The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 757

"Go in and you'll find out!" Yunqianyue wants to be received by the manager of zuixiang building in person, and it is not convenient to disclose his name and surname. He should not be an ordinary VIP.

Nan Lingrui no longer talks.

After a while, a woman with a happy face came out of the zuixiang building. She was about 40 years old, and Xu Niang was still full of charm. With the swing of her rapid walk, the skirt is enchanting and colorful, becoming a beautiful scenery of zuixiang building.

"Li Niang! You are as good as you were then Cloud shallow moon is the first to open mouth, looking at the woman who welcomes out a smile.

Li Niang came to the door and was stunned. When she heard the voice of Yun Xiaoyue, she clasped her wrist and said in a low voice: "it's really the master! I'll tell you who else has this earring except you. I don't change it for years. But how do you make it? If you don't speak, I won't recognize you. "

Cloud shallow moon smile, to Li Niang blink eyes, "this pair of feeling is not to make your heart flutter?"

"No shame! A big girl makes this dress to seduce people. Look, you have taken away the soul of the little girl outside. " Li Niang laughed and scolded.

Yunqianyue turns her head and sees several women passing by zuixiang building stop and look at her side. She pulls her mouth and raises a provocative smile to those women. She turns back to Li Niang and says, "I hear there is no room left?"

"Yes, your room has been reserved for you. How dare you give it to outsiders?" Li Niang saw that Yun Qianyue was seducing those women. The women were red in face and had spring hair, but they couldn't move her sight. She pinched her and murmured: "don't make a fool of yourself! Do you want me to be flooded by your peach blossom? "

Cloud shallow moon laughingly put aside the joking thought, to Li Niang way: "go in say!"

Li Niang nods head, pull cloud shallow month to walk, walk a step, turn head suddenly again look at words fall and south Ling Rui pick eyebrow, "who are these two childe?"

"My two brothers!" Cloud shallow month looked at two people one eye, said naturally, backhand pulling Li Niang to go inside.

"Don't fool me, are you just a brother? Why are two coming out? I'm still such a beautiful man. I'll call you from the truth. " Li Niang once fell into the dust. Later, because of some reasons, she had no choice but to hang a beam and commit suicide. She was rescued by Yun Qianyue. Later, she gave her the zuixiang building in Lancheng, and she was the first person to follow Yun Qianyue. Naturally, there are countless readers. Seeing the appearance and temperament of nanlingrui and Hualuo, I know that they are not ordinary.

"Brother is brother, Li Niang, you are old, menopause is really coming? Why are you so gossipy? " The moon glanced at Li Niang. She remembered that she had said this a few years ago. Li Niang didn't understand the meaning of menopause and gossip. She specially explained it to her, and now she can understand it.

"My mother is still in her prime, where is she old?" Li Niang wrung cloud shallow month a again, dissatisfied ground explodes vulgar.

Yun Xiaoyue no longer talks with a smile, thinking that her subordinates are not afraid of her as long as they are not involved in the business. One is Fengjin, the other is Li Niang. These two people are the earliest with her and have deep feelings. Naturally, they are no better than others.

Li Niang saw into the restaurant, the guests all look to this side, she also lived, changed to look respectfully led cloud shallow moon upstairs.

Come to the third floor and go straight to room one.

Cloud shallow month looked at the word two, the word two room door closed, she did not speak, followed Li Niang to the word one room. After entering the room, Li Niang said, "fortunately, there are two compartments in the layout of Tianzi No.1 room. The master and the two boys are divided into two compartments, which are completely spacious. "

"Well!" Yunqianyue nodded. Room 1 of Tianzi was a suite. She designed it by herself when she built it. All the zuixiang buildings in the city are the same. She lives in a small room by herself. Nanlingrui and Hualuo live in a big room. That's enough!

Are you hungry? I'll go down and tell people to get food! I know what you like. I don't know what dishes you like? " Li Niang looks at cloud shallow moon to ask.

"Just bring the best dishes from zuixiang restaurant!" South Ling Rui body a soft, lazily sat on the soft couch, some tired tunnel. He is, after all, a prince of the country, naturally indulged in comfortable travel. Now running for a day, although he did not complain repeatedly, but also less than cloud shallow moon and flower fall spirit.

Li Niang answered and hurriedly went down.

Yun Qianyue went to clean her face in front of the water basin and simply cleaned her face. She went to the jade table near the window and sat down. She reached for her hand and turned it gently. With a "pa" sound, the mirror closed on the jade table was set up by her, which reflected the situation of room No. 2 of Tianzi.

"Why? And the fun Nan Lingrui sits up and leans over.

Flower also quite interested to come over, three pairs of eyes are looking into the mirror.

Cloud shallow moon to two people pick eyebrow. Zuixiang building has made a lot of money since its opening. It's not her most proud thing. Her most proud thing is the layout of the mechanism. It's really hard for her. On that day, the mirror and night light dye were opened in the zuixiang building in the capital. After watching Tianqing and Qin Yuning performing the living spring palace for a long time, the scenery was also seen, but nanlingrui and Hualuo were not seen. At this time, they were surprised and fresh, and she naturally felt the sense of achievement of the founder."It turned out to be a great beauty!" Nanling Rui looks in the mirror and tut.

Hua Hua took a look, immediately glanced at her face, walked to one side and sat down, as if she didn't intend to see it again.

Cloud shallow moon looks at the mirror in the sky word room 2 only a woman, that woman is extremely young. Sitting in the barrel, she was bathing, revealing her round shoulders. Her skin was as moist as snow. There was a layer of orchid petals in the barrel, which covered her body. However, from her exposed shoulder and clavicle, you could feel that her body must be curvy and beautiful. From this point of view, her body is side in the bucket, and only half of her side face can be seen. However, if the side face is increased by one point, it will be fat; if it is not, it will be thin; if it is not fat or thin, it can be seen that she is a beauty. She looked away from her eyes, took a look at nanlingrui and said, "how can I have such a lustrous brother as you? Are you not afraid of pinholes when you peep at people's baths? "

"There are too many petals to see anything." Nanling Rui road.

Yun Qianyue's eyelids turned, thinking that when zuixiang building was established, she was graded from the first floor to the third floor. If she went up to a higher level, the food and wine would be twice as expensive. In addition to Tianzi room 1, the most distinguished room in zuixiang building is Tianzi room 2. This woman lives in, should be that young man says in the mouth of distinguished guest. She had not seen the woman and could not guess her identity for a while.

"Little girl, what do you think this beauty will do if I suddenly rush into the No.2 room?" Nanling Rui asked.

"Kill you!" Cloud shallow moon glanced at the sword beside the wooden bucket and spat out three words. , the fastest update of the webnovel!