The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 754

"Are you sure you can find him if you leave now?" Another sentence came out of Rongjing.

The young man in ragged clothes wanted to get out of the car again, and his eyebrows were tightened, as if he hesitated.

Rongjing did not look at her, continued to read and did not speak.

The young man in ragged clothes hesitated for a moment and then sat back in the carriage. Looking at Rong Jing and frowning, he did not believe in saying, "do you really know him? How could it be? "

Rongjing did not answer.

"What a weirdo The young man in ragged clothes glared at him and snorted when he was the air.

Rong Jing still did not answer, and turned a page of the book, look calm, indifferent.

"It's boring!" The young man in ragged clothes looked at Rongjing for half a sound and uttered a word. He leaned against the wall of the car and closed his eyes. After half a sound, he did not know what he thought of, and the corners of his mouth unconsciously showed a smile. In a moment, he opened his eyes and asked Rongjing with a smile, "it is said that there are five beautiful men in heaven, namely, the high sun in the clouds, the king's son in the snow, the moon in spring and autumn, the seven princes in huamaochunsong, the evil king's temperament, the unrestrained Prince ran, the charming prince Rui of Nanliang with peach blossom appearance, and the cloud Prince's house with cool autumn water and outstanding temperament, which are now the same The son-in-law of Southern Xinjiang. Now I see you and the seventh prince. Although I haven't seen the other three people, the man who just threw me into the carriage doesn't seem to be the description of these three people. He has the appearance of spring snow, the ice heart and jade soul, the noble spirit is extraordinary, and the demeanor is unique. Why is there no name for him in the world? "

Rongjing was going to turn the page and give it a meal.

"It's said that the son of Wenbo Marquis's house came back from Tianxue mountain. He is also very beautiful. There was no name for him in the world, so he was not known. Is his name Rongfeng? Is he the son of Wenbo The ragged boy asked again.

Rong Jing does not answer, such as jade's hand gently turn a page of the book.

"No, it is said that the Marquis of Wenbo and the house of King Rong are of the same origin. If he were Rong Feng, how could you not know him?" Broken clothes young looking at Rong Jing pick eyebrow, see him imitate if have not heard, he way: "so one he is not Rong Feng, the other is you cheat." After a pause, he added, "I can't imagine that King Shizi of the Rong palace is a master who talks lies with his eyes open and doesn't blush. I was thrown into your car, but you said I was your schoolboy. It's funny that the seven princes stopped you any more. "

"Funny?" Rong Jing suddenly raised his head and looked at the young man in rags and raised his eyebrows. "Do you want me to send you to the seventh Prince now? Let you have a taste of prison? "

The boy in ragged clothes was silent at once.

Rong Jing took a look at him and saw that he was honest. He did not pay any attention to it. He continued to read.

After a while, the young man in broken clothes saw that although Rong Jing threatened him, he didn't seem to have any deterrent force. He said: "if he is not Rong Feng, is it Yunli, the son of cloud palace who has been granted a new title? Or is it night Tianyu, the fourth Prince of Tiansheng? It is said that the fourth Prince has some Yin side. It should not be him, so it is... "

"You are too noisy!" Rongjing interrupted his words and told the string song, "take him away!"

When the broken clothes boy broke his words, he immediately asked Rongjing, "where will you take me?"

Rongjing did not glance at him. Xiange answered outside the car, lifted the curtain of the car, grabbed the collar of the ragged boy and took him out of the car. The young man stopped his dress and burst out. Take his toes lightly and leave the carriage.

In spite of this incident, there was no driver in front of the car, but the horse pulling the car was not affected at all and continued to move forward.

Cloud City sun rose, gradually began a day of bustle.

Rong Jing took a look at the clean carriage, and suddenly threw away the book and closed his eyes. Although his face was pale, there was a trace of gloom. I don't know whether the car was too dark because of the curtain, or whether he was dark. For a long time, he suddenly laughed, such as snow lotus breaking through the snow fog, voice can not hear the low voice of emotion, "cloud shallow moon, Hello, very good Peach blossoms are blooming everywhere

Yunqianyue ran away with her horse. She didn't hear the sound of chasing after her. She knew that Rongjing had stopped Ye Tianyi and the royal guards. She slowed down her horse slightly and thought that Rongjing would appear in time. Otherwise, she would have to use the hidden pile of Red Pavilion in Cloud City to get rid of him. But that will also expose the Red Pavilion in front of the night, not worth much.

Hua Luo also slowed down his horse speed, looked at Xiang Yun Qian Yue and asked, "Xiao Zhu, who was that young man in rags just now? Do you recognize him? Did he stop you on purpose? I don't think it's like someone hiding from the seventh prince. "

"The boy in rags just now?" Cloud shallow moon suddenly a smile, some interest tunnel: "he is not the person of night nature, but is a very interesting character." After a pause, she added, "still a great man."

Flower fall doubt, see cloud shallow moon seems not to say, so also no longer ask.

Yun Xiaoyue walked about five miles and turned to a mountain road. The mountain road was very narrow and could only accommodate one person and one horse. And around the corner, Hualuo followed her. She found that Xiaozhu seemed to be familiar with this place. She could not help asking, "little Lord, have you ever been out of Cloud City before?"

"Well! More than once! " Cloud shallow moon nods.

"Where have you been?" Asked the flower.

"A lot of places! Southern Xinjiang, Nanliang, Northern Xinjiang, Xiyan I've been to all these places. " Cloud light moon road."But I have never heard of the rumor that you have left the capital? Are you looking for someone to look like this

"At that time! No one cares about me. The emperor and the queen thought I was too troublesome and wanted me to stop for a few days. The night sky of the prince wished that I would never appear in front of him. At home, the cloud Lord was blind to me. At that time, the Phoenix side imperial concubine was in charge of the house. I wish I could die and her daughter could take my place. Bad old man's grandfather scolded me when he saw me. It was normal for me to hide from her for three or five months. It's normal that I didn't see her for three or five months. All the people in Tiansheng capital hate to have to listen to the rumors of Miss Xiaoyue in the cloud palace. I'm tired of hearing too much, so I don't feel fresh. Therefore, I go out almost half a year. " Cloud shallow moon think of the past ten years, can not help but some emotion. That's it. Time is fast.

"Have you been away for half a year? People don't want to get up to you? " The flowers fell in amazement.

"I don't go out for a long time, I only go out for a month or two. When I come back, I do some earth shaking things, enough for everyone to stay away from me for a month or two, so that I can go out again." Cloud shallow moon smile way.

"That's why you have a dandy reputation?" Hualuo thinks of the rumors about the cloud shallow moon that have been heard in recent years. There are eight Kuangs without ten Kuangs. I think it's all because of this.

"Well!" Cloud shallow moon smiles and nods.

"But it's not like before! You get too much attention. " Flower Drop road. , the fastest update of the webnovel!