The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 763

"What are you looking at, little girl?" Nanlingrui can't stand it already. Lying on his horse, he looks at yunqianyue like a prawn rice. Seeing her, she stops at the Phoenix pass in front of her and asks.

"This is the place where he retreated one hundred and fifty thousand heavenly saints." Yunqianyue doesn't look at nanlingrui, and she has a trace of pride in her tone. She could imagine that 150000 soldiers were standing in her position at that time, and the long line extended from Fenghuang pass for ten miles. And on the wall of Fenghuang pass stands a young man. The man was supposed to be wearing a black iron mask, a light robe and a gentle belt. His eyes behind the mask should be a little pity, and he could not say indifferently looking at the 150000 soldiers below.

"Yes, he is a great hero!" Nanling Rui is still lying on the horse's back, hands do not have the strength to smooth the horse mane road. "One person forever, that's really romantic!" Cloud light moon road. In the heart rises the reverence, the reverence exclamation and so on mood.

"Little girl, you use him to belittle your brother and me!" Nan Lingrui stares at Yun Qianyue. Unfortunately, he is too tired. He has no half silk strength and deterrence.

Yunqianyue glanced back at nanlingrui and said, "it's nice to demote you here. I haven't beaten you yet! Look at your success! He doesn't have half of his talent. "

"Don't hurt him if you can! Did you get hurt? After 15 years, I've been sick for 15 years Nanling Rui curled her lips and took a look at the Phoenix pass. She urged the moon to go quickly! I'm going to sleep for three days and three nights when I get to the skyscraper

Cloud shallow moon again looked at Phoenix pass, hit the horse to the west of the path. Hualuo follows her. Although she doesn't understand their conversation, she doesn't ask. He is more energetic than nanlingrui. Nanling Rui is still lying on the horse's back with prawns and rice, and is powerless to follow them.

The skyscraper cliff is 70 miles away from Fenghuang pass. An hour later, three people came to the foot of the skyscraper cliff.

Skyscraper cliff towering into the clouds, about several kilometers. Look up, almost with the sky. At the foot of the mountain, there are many plants and trees, and the rocks on the mountain are jagged. There is no way up the mountain, only some vines slide down the cliff.

"Don't tell me to climb up with the vine." South Ling Rui a look at the situation in front of him, the face is green, to the flowers.

Hualuo took a look at nanlingrui and said, "there is a passage in the hundred Zhangs, but within the hundred Zhangs, we have to climb the vines."

Nanling Rui's green face is a little better, but after calculating the distance of a hundred Zhang, he is still gray and asks, "is there any other way? Is there no one who can't master martial arts on the skyscraper cliff? How else do you get down? "

"No! No one on the skyscraper can't master martial arts The flower shook her head positively.

"I knew I wouldn't come!" Nanlingrui suddenly withered down.

"Then go back or wait here." Cloud shallow moon shakes off the reins and dismounts.

"Dead girl!" Nanling Rui scolded a word, he really suspected that the smelly girl was not his sister, and he didn't have a good face all the way. Dislike him and despise him. He flung his horse's reins feebly and felt his legs weak when he stood on the ground. He admitted that he had been pampered in Nanliang in recent years, and he couldn't bear his endless journey.

Flower also turned off the horse, thumb and index finger in the mouth played a whistle, very loud.

South Ling Rui eyes a bright, looking at the flowers said: "is someone to pick us up?"

Hualuo shook her head. "I'm calling for people to take our horses away and take care of them. There is a village five miles ahead, where there are special people to look after the horses and contact information."

Nanlingrui falls down and thinks that he has to bite his teeth and go up the mountain.

Only a moment after the whistle sounded, an old man rushed out of the woods far away. He looked old and thin, with gray hair, but his old eyes were extremely divine. He came near and looked at nanlingrui and yunqianyue. He looked at Hualuo with some doubts and said respectfully: "huagongzi!"

Although Huasheng and Hualuo are the seven elders of the Red Pavilion, they have always been growing up in the Red Pavilion because they are too young. Led by the seven elders who followed the master, the Red Pavilion has always called them childe and miss. Now, although the seven elders have been away for a year, because they are too young and in addition to their habits, no one has changed their address to the elder But it's a childe.

Hua Luo nodded, looked at the cloud shallow moon one eye, introduced: "this is the small Lord!" Then he said to Yun Qianyue: "Xiaozhu, this is old Han. He was the old man that the master had been following when he built the pavilion. He was always responsible for the contact between the skyscraper cliff and the foot of the mountain."

The old man quickly knelt down to the cloud shallow moon, "little old man Han Lin, see the little Lord!"

"Old Han, don't be too polite!" Cloud shallow month reaches out to drag 70 old people, she naturally can't let so old people kneel down to her. I also admire her mother's charm at that time. The Red Pavilion has been built for decades! Han was supposed to be a middle-aged man in those days, but now he is a rare old man.

"It turns out that the little master is Yi Rong. I should be a young master. It's the bad eyes. " Han Lin carefully looked at the cloud and the moon for a moment, some feeling tunnel. But a pair of old eyes still can't hide the joy, and then said: "although the appearance is not like the daughter, but this eyebrow is very much like the master son in those days."

Cloud shallow moon smile, "in order to travel convenient, then simple easy to accommodate.""This one? How can he look like a master Han Lao looks at Nanling Rui and asks in doubt.

"He's a brother!" Cloud shallow moon introduces with a smile.

"It's a childe! Little old man... " Old Han is surprised and kneels down to nanlingrui.

"I'm not from the Red Pavilion. Don't be polite to me Nan Ling Rui stretched out his hand weakly, and his tired handsome face was smiling at old Han.

Old Han stood up and looked at what nanlingrui wanted to say. Hualuo said to him, "the little Lord has traveled thousands of miles from the capital. I will take my little master to the skyscraper cliff. Old Han, take the horses away

"Good! I'll leave it to the little old man. " Old Han nodded and took over the reins.

"Little Lord, I will take you up!" The flowers fall to the clouds and the moon.

Yunqianyue nodded and followed Hualuo. She took two steps. Suddenly she reached out and grabbed nanlingrui's wrist and pulled him forward. Thinking about it, I don't blame her. It can only show that the king of Nanliang is too spoiled and spoiled by her uncle!

"You have a conscience!" South Ling Rui corners of the mouth curved hook, warm smile. A stomach of resentment in the cloud shallow moon grabbed him when the moment disappeared.

"I'm afraid that you will fall down from the middle of the mountain and be broken to pieces. I will not be able to explain to my mother." Yunqianyue glances at nanlingrui and hums. She sees that Hualuo has already taken the vine and flies up. She also reaches for the vine and drags nanlingrui to fly up.

Nanling Rui flattens his lips, thinking that he promised his mother to take care of his sister, but now his sister takes care of him in turn. It's a shame. But what about that? Shame it. He has no strength to go up again. , the fastest update of the webnovel!