The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 764

An hour later, I went up the hillside and came to the passage that Hualuo said. A huge stone wall is covered with vines. Hualuo starts the mechanism. The boulder opens slowly, revealing a hole. Hualuo leads them into the cave. After the three entered, the boulder closed slowly. The vine shook twice and stood still.

The entrance of the cave is a cave cut in the middle of the mountain. The rocks are polished smooth and inlaid with small night pearls. The cave is very bright. The stone walls of the cave seem to be the martial arts moves depicted by finger force. One move in one form, it seems that they are extremely exquisite martial arts.

"Tut, there are martial arts moves here. Who described them? It's beyond our reach! " Nan Lingrui is dragged up by the cloud and the moon, so he doesn't feel tired. He sees some spirit in the martial arts moves on the stone wall.

"It's the master and the seven elders of that year." Flower Drop road.

"Painting here for you to practice martial arts?" Nanlingrui asked.

"This passage is very long, about an hour! In order to let the people in the Red Pavilion get in and out of this passage, the master and the seven elders used finger force to depict the martial arts moves Flower Drop road.

South Ling Rui sighed and nodded. He looked very interesting and praised: "it's really exquisite!"

"Are the martial arts of the top ten families depicted here?" Cloud shallow moon looked for a moment, asked about the flowers. Because she saw the martial arts of Feng family and Mo family. Of course, it is due to the wind ember and Mo Li following her for a long time. They have a good understanding of their martial arts skills.

"Well, you are right. It's the martial arts of the top ten families. " Flowers nodded.

"Ha, the top ten families think that their martial arts are profound. It is said that a hundred years ago, all the martial arts in the world were covered by the top ten families. But I don't know that there are ten famous families' martial arts and their cracking moves. " Nanlingrui suddenly laughed and said in his eyes: "if the prince learned the martial arts of the blue family, would he not be afraid that the blue beauty would revenge me?"

"Then you'd better learn! LAN Yi will not let you go. " Yunqianyue thinks of LAN Yi's confused and angry appearance at that time, and thinks that she is about to scold nanlingrui in her heart at this time, and estimates that she would like to be torn to pieces. In order to avoid future losses in front of LAN Yi, he had better learn the martial arts of the blue family.

"Well, it must be learned!" Nan Lingrui is a little excited.

Seeing that nanlingrui is not tired, yunqianyue's eyes are shining. She turns her eyes and looks at the martial arts moves on the wall while following the flowers. Thinking about how clever her mother and seven elders should be. Describe the martial arts moves of the ten aristocratic families one by one. The martial arts of the world are covered by the ten aristocratic families. It can be said that if you are proficient in the martial arts of the ten aristocratic families, there are few enemies in the world. She asked Hua Luo, "Hua Sheng, are you seven able to understand the martial arts of the top ten families?"

"Canglan has the best martial arts. He can master nine points. I am eight points. Fengyan and Huasheng are about seven points. The rest six points. " Flower Drop road.

Cloud shallow moon nods, "already very good! Some people are very poor all their lives. They are afraid that they can't master three tenths of such martial arts. The top ten families discuss martial arts every ten years. There is no end to learning, so is martial arts. "

"The little Lord said so!" The flowers nodded.

Yun Qianyue doesn't speak any more. She has the ability to never forget. She records the martial arts depicted on the wall quickly in her mind. She sweeps a piece of her spare time. Nan Lingrui also takes up her lazy look and looks at the depiction of martial arts on the wall carefully. She thinks that her brother also has the ability to never forget. This kind of unforgettable ability is brought by memory, but it should be There are also genetic factors, I don't know whether they inherited her father or mother, or both.

An hour later, he left the cave, which was the same as the situation when he first entered the cave. It was also a huge rock, covered by vines. Hualuo and two people climbed up about several tens of meters, and then entered a cave. This time not far away, Hualuo opens the mechanism on the stone wall. There is a huge stone tied by a fist thick rope from all sides. Hualuo takes yunqianyue and nanlingrui to step on it, and the rope drags the three people's bodies up.

"What a wonderful arrangement this mechanism is Nan Lingrui has a praise.

"It is said that when the master and the seven elders chose the Red Pavilion on the skyscraper cliff, it took three years to set up the secret passage for these organs and to dig the cave." Flower Drop road.

It's wonderful to think of such projects by Yun Qianyue. The wisdom of human beings is indeed endless. After about two cups of tea, the boulder stopped and the flowers pressed on the wall again. The wall opened a door to accommodate the boulder to pass through and enter another passage. This time the boulder is moving down. About half an hour later, the boulder stopped, and the flowers took them to the bright passage. They walked around and around. It was time for a cup of tea to come to the cave entrance. He said to the cloud and the moon, "here we are!"

"At last! I'm so hungry that my chest sticks to my back! " Nan Lingrui breathed a sigh of relief.

The cloud shallow moon nods, the flower falls to pick open the thick vine, went out first. After the flowers fall, yunqianyue comes out of the cave. At the entrance, there are dozens of palaces built by continuous mountains. They are surrounded by clouds and mist. If they are connected with the sky, they are like the nine fold sky palace.

"It's so eccentric to have such a good place for your mother to give it to you!" Nan Lingrui looks at the eyes, and his tone is a little sour."Give me your position as Prince Nanliang? Give me your prince Nanliang mansion? Give me your position as the king of Nanliang? " Cloud light moon to nanlingrui pick eyebrows.

Nanling Rui's psychological balance suddenly.

Cloud shallow moon no longer talks, thinking that this is undoubtedly a paradise. I don't know how much more precise the layout of the mountain behind her military aircraft camp in Xishan, and the scenery is excellent. At this time, although the weather outside is hot and hot, the climate here seems to be a season later than that outside. The trees in the mountains beside the palace are in bloom. It's cool and pleasant.

Cloud light moon is looking at, in front of more than a hundred people flying out of the palace, to this side.

"My subordinates have announced in advance that all the people left behind in the palaces have come out to meet the little Lord." Flower Drop road.

Yunqianyue nodded, and saw the old and the young. As expected, everyone had martial arts skills. The figures were shaking and the clothes were flying. The old people were very energetic. Young men and women were all heroic. There were also several children, about seven or eight years old. They worked hard to follow the crowd. Everyone's face was excited and joyful. Her heart was warm.

When they come near, they stop and are excited and happy. When they see nanlingrui and yunqianyue, they show the same doubts as old Han at the foot of the mountain. Everyone knows that the little Lord is a woman, but these two men are clearly two childs.

"This is the little Lord. For the convenience of the journey, the little Lord made it simple and easy. " Flower fall explanation.

"Welcome the little Lord!" All of them suddenly knelt down and knelt down respectfully. The voice was very loud. The loud voice was mixed with joy, excitement and other emotions. Some old people's voices trembled. After that, everyone looked up at the cloud and the moon. The emotion on each face was very obvious. , the fastest update of the webnovel!