The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 758

"Although my martial arts are inferior to yours, I can't deal with a weak woman?" Nan Lingrui is not satisfied, and yunqianyue despises him.

"Is she a weak woman? Her room is not only that sword, but also the array. You can try it. I won't save you then. " Cloud light moon eyes fall on the package on the bed of the second room of the sky, and reminds nanlingrui.

"And a great beauty!" South Ling Rui at this time also saw a few minutes of the door.

Yunqianyue doesn't agree, thinking that she is not only a powerful beauty, but also a very powerful beauty. Seeing that she is still practicing in the bath, the steaming heat and the edge of the bucket flow around her and the petals constantly changing around her, you can see that her martial arts should be very high. I'm afraid it's no longer her word.

Li Niang brought the food in and saw Nanling Rui and Yun Qianyue looking at the mirror. She put down the meal and came over and asked in a low voice, "what is the master looking at?"

"What is the origin of the people in room two?" Cloud shallow moon raised an eye to see Li Niang.

Li Niang took a look at the door, immediately went to close the door and said in a low voice, "I don't know who she is either! I think she has an extraordinary origin. Judging from her words and deeds, she is from all walks of life. Obviously, she has known the rules of zuixiang building for a long time. Half a month ago, she ordered someone to come here and reserved room No.2. Don't wait outside the door. Don't let other people serve me

Yunqianyue nodded and asked, "is she from today?"

Li Niang nods, "early master son comes a step ahead, also just come not long. But unlike the master, you are from the north, she is from the south. When you come, you should take a bath. "

There are only two countries in the south, one is Nanjiang and the other is Nanliang. Yunqianyue takes a look at nanlingrui. Nanlingrui also seems to be thinking about exploring the identity of a woman and asks, "how many days did she stay in the house?"? When do you want to leave? "

"Only today, leaving early tomorrow." Li Niang said.

Yunqianyue nods again and waves her hand to Li Niang. Li Niang goes down and closes the door. Seeing that the woman has no intention of getting up for a while, Yun Qianyue gets up and stands up and says to nanlingrui and Hualuo, "have a meal!"

Flower immediately stood up and went to the table.

Nan Lingrui is still staring at the mirror and sitting still.

Yunqianyue turns her eyes to nanlingrui and walks to the table. She has just taken two steps. Suddenly, she hears nanlingrui say: "little girl, come here and have a look. What's on her back?"

Yunqianyue stepped back and looked into the mirror again. She saw that the woman's body on her side suddenly turned. Her back was in their line of sight. There was an orchid shaped mark on it. Suddenly, she suddenly burst into a smile and said, "it's really hard to find a place. It's easy to get here. It turns out that she is Lan Yi, the new head of the blue family of the top ten families. "

The impression of orchid type is the family mark of blue family. Looking at this woman's practice and the array arranged in room two, we can see that it is extraordinary. Although the orchid shaped mark does not bear her name, Yun Qianyue is sure that she is Lanyi, the current leader of the blue family.

"Lan Yi? The new head of the blue family Nanlingrui opens his eyes.

"Well!" Cloud shallow moon nods.

Flowers smell speech also immediately came to see the mirror, eyes fell on the woman's back, nodded, "the small Lord said that is right, she is indeed the top ten aristocratic blue family."

"It is said that the family mark of the blue family is an orchid. Sure enough, but this beauty is too young. To be the owner of the blue family at such a young age, his skill and means must be extraordinary. " Nanlingrui tut two times, suddenly broke a light in his eyes, to cloud shallow moon way: "this beauty is very good. Do you think if I go to her room and she sees me as charming and beautiful, will she turn her into my prince's house

Cloud shallow month "pa" ground closes mirror, to south Ling Rui hum way: "can't!"

"Why? Your brother can't do it? " Nanling Rui sees cloud light moon close mirror, can't see beauty bath, dissatisfied.

"She and Feng Jin must have been engaged since childhood, and now she is his fiancee. You said I could pry you into the corner? " Cloud shallow moon pick eyebrows.

Nanling Rui opens his eyes and looks at the moon. He knows about the wind. He couldn't believe to look at her, "blue family and wind family have engagement?"

"Well!" Cloud shallow moon nods, raises step to not far from the table to sit down.

"This is very serious. What should I do if I fall in love with this beauty, your brother?" South Ling Rui some sad to go to the table, sitting beside the cloud shallow moon asked.

"Cold sauce!" Yunqianyue picks up chopsticks and ignores him. Thinking that Lan Yi is here now, has he just returned from southern Xinjiang? So where is she going north? Is it possible to go to Yuncheng to meet Ye Tianyi and give him the Yuxi of Southern Xinjiang? How important is the jade seal in southern Xinjiang? She and Mo Li had a hand in hand. She knew that her identity was exposed. She was worried about being escorted by others. She should have sent the jade seal to Ye Tianyi in person. So, the jade seal was on her?

"What does cool do?" Nan Lingrui looks at the moon.

"Cold sauce is not good even if you like it!" Yunqianyue glances at nanlingrui. She doesn't believe in love at first sight. This brother loves playing, that is to say, playing. But no matter based on the identity of Feng Jin's fiancee, or her relationship with Ye Tianyi, he can't play around. Then he reminded him, "do you know the origin of Ye Tianyi's mother Princess LAN Fei? When I saw blue princess, she also had orchid marks on her back. That is to say, LAN Fei is a member of the blue family, the top ten hermit families. As we all know, the top ten hermit families have died. But why is Lanfei from the blue family? And five years ago, the blue family was hacked and uprooted. There must be something in between. ""There's still this one!" Nanlingrui is slightly surprised.

Hualuo came over and sat on the opposite side of the cloud and the moon, nodded his head and said, "the little Lord is right. Lanfei was born in the blue family. The specific secret of the blue family is not clear. But the skyscraper should be recorded. Things from a hundred years ago to the present should not be concealed from the master and the seven elders. After the master had gone, and before the seven elders retired a year ago, there were records about all countries and the top ten families in the world. When you get to the skyscraper, you will find out. "

Cloud shallow moon nods.

"That is to say, she has something to do with nightlife?" Nan Lingrui raises eyebrows.

"Well! I ordered my hidden guard Mo to leave Southern Xinjiang to steal Ye Qian's jade seal, but Mo left a step late and was robbed by a masked woman. He went after him, exchanged hands with the woman and went back wounded. Mo Li said that the woman used the martial arts of the top ten families and was very familiar with his martial arts skills. You should know that the top ten families held a meeting on martial arts every ten years a hundred years ago. It has existed for two or three hundred years. When the emperor, the first ancestor of Tiansheng, built the dynasty, the ten aristocratic families tried to avoid the emperor's threat to them, so they all retired and completely withdrew from the world of Shizhang. Although a hundred years have passed and the ten great hermit families have not appeared in front of the world, they still continue to discuss martial arts in private. That woman hid her skill and could defeat Mo Li. Naturally, she was born in the top ten worlds. You should know my secret guard Mo Li's martial arts. "It's not that ordinary women can defeat," said Yun Qianyue faintly. "According to Ling Lian, there is a woman in the top ten hermit families. LAN Yi, the leader of the blue family, is highly skilled in martial arts. It should be her, no doubt. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!