The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 765

"Get up Cloud shallow moon is affected by the mood of people, warm smile. Thinking that this is my mother's place, which is different from my mother's place in the cloud palace.

They get up and look at yunqianyue, but they are still excited. They also look at nanlingrui in disbelief. After Hualuo introduces nanlingrui, they suddenly walk to the largest palace with yunqianyue, nanlingrui and Hualuo.

At this time, it was getting late. After entering the palace, the three cleaned the dust and stopped eating. Nanlingrui can't bear to sleep, but yunqianyue doesn't feel sleepy, but she doesn't rush to MI Xin Pavilion. Instead, she asks Hualuo to take a look at all the palaces on the skyscraper cliff, and is familiar with the watchmen of each palace on the skyscraper cliff.

One of the palaces had portraits of her mother and seven elders. Her mother is the same as her memory, but not the same. The woman in the memory is gentle and graceful, while the woman in the painting is in high spirits. The seven elders in the painting are about the same age as her mother's mother. There are three men and four women. The men are beautiful, and the women are beautiful. The seven people's expressions are just like her mother's.

She looked at the eight portraits and thought how they should have been so bold and unrestrained! That is how to publicize the youth and ability, and what kind of a story to compose. For a while, she was filled with emotion. Want to know that her father is alive, do not know whether her mother is still alive? The seven elders left the skyscraper a year ago. There is no trace of it. Are they with her parents? So where is it?

When it's dark, the cloud and the moon will see all the palaces once, and when I go back to the palace, I can't bear to sleep.

Everyone knows that the little master has been working hard all the way, and no one is making a loud noise. Skyscraper was a very quiet night.

She had a good night's sleep. The next day, yunqianyue woke up. After cleaning, she saw nanlingrui come in from the outside. She picked his eyebrows. Nanlingrui was very energetic after a night's rest. She said to her, "I can't imagine that my mother was so romantic! Men and women kill each other

The cloud shallow moon mouth corner to draw, knew that he also approximately also visited each palace, saw her mother and seven big elder's portrait.

"I am worthy of my mother's son!" Nanling Rui touches his chin and is very complacent.

Cloud shallow moon rolled a white eye, someone brought breakfast, she sat at the table.

Nanling Rui also sat at the table and said, "little girl, your peach blossom is also quite a lot. As expected, we come from heredity."

When the cloud shallow moon did not hear, Hua Luo came in with a smile and said to the cloud light moon, "little Lord, after eating too early, my subordinates will take you to the secret Pavilion."

"Good!" Cloud shallow moon nods.

Nanling Rui looked at the flowers and asked with interest, "did the seven elders marry?"

The flowers nodded.

"Well, I thought that the seven elders were willing to follow their mother's parents and not marry for life! It turns out that the charm of my mother is not enough. " Nanlingrui sighed.

"You have to be good! It's better for the women in the prince's residence to be dismissed in their youth! Otherwise, do you want so many women to die in your prince's house? It is to be punished. " Yunqianyue glances at nanlingrui and thinks about this person's thoughts. If she follows her mother's family, she will never marry? What's the reason? She doesn't approve of loneliness.

"Yes! Listen to my younger sister, I will be dismissed when I go back! " South Ling Rui a listen to the appearance of full meal.

Cloud shallow month no longer speak, south Ling Rui turn a morning about also hungry, gobble up. After three people have had a meal, take two people to MI Xin Ge by Hualuo.

Mixin Pavilion is on an independent mountain. After about half an hour, they arrived at the mountain. Four old people and two tigers are in charge of the library's mixin Pavilion. The four elders seem to be more than 100 years old, and they can't hear the breath of the four people. Their martial arts are obviously reaching a fantastic level. Two tigers are very tall, standing beside the four old men.

Yun Qianyue takes out the Red Pavilion token, and the four old men who guard the gate open the door of the secret Pavilion, and two tigers crawl on the ground. The three entered the secret Pavilion.

As soon as the spectrum enters, the cloud shallow moon is startled by the collection of books in the hall. If Rong Wang Fu Rong Jing's study let her at that time a little sigh, then here let her surprise. Row by row, pile by pile, hundreds of rows. At a glance, you can't see the end at all. It can be said that the size of this secret Pavilion depends on the number of books collected here. There are many kinds of them. There are many kinds of medicine, poison, martial arts, techniques, arts and so on.

Yun Qianyue looked at these books or handwritten notes, thinking that it would take her eight years to finish reading them. Turning to see nanlingrui, nanlingrui is also a geese. She smiles and asks Hualuo, "is there any secret fold stored by ten aristocratic families and Donghai alone?"

"There should be!" Hualuo nodded. He was also shocked for the first time, and called out to the outside: "Tianlao, would you please come in and help me find out the secret manuscripts of the top ten families and Donghai kingdom."

"Yes The old man came in. Although he was a hundred years old, he did not see the slightest old-fashioned manner. After walking for about two cups of tea in the huge Mi Xin Pavilion, he stopped walking, pointed to a bookshelf and said, "here are the records of the ten aristocratic families.""What about the records of the Donghai kingdom?" Asked the moon.

"Hui Xiaozhu, MI Xin pavilion has never included the records about Donghai kingdom." Tianlaodao.

"Why?" Cloud shallow moon one Zheng.

Tian Lao shook his head. "Our four people were taken in by our master and have been guarding here. Since the date of building the pavilion, there has never been any secret about Donghai kingdom."

"My mother didn't say why?" Cloud shallow moon some surprised. Although she wants to know about the top ten families, she wants to know more about donghaiguo. Everything about Donghai.

"No!" The old man shook his head.

"No one doubts? The seven elders did not say why? " Cloud shallow moon is more strange, some reluctantly asked.

"The secret pavilion was established by the master and the seven elders. Except for the four of us, only the three of you have come in to this day. Nobody ever came in. No one from the seven elders said why. " The old man shook his head.

Yunqianyue was a little frustrated and nodded, "OK, you go down!"

Tianlao went on.

"I only heard the seven elders say that the secret of the world is included in the secret Xin Pavilion. I think there must be Donghai kingdom." Flowers are also a little surprised.

"This shows that if the mother of Donghai is not too familiar with Donghai, it means that her mother is very disgusted with Donghai and doesn't want to hear any news." Nanling Rui said slowly and leisurely, "little girl, what kind do you think it is?"

Cloud light moon eyes suddenly a bright, bright eyes have several clusters of bright stars flash.

"Little girl, it turns out that it's thousands of miles to travel for the scenery! You're afraid that little princess of Donghai will take your sweetheart, right? So you're in a hurry to find out the secrets of Donghai? Good control, initiative? It's a pity that it didn't work out. " Nanling Rui tut Tut, reached out and picked up a letter about the blue family records and turned a page. , the fastest update of the webnovel!