The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 760

"It's not an overpowering drug!" Cloud shallow moon shakes head, looking at south Ling Rui and flower fall to ask, "do you know there is a kind of thing called magnet?"

"Magnet?" Nanlingrui shakes his head.

Flower is also do not know what things, shake his head.

"As the name suggests, a magnet is used to absorb iron. Everything iron can be absorbed. Let's just say that. For example, if an iron knife lies at the door and I have a large magnet in my hand, I can suck that iron knife from the door Cloud shallow moon explains to two people, stretch out a hand to point to the door.

"So amazing?" Nanling Rui opened his eyes, "is there such a good thing in the world?"

"Yes!" Yun Xiaoyue definitely nodded, "but I have to go to the mountains immediately. There is no such thing in the world. We have to step on it and grind it into iron and stone before it can be used."

"So much trouble!" Nan Ling Rui frowns and looks at the sky. It's dark outside.

"This is the most effective way, and it's not checked by her." Yun Qianyue said: "even when she checked, we should have got the jade seal of Southern Xinjiang."

"It would be best if there were such things as the owner said." Hua Luo nodded, "the leader of the blue family can't go on the road alone. There must be a hidden guard of the blue family to protect him in the dark. Although there are people from King Shizi helping him in the dark, his subordinates think it's better not to fight. After all, no matter how the ten aristocratic families fought behind their backs, the ups and downs of each other, but on the face of it, they still share the same spirit. In order to prevent other aristocratic families from interfering, it will be difficult to deal with the ten aristocratic families because of the jade seal of Southern Xinjiang. "

"Well, you're right!" Cloud shallow moon smiles and nods.

"Then eat quickly. After dinner, go to the mountains." Nan Lingrui also wants to see the magnet in the mouth of the moon, so he nods in spirit.

The three agreed that they would not speak.

Not for a moment, three people used to eat, cloud shallow moon called Li Niang, told her, three people out of zuixiang building.

According to the experience of going abroad every year in these years, I am very familiar with the mountains and terrain of Lancheng. There was a high mountain twenty miles away from LAN Cheng. The three men came to the foot of the mountain half an hour later.

Yunqianyue dismounted from her horse and took out a small night pearl from her arms. The mountain immediately lit up. She began to check the soil and mineral properties of the mountain, looking for the mining area with the most dense magnetite.

Nanlingrui and Hualuo follow yunqianyue behind. They both look at her suspiciously. They don't understand what the earth and stone in the mountain can do? Can you really make a magnet to absorb the jade seal in LAN Yi's hand?

About an hour later, yunqianyue stopped at a place on the hillside and laughed at the two people who were following her

"Just here?" Nan Lingrui raises eyebrows.

"You step back. About ten feet back! " The cloud shallow moon inspected the distance visually and ordered them.

Nanlingrui and Hualuo have a look at each other, and they all retreat ten Zhang.

Seeing them leave, Yun Qianyue urges her to concentrate her true Qi and gather her true Qi in her hands. The two red lights overflow from her palms and become two balls of fire within a moment. She combines the two fireballs and hits the place in front of her.

Just listen to a loud bang, the rocks collapse, huge stones roll down from the collapse.

"Master, be careful!" Hualuo looks at those big stones rolling towards the cloud and the moon, and is scared to save it.

"She can do it! Don't worry about her. " Nan Lingrui grabs the flowers.

Flowers can only stop, only see cloud shallow moon flying up, light floating to avoid those stones rolling to her, his heart a loose.

After a burst of noise, the cloud moon fell down and went to the biggest stone. He reached out and gathered his internal power to chop. Under her hands, the huge stone was split into four square pieces, about 10 jin. She stopped her hand, picked up the stone, and laughed at them, "it's done! Let's go back and let LAN Yi experience it. "

"Isn't this stone? Can you use it? " Nanlingrui looks at the stone in yunqianyue's hand suspiciously, and then glances at the mountain which collapsed with her true spirit. He thinks that the little girl's martial arts really make him jealous.

"It works!" Cloud shallow moon nods.

"Little Lord, come down and take it!" Flowers go forward to pick up the cloud in the hands of the moon stone.

When he reached the horse's belly, he nodded to the horse, and then went to the horse.

Nanling Rui and Hualuo follow her, and go to LAN city quickly.

They arrived at the gate of Lancheng without any words. It was a quarter before the gate of Lancheng was locked. It was just the right time for them to enter the city and return to zuixiang tower. Turning over and dismounting, the three returned to room one.

Li Niang saw the three people come back, and quickly followed in. Looking at the stone in Hualuo's hand, Li Niang asked in a low voice: "master, you are..."

"What about the people in room two?" The moon asks Li Niang.

"It seems to have stopped!" Li Niang said.Yunqianyue nodded, went to the table and opened the mirror. Sure enough, LAN Yi had already gone to bed. The quilt was put on half of her body. She did not take off her clothes. She pursed her lips and thought for a moment. She told Li Niang, "let someone light Ma Peng in the backyard and make a false appearance of fire. The most important thing is to find a few more people to shout. The louder you shout, the greater the noise, the better. "

"Good! That's what I say Li Niang nods, also does not ask cloud shallow moon wants to do what, she knows she since so command, must have certain reason.

"Brother, I think about it for a moment. I really have to use you to use the beauty scheme. After a while, you drank less than half a jar of wine. Pretending to be drunk, you entered Tianzi room 2 by mistake. Now it's late at night, LAN Yi can't distinguish you for a time. You have learned a lot of martial arts. Although you are weak in dealing with her, she can't help you. Besides, you were in Cloud City, but you jumped out of Cloud City and came to Lan City under the surveillance of night Tianyi. She didn't think of you for a moment Yunqianyue looks at Nanling Rui, "Hualuo, a flower family of ten families, will guess some clues if she fights with Lanyi. Maybe she will find the Red Pavilion. And you hide some martial arts, it should not be easy for her to see through. "

Nanling Rui blinked his eyes, reached for a pat on the chest, "willing to."

Yunqianyue gave him a funny look, and then took a look at Hualuo and said, "Hualuo goes to Ma Peng and drives away all the guests' mounts in zuixiang building. When the time comes, all the guests in zuixiang building will shout after the horses, and LAN Yi's Mount will certainly be among them. She would certainly go to check it out when she was flustered. At this time, my brother started to entangle Lanyi with the nature of a drunkard, and I took the opportunity to take the jade seal away with a magnet

"Good! That's it Nan Lingrui nods to agree. , the fastest update of the webnovel!