The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 769

That is to say, sooner or later, there will be variables, perhaps in the near future, perhaps in the future.

"These ten families are really wonderful!" South Ling Rui put down the last book, stretched a waist.

Hualuo also put down her last book, glanced at those books or letters on the bookshelf and asked, "little master, do you want to see anything else?"

"No more!" The moon shakes her head.

"No, why not? I want to see the secret of King Rong's mansion! " Nan Ling Rui immediately retorted and called out, "Tianlao, come in and find me the secret of Rong Wang's mansion."

"Do you want to see the Rong Wang Fu?" The cloud is shallow and the moon is squinting.

"Aren't you curious, little girl? There are some of them. Maybe they are better than these ten families. If we don't have the secret of Donghai Kingdom, how about the Rong Wang mansion Nan Lingrui has bright eyes.

Cloud shallow moon suddenly remembered that pair of purple bamboo forest map, decidedly said: "no way!"

"Little girl, don't you want to expose Rongjing? You don't look at me. " Nanling Rui sees the old man to walk in, excited way.

"You are not allowed to see it either!" Cloud shallow moon shakes his head and says to the old man: "don't look, I don't look."

"Little girl! I'll just look at it, and I won't do anything to him? Know yourself and know your enemy. You can understand the eight generations of the black heart and black lung guy after reading these. If you don't do such a good thing, you're stupid, aren't you? " Nanling Rui sees the cloud shallow moon to tell the old man not to look for him. As expected, Tian Lao stops, and he stares at her.

"I don't want to know!" Cloud shallow moon shakes head, the voice is very light, "I love is Rong Jing person. Since I was five years old, he was eight years old. At first sight, I saw his people. He has never mixed in other factors, whether it is the cloud palace, or the Rong palace, or my influence, or his influence and planning. He has loved me for many years. He has never interfered with my help to Ye Tianyi. Up to now, I have repeatedly been soft on Ye Tianyi. Although he is stingy and jealous, he is very generous in this matter, and has never lost his temper or face to me. Because he knows what kind of person I am. Understand my love for ye Tianyi's help and care for her childhood. "

South Ling Rui frowns, but does not speak, know cloud shallow moon still has below.

"So, I don't want to see what happened eight hundred years ago in Lord Rong's mansion. I think it's Rongjing. The way we get along now makes me feel safe. Although two people do different things and have different forces, they do not interfere. But I believe that as long as our hearts are close, we will achieve the same goal by different ways. " Yunqianyue's voice is still very light, but very firm, "I don't want to let the tedious and those hidden involvement and those who have been left behind dust in the past to trap my heart, let me lose judgment on the people I love. I don't dig into the darkness easily, so that I can feel and excavate his love for me better. I just need his love for me, that's enough. So, brother, why do I have to go and dig out eight generations of his family? Can I love Rongjing purely? I believe that as long as I read it, it's impossible. The heart will always be disturbed and trapped by emotions, just as I see the dense blue house, treat the night nature

"Well, well, if you don't look, you don't look. What's so touching about it? Stinky girl Nan Lingrui is convinced by Yun Qianyue, stares at her and waves her hand. He also gave up the idea of seeing the secret of King Rong's mansion. He had to admit that her sister was right. Although he wanted to see it very much, he thought his sister was happy. Rongjing was afraid of her in her mouth, holding it in her hand for fear of falling. Of course, in other words, he looked at her so much that she could not reach other people's mouths or hands. Transformation can only be changed in his mouth, fall can only be his own fall, their own bullying, others can not fall, can not bully. Although he is not ashamed that Rongjing has caught his sister in this big net, he also has to admire him. It can be seen clearly that Rongjing loves his sister. Enough!

"Although we can't look at the Rong palace, we can see the cloud palace!" Cloud shallow moon suddenly crafty smile. She wants to know when her parents were.

Nanlingrui suddenly came to the spirit and nodded, "OK, look at the cloud palace!"

"Tianlao, find me the secret of the cloud palace!" Cloud shallow moon to heaven old command.

The old man stood still and shook his head to the two people, "go back to the little Lord, to the young master, and there is no record of the secret of the cloud palace."

"What?" Ye Tianyi opens her eyes again.

Looking at Tian Lao's serious words, Yun Qianyue's light and interest gradually faded. She shrugged her shoulders helplessly and said to nanlingrui: "maybe her mother doesn't need to record the affairs of the cloud Palace at all. She married into the cloud palace. What else does it record?"

"This woman! Isn't she smart? She doesn't need to record. She knows everything about the cloud palace. But why didn't she expect her children to come here one day? " Nan Lingrui is a little angry.

Cloud shallow month "Puff Chi" a smile out, to south Ling Rui blink eyes, "perhaps she is really not smart enough, did not expect."

Nanlingrui snorted, still a little depressed.

"Let's go! Let's go out! " Yunqianyue sweeps around the secret Xin Pavilion. Her time is precious. She is not very interested in other secrets, so she doesn't plan to see it again, so she walks out."Tired, go back to bed!" Nanling Rui yawned and walked out.

"What sleep? Leave now Yunqianyue took two steps, glanced at nanlingrui, and said to Hualuo: "Hualuo, we will immediately set out to go down the mountain and return to Beijing!"

"Yes Flower falls a Zheng, but still answer immediately.

"What's your hurry, little girl?" Nan Ling Rui frowns discontentedly. He hasn't stopped yet!

Cloud light moon did not answer, out of the secret Pavilion, looked up at the warm sun color of the sky and said: "I want to accommodate the scene!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!