The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 766

"You are in love with the blue family Yunqianyue takes a look at the blue letter in nanlingrui's hand. With a cold hum, she reaches out and opens the letters about the Chu family, which she has not yet contacted with.

Hualuo sees nanlingrui pick up the letters of the blue family, and yunqianyue picks up the letters of the Chu family, so he picks up the letters of the flower family. Although he was born in the flower family, he left the flower family when he was a child, so he knew little about the flower family.

The three men stopped talking and each took a letter to look at.

I remember very carefully in the letter, from the history of the top ten families to every great change in the past 100 years, as well as everything that could have an impact on the environment and the top ten families at that time. No matter how big or small, there are records of time and years. Page by page, in perfect order.

Yun Qianyue looked at the letters of the Chu family. Because of her ability to read everything at once, she could read them quickly. She turned pages and pages, and quickly passed them to her mind. She kept her hands and her eyes were still. When she turned to the middle, her hands suddenly stopped and she saw the upper side saying, "in the 96th year of Tiansheng, Chu Mei, the contemporary master of the Chu family, married the son of Rongwang mansion Ye. "

Now it's 117 years, 96 years, 21 years ago. That is to say, Rong Jing's parents. But she remembered that Rongjing's father and king married a folk woman, surnamed Mei. It was not, but the head of the Chu family.

Looking back, yunqianyue saw that there was a letter behind it: "when the son of Rongwang got married, Chu Mei, the head of the Chu family, became ill. Only one daughter of Chu Mei was handed down to the Chu family. The position of the head of the family was vacant since then."

When she looked back, she saw that she wrote: "Princess Rong has been married to Prince Rong's house for three years and got a son, named Rongjing. In the same year and on the same day, the Chu family's genealogy records that the descendants of the Chu family were grandchildren. It's a secret, but it's not known to the nine families. "

Later, he wrote, "in the 107th year of Tiansheng, the emperor Rongwang was at the end of his life, and his concubine died in love. God bless your children and you are lucky to live. "

After that, he wrote, "on the winter solstice in the 112th year of Tiansheng, his grandson returned and took the throne. If the Chu family does not fall, the sky will not die

Yun Qianyue's eyes fell on the three characters of jiezu position for a long time.

"Little girl, why do you look so slow?" After reading a letter, nanlingrui saw that the moon was still motionless, so he looked up and saw her turning the page. He was shocked and couldn't believe it. He said, "Princess Rong was the head of the Chu family at that time?"

The moon does not speak.

Hualuo also raised his head, obviously did not know there was such a thing.

"Little girl, am I right?" Nan Lingrui looks at the handwriting and asks uncertainly.

"If you have good eyes, you should be right!" Cloud light moon road.

"Let me have a look. It's interesting." Nanlingrui reaches out to get the letter in yunqianyue's hand and is interested in the tunnel.

"I haven't finished reading it yet!" Cloud shallow moon dodges, the words fall, she gathers up the look, continues to turn down.

The next step is the action of the Chu family from the 112th year of Tiansheng to the 117th year of Tiansheng. There's something she knows, there's something she doesn't know. Those movements, big or small, are all written by Rongjing.

The last page, staying a year ago. The last thing was written, "Rong Wang Shi Zi Rong Jing buried 50000 soldiers in the well."

Nanling Rui exclaimed, looking at the last sentence: "a year ago, he wanted to be rebellious? Little girl, you just love is only two or three months? What did Rongjing want to do at that time? "

What did yunqianyue think he wanted to do at that time? Her eyes flashed, a flicker, and then she suddenly laughed. She handed the letter to nanlingrui and said, "he has loved me for ten years and wanted me since I was a child. Nature is to prepare for the rainy day! What else can it be? "

"Prepare for a rainy day?" Nan Lingrui takes over the letter and picks up eyebrows.

"Yes! How can you do without taking precautions? With his cleverness, he didn't know that the old emperor would not allow me to marry into the Rong palace. It's not uncommon to bury 50000 soldiers. " Cloud light moon road.

Nanlingrui nodded, "what can 50000 soldiers do? Can it be equal to the millions of soldiers in heaven? "

"The soldiers in heaven are millions, yes, but they are not heroes." Cloud shallow month reached out to take the blue family's letter in his hand, sneered and looked over.

"Even if it's not a million soldiers, it can't be resisted by 50000 soldiers! There is no doubt that an egg will hit a stone Nan Lingrui takes the letters of the Chu family and looks over them from the beginning.

"50000 soldiers can do a lot of things." Cloud light moon a faint smile. Thinking of the Red Pavilion, her mother also buried ten thousand soldiers and horses, in charge of Fenglu. It is said that one is a good soldier. If Rongjing's 50000 soldiers and horses are one as ten, then 50000 is 500000. Can you look down on it? No!

"Yes! As long as he doesn't plan big, the critical moment is enough! " Nanling Rui road.

Cloud light moon eyes flash, no longer speak.

Nanlingrui said with emotion: "it's really unexpected! At that time, King Rong married the head of the Chu family. I don't know if the old emperor knows. Ye Tianyi is only involved with the blue family, but Rongjing is his whole Chu family. Tut... "

Yun Qianyue is silent and looks at the letters of the blue family, but it is obvious that the speed of reading is now slowed down.Nanling Rui sees no one to answer again, and he doesn't speak any more. He just looks up.

They are the first ten famous families with similar history. After hundreds of years of continuous evolution, it became the top ten families. A hundred years ago, the top ten families all retired. The first half of the records of the LAN family are not very different from those of the Chu family. It is just that the owners of each generation are different. The difference is that when they retired a hundred years ago, there was a mainstream of the blue family who did not want to retire. At that time, a hundred years ago, the master of the blue family was a twin brother. The master of the blue family loved this brother very much, so he let him. But speak first and never contact. And the twin brother had to change his name and name, and he was not allowed to pass on his family martial arts to his descendants. Even in the blue family's genealogy, his younger brother was completely removed from the list.

Later, when he was about unable to bear to change his name, he relaxed the rule of changing his name to another name. He only changed his first name, but did not change his surname.

Therefore, yunqianyue is not wrong to see the orchid mark on the Blue Princess's back, and she is the descendant of the brother of the blue family master. When his younger brother left the blue family, he swore in the ancestral hall that he would no longer use the LAN family's martial arts and break away from the LAN family. He did it later. He became an official with his talent. It took a different route from the hermit life of the blue family, that is, to enter the WTO, to enter the official career, and to be loyal to the heavenly saint. Because of the great respect of the ancestor emperor and the official worship of the Minister of Dali temple, this branch enjoys a great prosperity.

About a hundred years later, he did not expect that ye Tianyi, his great grandson, was valued by the old emperor and was expected to become the successor of the heavenly saints, so that the LAN family he had built up would be destroyed. Of course, this is not to blame night Tianyi, but Blue Princess's own choice. She traded the life of her people for a golden opportunity for her son. She died with her people. , the fastest update of the webnovel!