The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 756

"Don't worry, I won't get you into trouble. Someone has already found a face changing expert under him and disguised himself as me. The people in the Red Pavilion can follow the guard of honor of Nanliang according to the original arrangement. He has already made arrangements in Yuncheng leading to the skyscraper cliff, and let his people escort us all the way. When I got off the Ferris cliff, I would join up with the envoys of Nanliang to exchange for the easy-to-face person and return to Nanliang. You don't have to do anything. Just take me with you Nanling Rui road.

Cloud shallow month words were blocked back, thinking of someone in his mouth is not Rongjing and who is it? In this way, she was in his control throughout the whole process. She glared at Nanling Rui, "don't you have any opinions on him? Did you forget that he touched your acupoint for three days? Forget that he destroyed your fan? "

"He gave me one thing, well, I think it's enough to offset the feud." Nanling Rui touches his head.

"What?" Cloud shallow moon pick eyebrows.

Nanlingrui put his hand into his arms, and a sign that looked like wood was shaking in front of the cloud and the moon. He carried it back to his arms and proudly raised eyebrows on the moon. "That's it."

Yun Qianyue clearly saw the sign, thinking about Rongjing, but it cost a lot of money. It was the order of all the shops in Nanliang. As long as the sign was in hand, nanlingrui would marry as much as he wanted. It was really a golden mountain. When she saw nanlingrui laughing happily, she mumbled: "this little broken thing has given you such a golden mountain. He is such a black sheep

"Little girl, face him before you cross the door! You are a real success! I'm your brother. " Nan Lingrui stares.

"I see, brother! I want to say that such a broken brand will buy you, you are still the prince of Nanliang! It's promising. " Yunxiaoyue stood up and saw that the two horses had already been flushed and ran back. She was cool and energetic. She said to the flowers, "let's start!"

"Well!" Hua Luo nodded and understood a little bit. She looked at the cloud and the moon with pity, thinking that Jing Shizi was really a master of everything. No matter who it is, no matter who is close to her, she is not allowed to touch her. He thought, fortunately, he didn't have that kind of mind, and he couldn't afford it. On the contrary, he felt that he was too alone to follow the little Lord, and he had to be afraid to protect him all the way. Now that King Shizi has sent someone to protect him secretly, it is the best thing. His nerves were not too tight.

"Well, little girl, what do you know? This is not a golden mountain, but several. Buy and buy. Anyway, you can get some benefits if you are bribed. If you are not bribed, you are a little girl who is determined to him, and I can't make any profit. That's good. " Nanlingrui also stood up, not ashamed, but proud.

The cloud is shallow and the moon is silent. Thinking about her brother, can he plan to sell her for a good price? Can you be more cheeky? She took the reins and asked him, "where's your horse?"

"I'll ride with you." Nanling Rui road.

"You don't even have a horse?" Cloud light moon frown. On a hot day, she didn't want to squeeze a horse with him.

"I snuck out of Cloud City. The target is too big." Nanling Rui road.

"I'll give you a ride first and buy a horse in the next city."

Nan Lingrui nods to agree.

A group of three people down the mountain, half an hour later around the South Gate of Cloud City and went to the official road. After the official road, the two horses will no longer be bound, four hooves raised, galloping up. The trees on both sides of the road cast mottled shadows on them, and the horses ran with cool wind. Although yunqianyue and nanlingrui are on the same horse, it's not too hot.

Today, there are few people on the official road to and from the sun, so the road is very smooth. Half a day later, I came to Fengcheng, the next city of Cloud City. Fengcheng is a small city, three people sold a horse, simply used lunch to continue to drive.

After walking for half a day, I came to the next city of Fengcheng. Orchid city is all over the city. There are wild orchids within 30 li of the city. From early spring to late autumn, orchid city is wrapped by the fragrance of orchid. Because orchid is called Gentleman, some scholars call it gentleman city.

The three handed in the customs clearance documents that had already been prepared and entered the city. Today, he has already gone six hundred miles away from Tiansheng capital and 300 miles away from Cloud City. Although it is not far away from Tiangao emperor, it is not necessary to deliberately hide his whereabouts. So they swaggered to zuixiang building.

At the beginning, yunqianyue opened zuixiang building all over the world, every city. This has also facilitated her travel and lodging problems along the way when she leaves Beijing these years.

Although it is already evening and the lights are on, the streets are crowded with people and there seems to be a night market. In front of the door of zuixiang building is a busy traffic. The two big lanterns in front of the door brighten the street in front of the door. You can clearly see that zuixiang building is full of guests and full of seats. The people inside are not like the fish and dragons in Tiansheng capital city. Most of them are men. From a distance, it seems that everyone is sitting at the table, speaking appropriately and behaving politely. Whether it's true elegance or fake elegance, it can be seen from this that Lan City is a graceful city, with a kind of elegant atmosphere, which is different from other cities.

Seeing the guests coming again, the waiter in zuixiang building rushed out and looked at the three people. They knew that they were rich or expensive at first sight. They hurried forward with enthusiasm and apology and said, "are the three distinguished guests dining or staying in?""Sleep in!" Cloud shallow month looked inside, did not see the shopkeeper, this fellow naturally did not know her, she shook the horse's rein to walk inside.

"This young master, please stay. You can have a meal. There is only one room left for your stay. You can't live in a room unless the three of you squeeze together in one room Said the young man.

"Business is good." Nan Lingrui winks at the cloud light moon, and seems to know that zuixiang building is yunqianyue's.

"What about your shopkeeper?" Cloud shallow moon looks at the work that blocks in front of her to ask.

"There is a distinguished guest here today, and the shopkeeper is entertaining the guests in it!" Man, even busy way.

"Oh? What kind of a distinguished guest Yunqianyue thinks that the noble guests of the heavenly saint are not in the capital now, they are all in the Cloud City! Who else can be a guest of honor?

"This This small one is inconvenient to reveal Man, looking at the moon with some embarrassment.

"You give this to your shopkeeper! I'll wait here. " Cloud shallow moon takes out from the bosom that she usually wears that earring to give the kid, to him command.

The little guy took the earrings in doubt, looked at the cloud shallow moon one eye, and then looked at the flowers and south Ling Rui. It seems that there are so many guests who are drunk every day. He did not dare to neglect, turned into the restaurant and walked upstairs.

"I didn't expect to meet distinguished guests in this remote town! Guess who it is Nanlingrui is interested in looking at zuixiang building, and asks about yunqianyue. , the fastest update of the webnovel!