"That I from yesterday's sound afternoon to now in the middle of the night to eat behind your horse's ass, is not it in vain?" "South Ling Rui some indignation," Stinky girl, reserved you understand? Women should be reserved! Take a look at your anxious appearance. After seeing Rongjing's boy, he may be very happy! Not promising

"I'm hopeless, not a day or two!" Yunqianyue doesn't care. She just wants to see Rongjing quickly. She doesn't think she is worthless. Even if it's not promising, it's not promising! Two people's love must be divided into high and low?

"Don't tell people you are my sister! I can't afford to lose that man Nanlingrui is angry.

Cloud shallow moon ignores him, to flower falls way: "still go to zuixiang building!"Flowers nodded, hit the horse and went to zuixiang building. After the flowers fall, nanlingrui still lies on the horse's back like a prawn, and lets the horse walk forward. The three horses are also dripping with sweat. But it's BMW, a little tired, but still energetic.

When they came to zuixiang building, they turned over and dismounted. The man immediately welcomed him out. Yun Xiaoyue shook off his horse's reins and entered zuixiang building.

At this time, although it was late at night, the lights of zuixiang building were still bright, with dozens of guests, men and women, about a dozen tables. Yunqianyue glanced at the guests in the room and saw that many people looked like the three of them. On her line of sight, some people were stunned, flashed by surprise, and immediately lowered her head. She took back her sight and came to the shopkeeper. She reached into her arms and took out an earring. She was playing and asked, "shopkeeper, do you still have a room?"

"Yes, there are Objective How many? " The shopkeeper saw the earrings in yunqianyue's hand and asked quickly.

"Three!" Cloud light moon road.

"Good, three objective Let's go upstairs with you The shopkeeper took a look at Hualuo and nanlingrui and quickly led the way.

Yun Qianyue follows the shopkeeper and goes upstairs. Nanling Rui drags along feebly, and goes upstairs after the cloud light moon step by step. Flowers fall in the end, swept a dozen tables in the hall, also went upstairs.

Just arriving at the second floor, the shopkeeper stopped immediately and said in a low voice, "master, those people downstairs have been waiting here for two days. Are they coming for you? Two days ago, my subordinates got the news from Li Niang of Lancheng that the three of you have offended people. They saw three horses galloping past just now. Now you three are coming in. Do you think these people are waiting for you , the fastest update of the webnovel!