The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 767

When yunqianyue saw this place, she thought of the conversation between the emperor and the Blue Princess five years ago in the old emperor's dark way. Up to now, she still can't help feeling. It was a gamble, a small concubine and a crafty emperor. No matter Blue imperial concubine, or night Tianyi, at that time, they were not able to overturn the clouds. They could only be controlled by the old emperor in his hands.

She sighed slightly and continued to look down.

Five years ago, in the 112th year of Tiansheng, the LAN clan was killed by the whole clan, and the only prince Ye Tianyi was exiled to northern Xinjiang. After a hundred years of reproduction, although the LAN family is no more distinguished than the Rong Wang Fu, Yun Wang Fu, De Qin Wang Fu and Xiao Qin Wang Fu, they are also Rong he 100 years old and have a huge root system. Thousands of people's lives returned to the dust overnight, and blood filled the capital. It was a shock to the whole world. Compared with the house of marquis Wenbo, which was quietly destroyed overnight, it can be said that it is a great witch, and it is difficult to talk about it.

At that time, the world seemed to be blowing a gust of blood, and filled every corner of heaven's land and imperial power. Of course, the blue family of the top ten families was also shocked by the bad news. At that time, the LAN family were all mourning. Even after a hundred years, it is hard to erase the blood and blood of the closest relatives. Therefore, when the old emperor said, "when a minister dies, the king mourns.". A good burial After burying the LAN family, the head of the LAN family thought about it for a night. With the consent of the old man, he sent LAN Yi, who was the young master at that time, to Tiansheng and led his people to recover the bones of LAN's lineage and join the ancestral clan of the LAN family.

A hundred years later, this branch of the blue family was regarded as the clan.

At that time, when ye Tianyi's grandfather went, he met his grandfather, and his grandfather gave him a token representing the blue family. It was the token of the younger brother of the blue family master a hundred years ago. The master of the blue family loved his brother and didn't take it back. Although he completely cut off contact with the blue family, it was handed down from generation to generation. This token was passed to Ye Tianyi's hand and told him that if he could not stand alone, he would seek help from the blue family with this token. Maybe the blue family would help him with the same root feelings.

At that time, LAN Yi went to Tiansheng and, of course, saw Ye Tianyi. However, ye Tianyi did not take out his token and went to northern Xinjiang alone.

After that meeting, ye Tianyi and the blue family will go to the future. Until three years ago.

Three years ago, Tianyi appeared in the blue house with the token. I had a deep night's talk with the blue family owner at that time. When leaving the blue house, the token in night Tianyi's hand is changed into a piece of blue family's order. But he didn't make any moves.

Two years ago, the master of the blue family was ill in bed, and LAN Yi, the little master, took over the job.

Three months after LAN Yi took over LAN's family, ye Tianyi started the token. The first thing he did was to invite LAN Yi to go north to northern Xinjiang. LAN Yi leaves ten days after receiving the token. After staying in Northern Xinjiang for three days, after returning to LAN's home, he deepened the connection with Ye Tianyi.

The event was recorded a year ago, when the seven elders retired. In just one year, the blue family has doubled, ranking second from the top ten. Of course, the first is the Chu family.

Hundreds of years ago, the top ten famous families did not compare well with those of the same family, but went hand in hand. But later it developed into ten aristocratic families, each with its own merits. Up to now, a hundred years of seclusion have passed, and the gap between the top ten families has been completely widened.

Yunqianyue thinks about why the master of the blue family broke the vow that the two brothers had no relationship with each other a hundred years ago and helped Ye Tianyi. He gave him the order of the blue family. About that is because the offspring of the blue family are not very prosperous in the past 100 years. Although there are men in this generation, their talent and talent are not enough to take over the position of master of the blue family. The blue family gradually becomes thin and goes downhill. Therefore, LAN Yi, the youngest daughter of the blue family, who is intelligent and gifted in martial arts, is trained as the young master of the blue family, and then inherits the master of the blue family.

In other words, yetianyi needs the support of the blue family, and the blue family also needs the external help of yetianyi. So, an agreement was reached.

The blue family and the wind family have been making friends and exchanging in laws. LAN Yi was born by the blue family master phase, selected as the little master. Unavoidably the blue Yi potential is thin, then and the wind family made a kiss. It is natural that the wind family is the little master. Unfortunately, the little master of the wind family died of a sudden illness a year ago, but the wind ember was taken back to the wind family. Therefore, the matter of in laws fell on the head of Feng Jin.

After reading the last page, yunqianyue closes the blue family's letters. For a moment, she can't tell what her mood is. Maybe it's a sigh, maybe a sigh, maybe it's a mixture of five flavors, maybe there's some inexplicable chest tightness. She had never known that ye Tianyi might have cheated her a lot, but she never thought it was so much.

As for Rongjing, he did not collide with each other, nor did she care much about her power. She took it for granted. Because at that time, she didn't think that she would have intersection with Rongjing, or would like to have no intersection all her life. She hid from him. Later, they fell in love with each other and felt that they were nothing but external things. So as long as two people are one heart, they don't need to know, in order to avoid too much burden and lose the purity. She loves Rongjing, Rongjing loves her, that's enough. She knows, Rongjing understands.

But night nature is different, she is to help him. Think about it five years ago, when she was with him. Whether it is the LAN clan uprooted, the whole door copied, or later buried the LAN family, ye Tianyi left the capital in disguise of Ma Dai Xiao, she went to see him off. Until later, he went to the northern Xinjiang, alone. She helped him to build up the northern Xinjiang and take the northern Xinjiang into her arms. Although she did not think that the relationship between the two people needed to know everything, she said everything. But it's not that she doesn't know so many things about ye Tianyi. She doesn't know anything about him taking Lan's token, that he went to LAN's house alone three years ago to have a secret conversation with the blue master. She has no idea about the relationship between him and LAN Yi in the past two years.Or more than that. If she had not run into the deal between Ye Tianyi and ye Qian three years ago, she would not have known that his hand had extended from northern Xinjiang to southern Xinjiang and traded with Ye Qian.

She thought that she could get eight points even though she didn't know yetianyi very well, but suddenly she felt that it was only one point. Or not at all.

She suddenly took the blue family's letter and began to smile, but she didn't know whether to laugh at herself or others. How much desolation, how much emotion, how much sour, and how much sigh about the past.

She used to think he was not Xiao Qi, so what? She grew up with him. In terms of feelings, she and he are no more different than she and Xiaoqi of that life. Therefore, even if many people think that she is indecisive, caring about the old love, stupid and ignorant, forced by the old emperor, but she doesn't fight back against Ye Tianyi, which is weak and ridiculous, but she feels that although she helps Ye Tianyi, she is not good at all, and has not broken his affection for her from the earliest time. Even five years ago, she promised the word "good", but she did not do it. Now she knows that she loves Rongjing, and when she comes back, she breaks off her love for her. How can he feel? No matter whether his persistence is wrong or not, she is also wrong. If it was not for her help, ye Tianyi would not have thought that she had a heart for him, and now she is in love. So, she couldn't do it. , the fastest update of the webnovel!