The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 752

"What are you going to do?" The boy in ragged clothes suddenly stepped back.

"I'll see if you look better than the man around me!" Cloud shallow moon took the flower to hand over the veil, to the broken clothes of the youth way: "come over some! No, I won't let you follow

The young man in ragged clothes stood still. His eyes were rolling and he looked very smart in the sunshine.

Cloud shallow moon is not anxious, Mou Guang looks at him quietly.

"Little Lord, the seventh Prince is coming to the north gate. We must leave quickly!" Hualuo looked at the end of the long street and saw a horse coming to the north gate. She pasted her voice in the ear of the moon.

"If you don't let me see it! I don't want you to be so disobedient! " Cloud shallow month legs a clip horse abdomen, light ground throws out a word, put up Juan PA, is about to leave the city.

"Wait, I'll show you!" The young man in rags immediately stepped forward and reached out to hold Yun Qianyue's leg on the horse. It seems that she is afraid to leave.

The cloud light of the moon glances at night, and the distance between the two is still a little far. She holds the reins of the horse and wipes the face of the young man in rags with a handkerchief. From the eyebrows and eyes down, she gently wipes, and the movements are extremely gentle.

The boy in ragged clothes stood there quietly. His earlier anger and arrogance faded, and he seemed to have stopped breathing.

Yun Qianyue wiped off the dirt on the broken clothes boy's eyebrows with Juan PA, revealing the delicate and delicate eyebrows. She suddenly stopped and grinned at the broken clothes boy's lips. Her voice was soft and charming. Although her voice was low, it was as smooth as a spring. "It's really good. OK, I'll allow you to go with me!"

Although the smile of cloud shallow moon is shallow, it seems that the plum blossom in early winter breaks the frost and snow and suddenly has a kind of amazing beauty. Even the flowers around her were amazing, but the flowers soon settled down and moved their eyes.

The young man in broken clothes seems to be bewitched. He stares at the moon and forgets his words and actions.

"Come up!" Yunqianyue throws away the Juan PA in her hand and reaches out to the young man in broken clothes.

Broken clothes young lenglengleng hand to cloud shallow moon.

Cloud shallow moon gently a drag, pull him in the horse, no longer delay, legs a clip horse belly, horse rushed into the city gate.

The garrison at the gate also saw clearly the smile of the noble and extraordinary young man sitting on the horse to the boy in rags. Everyone seems to have missed half a beat of his heart. What a smile? Let a person all leak heart. The crowd followed the noble boy and the ragged boy out of the city, thinking that it was no wonder that the ragged boy and the noble boy should be held responsible regardless of the man's body after a night's spring breeze. There was a kind of feeling that people, both men and women, would be unforgettable at first sight.

The city gate guards no one to stop, Hualuo looks at the night Tianyi, who is about to arrive at the north gate, and leaves the city after the cloud light moon horse.

"Stop them!" Ye Tianyi has a light drink.

Qi Qi, the guard at the gate of the city, woke up with a start. Looking along the sound, he saw that it was the seventh prince who had made a jade plate in the city.

"I said stop them!" Night Tianyi shows the jade card of the seventh Prince and shouts at the gate guard.

The city gate guards to order, hurriedly to the cloud shallow moon and the flower falls two horses to stop. Naturally, they couldn't stop the moon and the flowers falling. They saw two horses with their feet raised and rushed out of the gate. They seemed to have not heard the light drink of night Tianyi and the gate guard's interception.

"Hidden guard!" Night Tianyi beat the horse and chased out of the gate of the city and drank lightly.

He said, dozens of Black Royal hidden guards flew out to block the moon and flowers.

"Little Lord, do you want to fight?" The flowers fell in surprise.

"If you don't fight, keep up with me! We dumped him. If you delay the fight, ye Tianyi will come. " Yunqianyue's voice is slightly deep. Even when she is so tight, she doesn't reveal her female voice. She has such a skill that she can quickly put herself into the role when she is sent as an envoy in a previous life. Even if the situation is urgent, there will be no leakage until the last moment.

Flowers nodded, hit the horse with tight cloud shallow moon.

The gate of Cloud City is not like the gate of other cities. It has two gates. After passing one gate, she came to another gate. Yun Qianyue originally wanted to throw out the red brocade in her sleeve. However, she thought that she would be able to reveal her identity if she knew about it. So she threw the reins out of her hand and opened the soldiers who had received the message from the front door to quickly close the gate to intercept them. The horse rushed through the soldiers and left the gate.

The flower falls praises the small Lord's skill fast, also followed closely, rushed out of the city gate.

At this time, night Tianyi's Royal hidden guards also use their lightness skills to catch up with them, which is only a few steps away from the two horses of yunqianyue and Hualuo.

"Little Lord, you go first, I'll stop them!" The flower falls to think is afraid is unable to throw away, after all, this is the Royal hidden guard. When the small Lord is stopped by the seventh prince, it will be troublesome.

"No, there is a savior Cloud shallow moon looks at the front and shakes her head, her voice shows a trace of smile.

Hualuo takes back her sight from behind, and also sees the carriage coming from the front. The carriage is black and made of agarwood. It has a kind of low-key luxury. There is only one such carriage in the world, and his master is king Shizi of Rongwang mansion. He was so happy that he thought that Jing Shizi had come at the right time. Otherwise, for the sake of the little Lord, he is afraid to use all the hidden piles of the Red Pavilion buried in Cloud City and Zhou Xuan, the seventh prince.Two horses crossed with the black carriage. Yun Qianyue reached out and clasped the wrists of the boy in ragged clothes behind him and threw him to the carriage. The voice was clear, "King Shizi, give me a hand. I'll take care of this man for you, but remember to return it to me."

The black curtain of the carriage was forced to open, and the young man in rags was thrown into the car.

Xiange was just about to make a move. When he saw the red brocade on the sleeve of yunqianyue, he immediately stopped and looked at yunqianyue in surprise. Think this is actually miss moon? If it was not for the beauty brocade she deliberately showed him, he would not recognize her at all.

Cloud shallow moon reveals the beauty brocade, but for a moment, see string song no longer to her hand, she missed the car body, hit the horse to leave.

Hualuo followed Yun Qianyue and took a look at the black carriage. As the boy in rags was thrown into the carriage, the curtain of the carriage rose and fell. The figure of Rongjing reading books against the wall of the carriage flashed away. He clearly saw that the boy was thrown into the carriage and fell into a mess, but Rongjing didn't look up at him. He thought that he was worthy of Jing Shizi. He probably heard the voice of Xiaozhu. He was not surprised at all. He was as calm as a cucumber.

At this time, Qi Qi, the Royal hidden guard, came and missed the car body. Suddenly, a strong air flow came out of the carriage. In an instant, an air wall was cast on the left and right sides of the carriage. Dozens of royal guards couldn't bear such a strong force. They bumped into the air wall and retreated several steps together.

In this moment, the two horses of yunqianyue and Hualuo have already run for dozens of Zhangs. , the fastest update of the webnovel!