The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 755

"Isn't it because of the scene and the night? With so many people and things involved, it's hard to avoid people thinking more. Besides, they are two hot suns, as long as they are related to their names. No more leisure. " Cloud shallow moon think of her trouble seems to be from after amnesia night day inclined to put her into the prison of the Ministry of punishment, and night light dye and Rong Jing came out to protect her before starting. But one of them became a sweet trouble to her, and she enjoyed it.

Hua Luo nodded and saw that Yun Xiaoyue mentioned Rongjing. He could not help asking, "little master, you will throw that young man in rags into Jing Shizi's carriage, so you don't worry about Jing Shizi..." He was in a trance and had a guess, but he didn't dare to say it.

Cloud shallow month picked pick eyebrow, "worry about what use?" Words fall, she suddenly a smile, tone some firm relaxed, "he is Rong Jing, he can cope with. I believe in him. "

The flower nodded and stopped talking.

Cloud shallow moon also no longer talks. At this time, it was the office day, and the weather was extremely hot, but fortunately, the mountain road was full of trees and luxuriant, and the two people had shade and shade, and their journey was not too slow.

Half an hour later, I came to a hilltop, where the trees were lush. In addition to the birdsong of the trees in the mountains, there was also a strong fragrance of wild flowers and the faint sound of waterfall water coming from the front.

Last night, it's cool. It's hot for the horse to take a picture of the water. Get rid of the sweat. Now that Rongjing and ye Tianyi are all in Yuncheng, and there are three young masters in Jingzhong who are sitting in my shallow moon Pavilion, we are not in a hurry to make our way. It is not too late for us. "

"Good!" Hua Luo nods, and his respect for the owner has increased. Only those who treat horses well can have the best riding skills.

The two horses seemed to understand Yun's words and rubbed their heads against her.

Yunqianyue playfully touched the heads of two horses and walked forward. After walking a long way ahead, I saw the waterfall and flowing water. The water converged into a small stream, and the two horses could not help running past. She looked at the flowers, "you also go to wash, go to the summer heat?"

Flower falls a face red, shake head, "not hot, small Lord bath time, subordinate also washed."

Yunqianyue nodded, because it was hot and the flowers were her own. She didn't mean anything else, but it was funny to see the flowers blush. She found a big stone and decided to sit there. When she came to the stone, she heard the leaves shaking in front of her. There was a strong wind coming to her direction. Her eyes flashed and her wrist shook slightly. She had already pinched three gold needles in her hand.

Although Hualuo's martial arts are not as high as Yun Qianyue's, they are not inferior. All the seven elders in the Red Pavilion are masters in the world. In particular, Hualuo is the spy in charge of Hongge, and is extremely sensitive to assassination. He had already grasped the sword at his waist.

The breath of the visitor is near, and she is familiar with it. Yun Qianyue withdraws her gold needle and suddenly says angrily, "nanlingrui, if you don't withdraw your hand, the needle in my hand will pierce ten eight holes in your neck."

The strong wind of the visitor suddenly withdrew, and the strong force disappeared into the invisible.

Hualuo listens to the cloud light moon path to break the identity of the attacker, and immediately withdraws the sword tightly holding his waist. Looking ahead, I saw a figure floating down. It was nanlingrui, the prince of Nanliang state, and Hua Sheng, the elder brother of Xiaozhu, who devoted all their efforts to protect the Red Pavilion.

"Stinky girl, how do you know I'm going to attack you?" Nanling Rui didn't sneak into it, but he was found to be broken when he was so far away. Some of them have no face. He stopped and looked at Yun Qianyue with a bad face. He had a cognition that his sister was better than him in martial arts, and was not a star and a half higher, which made him very uncomfortable.

"The whole body is full of flower heart big radish smell, smell out as soon as you smell it." Cloud shallow moon white South Ling Rui one eye.

Nan Lingrui frowned and raised his arm to smell himself. After hearing half a sound, he raised his eyes and raised his eyebrows to look at Yun Qianyue. "Are you a dog?"

Cloud shallow moon hums, "what do you come here to do?"

"I'm looking for you! You think I'm willing to climb this broken mountain South Ling Rui one buttocks sits on the big stone that cloud shallow month just wants to sit down, fan the sweat way on the face with sleeve.

"What do you want from me? Didn't I ask someone to protect you along the way? If you have anything to do, let the Red Pavilion send the message. " Cloud shallow month looks at the south Ling Rui, also squeezed with him to sit on the big stone.

"Are you going to skyscraper?" Nanlingrui asked.

Cloud shallow month eyes squint, stare at south Ling Rui, "who told you?"

"Who else can tell me? Do you really think your brother is so useless that you don't even know how to climb the cliff? " Nanlingrui snorted.

"Even if you know, you should not know that I came to Cloud City." Cloud light moon road.

Nanlingrui blinked his eyes and did not answer the words of yunqianyue. He looked up and down at the flowers and raised his eyebrows, "are you Hualuo? People from the top ten families? "

"Yes Flowers nodded. He is respectful to nanlingrui, but also respectful.

"No wonder!" Nanlingrui looks Hualuo all over his body, and finally falls back to his face. He seems to understand something and nods: "it is said that the Cang family, the Phoenix family, and the flower family are beautiful men. They really deserve the reputation, and they are really very good!"The flower falls a Zheng, some don't understand to see to the cloud shallow moon, he feels this Rui Prince's words have words.

Cloud shallow moon thought move, staring at south Ling Rui, "I come to Cloud City news is Rong Jing told you?"

If she wants to go to Tianyan cliff, the only way is Yuncheng. Since she wants to stay away from Tianyi for the night, she can't go through the South Gate of Yuncheng. She can only go around the north mountain and bypass the Cloud City. Night Tianyi doesn't meet her face-to-face. If she does, she won't tell nanlingrui. There's only one possibility. She just met Rongjing, and Rongjing must have told nanlingrui.

"Who else but him?" Nanlingrui confessed, still staring at the flowers.

The flower falls by south Ling Rui to see some inexplicable, but also dare not attack, only skim over the face.

Cloud shallow month see south Ling Rui still stare at the flower to see, also understand a few minutes, she knew that guy is mean, angry and funny. Glared at the south Ling Rui one eye, "he told you you to come?"

"You think I want to see you? Your business? I want to see the skyscrapers of the Red Pavilion built by my mother. " Nanlingrui snorted.

"No way!" Cloud shallow moon flatly refused.

"Why not? Little girl, although she gave you the Red Pavilion, I am your brother. You can't help me to have a look. " Nanlingrui hears the words, and his eyebrows and eyes stand up.

"I have sent the Red Pavilion to protect you all the way. How many people in the Red Pavilion have made full arrangements to escort you all the way. Now you follow me is to disrupt the Red Pavilion's plan. What's more, you're a little sun all the way to South Lingrui. It's a spotlight. It's too much trouble. " "Cloud shallow moon says definitely:" I already had enough trouble, you do not give me trouble. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!