The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 762

Flower has been waiting there, see cloud shallow moon come out a joy, low voice asked, "small Lord, jade seal but hand?"

"Here it is!" Cloud shallow moon nods.

"Prince Rui has not come out yet! Do you want to go down and take care of it? " The flowers lowered their voice.

"No! He's slipping Yunqianyue shakes her head, and it's funny to think that nanlingrui is molesting Lanyi.

Flowers no longer speak, two people in zuixiang building door waiting.

Zuixiang building is still lively, shouting.

After about a cup of tea time, nanlingrui suddenly flies out of the window of the first room in the sky, and blue Yi also chases out. He smashes the wine jar he has been holding in his hand to LAN Yi. LAN Yi can't avoid it, so he can only reach out to open it. Nan Lingrui pours his internal force into the wine jar and smashes it. Most of the wine is spilled out and sprayed on LAN Yi's face.

"Beauty, I'll buy you a drink. You don't want to drink it. It turns out that you like to drink like this. Next time I remember! I'll treat you to a drink Nan Lingrui laughs. The laughter is romantic and evil. He has already straddled the horse between Hualuo and yunqianyue. His legs are sandwiched with the horse's abdomen, and the horse's hooves are raised and run forward.

Yunqianyue and Hualuo take a look at Lanyi, and they also have a horse's abdomen on both legs, and they ride after nanlingrui. A party of three people rode to the gate of the city. For a moment, the sound of horse's hooves trampled on the silent street.

When LAN Yi opened the crumbs of the wine jar and wiped off the wine on her face, she saw three horses galloping toward the South Gate of zuixiang building. She was just about to chase them. She suddenly remembered the jade seal in the room. She rushed back to the room and came to the bed. As expected, there was no package. She flew out of the window again and went straight to the stable. There was no horse in the stable at this time. She chased out of zuixiang building again. At the end of the street, where were the three people riding? Knowing that she was caught in the trap, she kicked the door stack of zuixiang building angrily.

Midnight, although the south gate has been closed, but nanlingrui light out a long prepared clearance order, three people out of the gate. After leaving the city gate, the horse galloped far away, and he could hear Nan Lingrui's excited laughter, which seemed extremely happy.

"So happy?" Cloud shallow moon looks at south Ling Rui.

"Well, your brother, I haven't been so happy for a long time. This little beauty is so interesting." Although nanlingrui stopped laughing, his eyebrows and eyes were smiling. He said that happy nature is not a fraud.

"Let me remind you again, she is the unmarried man of Fengjin, put away your heart of beauty." Cloud shallow month glared south Ling Rui one eye.

"Yes! If the wind ember that boy likes to marry her just, if do not like to want to return her words, your elder brother I start South Ling Ruiyang lips a smile.

Cloud shallow month hums a, rare see Nan Ling Rui such good mood, also can't bear to brush his meaning, the way: "you have discretion to go! Wind ember is my man. You can't pry his corner if you are my brother. "

"Stinky girl! The arms and elbows always turn out. " Nan Lingrui scolded.

Cloud shallow moon glanced at the customs clearance order that he still held in his hand and asked, "who gave you this one?"

"This is also a treasure. It was given to me together with the brand of Jinshan. Do you think there are others? " Nanlingrui shakes his hands. Pick eyebrow to see cloud shallow month one eye, "I used to know that Rong Jing has a bit of black heart ability, now I found that his hands and eyes really can connect with the sky."

The cloud is shallow and the moon is silent.

Only listen to nanlingrui again: "little girl, do you think this small sign is more effective than the emperor's edict? Actually can use it quietly to pass customs, do not have to report in each city. What does that mean? It shows that every city has its own scenery. As long as he has this sign, what kind of document will he use to pass the customs? All the way through. It's not eye to eye. What is it? The old emperor probably didn't know that he thought all the checkpoints that he thought were heavily guarded by soldiers. In Rongjing's eyes, he was the door of his house. He said it. Tut

Yunqianyue looks at nanlingrui, listens to his tut praise voice, suddenly idle way: "don't know this in Nanliang each checkpoint tube does not work?"

Nanlingrui's tut stops suddenly.

Cloud shallow month suddenly a smile, stretch out a hand to seize the south Ling Rui hand of the customs clearance order, into his arms, "this can't give you, good things let you get, how to become?"

"Stinky girl! If you have not married him, you are a real success. " Nanlingrui sniffs at the cloud and the moon. Know to cloud shallow moon in the hands of things can not be snatched back, then do not rob.

"Ten years ago, you didn't have your surname Yun. Now you're surnamed Nan, my good brother. We are half a dozen. " The cloud is shallow and the moon is long.

South Ling Rui was blocked mouth, a time can not find a retort.

"Little master, it's 400 miles away from the skyscraper cliff. You haven't had a rest this night. After 30 Li, there is a small village. Would you like to have a rest?" Flowers to look forward to a look, to cloud shallow moon inquiry.

"As long as you two don't have to hold on to the skyscraper cliff, we don't have to hold on for a while." Cloud light moon road.

"I can hold on to it!" Hua Hua immediately made a statement.

"Prince Ben can't hold on!" Nanlingrui drank a jar of wine, now the wind blows, some drunk to sleep.

"If you can't hold on, just stay here and feed the wolf." Cloud shallow month think of a big man so delicate, sure enough to do a crown prince to do a long body of tender flesh."You stinky girl, I'm your brother!" Nan Lingrui stares at the moon.

"I don't have to remind you. I know you're my brother. I can't stand such a pain. It's like a woman. Don't tell people that you are my brother in the future. Shame Cloud shallow month spits out a word, again ignore nanlingrui, legs a clip, the body under the mount and faster.

The flower also follows the cloud shallow moon fast horse to drive forward.

Nan Lingrui is left far away in a flash. He stares at their backs and bites his teeth. He slaps the horse under him, and the horse gallops forward.

A group of three quickly whip, the official road under the dark night only heard the sound of the horse's hooves. From far to near, then from near to far.

The next city of Lan City is Qi City, the next city of Qi city is castle peak city, the next city of Castle Peak city is Fenghuang pass. Three people left in the middle of the night and most of the day, this day came to Phoenix pass at noon.

Fenghuang pass is called Fenghuang pass because the mountains on both sides of it stretch for hundreds of miles, and the shape looks like Phoenix, so it is named.

Yun Qianyue reined in her horse and looked at the Phoenix pass in front of her. Although it was ten miles away from Fenghuang pass, the ten miles were flat. She could see the barrier in front of her at a glance, and the person with excellent eyesight could see it at a glance.

Fenghuang pass is not as majestic as Shanhaiguan in that era, but has a trace of the gentle beauty of Phoenix. Of course, it has something to do with the construction of mountain terrain. The handwriting on the closed plaque is not as vigorous and thick as that on the other side of the mountain and sea, but it is not feminine. The strength of the handwriting is just right. It is not turbid or heavy, and its bone is clear. It is an unforgettable good character. The word "phoenix" is to fly. From a distance, the whole three characters make people feel that the whole Phoenix pass has a sense of soaring clouds. , the fastest update of the webnovel!