The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 753

Night Tianyi also came near at this time, looking at the two horses walking away, did not go after, but reined in the horse, looked at the black carriage, the voice was loud, "King Shizi?"

"Seven princes! What a coincidence Rongjing did not lift the curtain, the voice was quiet.

"Isn't Jing Shizi going to the East China Sea to meet the princess of Donghai? Why are you here? This is not the way to the East China Sea Night sky Yi pick eyebrows, micro Yang voice slightly heavy.

"I have been informed that the princess of Donghai has not followed the honor guard of Donghai, but walked alone, and has come to Tiansheng. Now it's in the Cloud City. In order not to come here to meet you Yung King Road.

"The princess of Donghai has come to Cloud City? Is Jing Shizi accurate? East China Sea is in the East and Cloud City is in the south. How can the princess of Donghai come here? Did king Shizi get the wrong news? " Night Tianyi looked at the carriage curtain closed, if he had just read correctly, the ragged boy entered the carriage of Rongjing. When was his rule of keeping three feet apart from others broken?

"Does the seventh Prince feel that the information I get is not accurate?" Although the king did not have the seven Prince's hand, the news may not be bad. Otherwise, the reputation of Rongjing should be ruined. " Night Tianyi smell speech suddenly a smile, "Jing Shizi just has the hand to overturn clouds, even the princess of Donghai kingdom came to Cloud City to know."

"Should the seventh Prince read memorials and supervise state affairs in the emperor's Shengyang hall? Why did you come to this cloud city? " Rong Jing changed the topic and seemed to raise eyebrows at night Tianyi.

"There's something wrong with Cloud City. I'll check it out!" The way of night nature.

"In this case, we won't disturb the seventh prince!" Rongjing told the string song, "enter the city!"

With a swing of the horse's whip, the horse drawn carriage moved forward.

"King Shizi wants to leave, the people in your car need to stay!" Night Tianyi stops in front of the car, and Xiange is forced to stop the carriage again.

"Oh?" Rong Jing raises her eyebrows.

"This man broke into many big houses in Yuncheng, and I came here for him." The way of night nature.

"Is there any misunderstanding? The people in my car came with me from King Rong's mansion. They are my close book children. How does he have the ability to separate himself from others to make trouble in Cloud City? " Rongjing doesn't look at the young man in rags across the street. He tells lies with his eyes open.

"King Shizi is really funny. I watched the man come out of the city and was rescued and thrown into your carriage. Now, how can you become the close book boy you brought out from the Rong palace? " Night Tianyi looks cold.

"The seventh Prince is dazzled! Rongjing never talks falsely. " Rong Jing's voice was light, and his words fell. He heard a sigh from the boy in ragged clothes opposite him. He seemed to look at him with wide eyes.

"King Shizi, it's not good for the court to contain people who are in trouble. Now that you have an official position, you should understand the harm." Ye Tianyi stares at Rongjing's carriage.

"Of course I understand!" Rong Jing said faintly: "but I understand that if we delay further, if we can't find the princess of Donghai, the seventh prince also has a responsibility."

Night Tianyi pursed her lips and took a breath.

"Since he is a troublemaker, the seventh prince must bring him to justice, and never let him do harm to the Korean situation. The scene is one step ahead. " Rongjing once again told Xiange, "Xiange, enter the city! It is said that Prince Rui of Nanliang, Princess ye and his son-in-law of Southern Xinjiang all stay in Yuncheng now. Let's go in and talk about the past. "

"Yes, Prince!" Xian Ge takes a look at Ye Tianyi, drives around him and goes forward.

Ye Tianyi did not intercept this time, but looked at the carriage leaving Rongjing.

The black carriage soon entered the city and went to zuixiang building where the envoys of Nanjiang and Nanliang now reside.

The soldiers who guarded the city respectfully let Rongjing's carriage pass by. They all remembered what day it was today. Not only the seven princes with talent in legend came to Yuncheng, but also King Shizi from Gaoyang, who was gifted in heaven, also came to Yuncheng. There were also the two young people who were rich or expensive and did not know their names. For a moment, they all looked at Ye Tianyi. Now they don't understand why the seventh Prince wanted to stop the two teenagers. The two young men entered the city gate in the morning and left the city after staying in the city for less than an hour. Where are the people who made trouble in Cloud City these two days?

"Step back Ye Tianyi waved to the royal guards.

The imperial hidden guards thought that Jing Shizi's martial arts were really profound, and they were even more advanced than the seventh Prince's. dozens of them could not pass a move in Jing Shizi's hands. Qi Qi took a look at Ye Tianyi and saw that he did not blame him for not stopping people. He retreated quietly.

Ye Tianyi looks at the direction that the two men and two horses are leaving. After watching for a moment, he suddenly turns the horse's head and enters the city again.

In the black carriage, Rongjing read books all the time. He never gave him a glance when he was thrown into the carriage to walk in the city for a long time. It's like there's no one in the car.

The young man in ragged clothes has been staring at Rongjing. After seeing it for a long time, he suddenly asked, "are you Jing Shizi?"

Rongjing does not look up, pale complexion, light voice, "yes, I am Rongjing!"

"King's son of honor?" The broken clothes boy looked at the low brow of Rongjing and asked again."Not bad!" Rongjing still did not lift his head.

"Who was that man just now?" The ragged boy asked again.

"Night Tianyi, the seventh Prince of Tiansheng Dynasty." Yung King Road.

"No, I'm not talking about him." The ragged boy shook his head.

At this time, Rong Jing raised his eyes and looked at the young man in rags opposite him, with a slight pick on his eyebrows.

The young man in ragged clothes blushed and suddenly lowered his head. His voice was suddenly a little low The man who just threw me into your carriage... "

Rong Jing's eyes flashed slightly and did not answer.

After waiting for a while, the boy didn't hear Rongjing's words. He raised his head again and looked at him and asked, "who is he? What's the name? "

Rong Jing glanced at his reddish cheek and shook his head, "I don't know!"

"No?" The ragged boy was surprised. "He said he asked for your help and threw me to you. If he didn't know you, he helped him?"

"Well, that's enough for him to know me. He'll find me." Rongjing lowered his head and continued to read.

"When will he come?" The tone of the boy in ragged clothes is a little urgent.

"I don't know him. How do I know when he will come?" Rong Jing Ruyu's fingers turn the book over.

"Then I'll go to him!" The young man in rags suddenly stood up and lifted the curtain to get off.

"You'd better not move. The seventh Prince just said that you are the one who will cause trouble to the gate houses of Cloud City, right? If you go out and get caught by him, I will not save you any more. " Rong Jing did not lift his head, but made a sound to remind him.

The young man in ragged clothes had a good figure and frowned, and then said, "I'm not afraid!" I'll get out of the car. , the fastest update of the webnovel!