The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 761

Hualuo thinks it's very good, and nods to agree.

"After success, the three of us immediately set out to leave Cloud City for Ferris cliff overnight." Cloud light moon road.

"Good!" They both nodded and prepared separately.

Nan Lingrui had never been drunk all the way. Now he picked up the wine jar and drank half of it. After drinking it, he said to Yun Qianyue, "but I can't get drunk. What should I do? This little wine is not good for me

"Pretend, will you?" Cloud shallow moon scolds him as a drunkard.

"Drink the rest of the jar." Nanlingrui will be the rest of the half jar of wine at the mouth to pour.

Yunqianyue didn't stop him, warning him: "as long as you don't delay things! Be careful of the formation in her room. "

"Little girl, look down on me! The national master didn't give me anything else, but I've learned almost the same array as him. I don't think it's better to deal with men, but it's better to deal with women... " South Ling Rui hook lips a smile, evil spirit way: "caught."

"She's the fiance of Feng Jin. Don't go too far." Cloud light moon warned again.

"It's just unmarried, not married." Nan Ling Rui doesn't think so. He quickly enters the state and walks out of the room.

Flower saw cloud shallow moon one eye, cloud shallow moon nodded to him. He also went out of the door and flew to Ma Peng.

Yunqianyue took the stone and flew out of the window of Tianzi No.1 room, and fell quietly outside the window of Tianzi No.2 room. She hooked the window lattice with her hand and pasted her body under the window. Fortunately, it was overcast tonight, and there was no moon. The stars were all hidden in the night. The curtain in front of the bed could not see the situation inside the house, on the contrary, the situation outside could not be seen inside the house, Her figure could not be detected.

After waiting for a moment, she heard the light of fire in the stable of zuixiang building, and someone yelled, "the stable is on fire!"

"Put out the fire There was another shout.

"Somebody to put out the fire!" Then several voices rang out.

Yun Qianyue held her breath and listened attentively to the house. Sure enough, when the second cry came down, the people in the room got up and got off the ground, not to the door, but to the window. She did not move.

Just then, there was a loud cry outside, "stop the horse! The horses are running away

"Somebody Another one yelled.

Then there was a shout outside. Some people called out to put out the fire. Someone called to stop the horse. The shouting was mixed with the sound of horse's hooves.

At this time, the curtain in the room was opened, and a thin hand quickly opened the window.

At the same time, the door of the second room of the emperor was kicked open rudely from the outside with great force. Only a clang came from the door, which was very loud among the shouts and the sound of horses' hoofs.

"Who?" LAN Yi murmured. Her voice was soft and soft. It was a pure woman's voice.

"I see beauty like clouds, clouds see me shy flowers. How about having a drink together, beauty, in the night Nanlingrui did not enter the room immediately after he opened the door. Instead, he leaned on the door frame and looked at the blue Yi standing in front of the window with a pair of peach blossom eyes. His handsome face was slightly drunk, like the appearance of a flower. Although the room was dark, he was a faint figure, which looked very romantic.

"Get out of here!" Blue Yi squints at nanlingrui, smelling the thick wine gas, the voice sinks.

"Beauty does not understand amorous feelings!" Nanling Rui took a look at Lanyi, ignoring her low drink, and asked, "have you heard of Jiehua childe?"

"I told you to get out of here!" LAN Yi stands in front of the bed.

"Master Xie Hua is dedicated to relieving women's distress. Now that I'm here, how can I go? " South Ling Rui suddenly hook lips a smile, "you are such a beauty, this childe is broken can't let go."

"It turns out that a philanderer is a philanderer." Blue Yi cold fierce ground anger a, suddenly to south Ling Rui hand.

The cloud shallow month hears the speech corner of the mouth to draw, thought picks the thief this name to be good.

"Beauty said it to me. I have found someone who can appreciate me Nan Lingrui suddenly chuckles. The laughter is indescribable. He dodges LAN Yi's strike and walks into the room. Although his steps are a little shaky, they can avoid the array arranged in the room. Two steps later, he reaches out to Lanyi and reaches out to her, as if to hold her.

LAN Yi obviously didn't expect nanlingrui to easily break into the array she arranged. She was shocked and looked at nanlingrui's body and hand. Her beautiful face was slightly cold. She had used three points of his skill to make a move. At this time, she did not reserve it. She used ten.

In the twinkling of an eye, they started fighting.

South Ling Rui even if it is to fight, the hand does not stop, but the mouth does not forget to tease the beauty. A string of teasing words came out of his mouth, like a flower in full bloom.

Yunqianyue has some sweat and some adoration. She knew that her brother had the ability to be romantic with women since she was a child. Today, she opened her eyes to see her. Thinking that it is afraid that a woman will stand up, he can also be this clever tongue such as lotus, every sentence to say to wake up. Even if LAN Yi is good at martial arts, she has a strict family tradition and noble family. Even if she is the leader of the blue family, she is also an unmarried woman, so she can't bear it. He was shy and angry for a time when he met such a romantic battle. His good martial arts skills were better than nanlingrui, but he didn't play well, and he was able to cope with a draw.Lanyi is deliberately led by nanlingrui to hit the door from the window.

Cloud shallow since the moon saw the opportunity, the body gently jumped up, did not make a half silk movement, sat on the windowsill, the magnet in the hand aimed at the room. I saw that the package on the head of the bed moved. Her eyes flashed slightly and she waited quietly. Sure enough, she saw that the package was flying towards her silently. About LAN Yi wanted to travel easily, so in addition to a jade seal, the package contained a suit of clothes. Moreover, the package was made of light silk, which was very thin and soft. It could not bear the attraction of the iron jade seal and the magnet inside, so it was convenient for yunqianyue to start.

Nan Lingrui has been paying attention to the package. When he sees the package flying quietly to the moon, he can't feel half a silk of her true spirit and breath, and can't help but open his eyes. Now it's impossible to believe that stone has this effect. But although he startled his chin, he remembered the business after all, and soon stopped his surprise and continued to play with LAN Yi.

The package came to the window, a short distance away, yunqianyue reached out to catch it, immediately evacuated, quietly used her lightness skills and went back to room No.1.

All of this is influenced by Nanling Rui at this time. Blue Yi, who is shy and angry, doesn't find out.

Back in the first room of Tianzi, yunqianyue opened the package in her hand. Sure enough, apart from a set of blue dresses, there was only one jade seal, which was the jade seal of Southern Xinjiang. With a smile, she took out the jade seal, tied the package, and went out of the window again. She floated and landed at the door of zuixiang building. , the fastest update of the webnovel!