The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 751

"This is really wonderful Hualuo looked at the cloud with admiration. He brought the change of face with the black brocade robe. She was useless at all. She was still the same appearance, but now she stood in front of the mirror and made a change in an instant. It was something he had never seen before.

"It's not a facelift. It's makeup. As long as you don't meet someone you know too well, you won't be noticed. The main reason is that it's easy to do, doesn't need to delay too much time, it's too troublesome to cosmetology, and it's also harmful to the skin. " Cloud shallow moon words fall, lift step to go to the door, to the flower fall way: "go!"

"Well!" The flowers nodded.

They went out of the yard, and Qiu brought the horses. Yunqianyue and Hualuo turn over and mount their horses. They take yunqianyue through the streets and alleys with them. All of them are dark roads in the background. After a series of twists and turns, they come to the South Gate of Yuncheng.

"Little Lord, the seventh Prince is at the south gate!" Hualuo was walking in front of him. Just as he was about to turn the street, he saw the night Tianyi on the south gate. He quickly reined in his horse and took a few steps back with his horse. He whispered to the cloud and the moon behind him.

Yunqianyue also looks at the south gate, only to see night Tianyi standing at the gate of the south gate, standing so quietly, as if waiting for someone, not like. He was still wearing a snow-green robe, and he could not see any dust. However, the BMW under him was completely wet, and there was a fine and crystal light in the sun, indicating that it must have been running for a long time. She thought that as soon as she arrived here, ye Tianyi came after her, indicating that he left the capital not long after her, and that he also traveled one night. She didn't think that the third childe's skill of changing faces was investigated by Ye Tianyi in the middle of the night and followed her. There was only one reason. He was for something. And this thing is about the princess of Donghai.

"What should I do? The south gate is the only way out of the city Asked the flower.

"Let's go to Beicheng. I know a mountain road. We go around it." Cloud light moon road.

"Good!" Flowers nodded.

Yunqianyue takes a look at Ye Tianyi again, turns the horse's head and goes back along the original road, and the flowers follow her. After a stick of incense, the two men came to the north gate. No one knew them well. When Yiru came, Hua Hua handed in the document for customs clearance that had been arranged. The soldiers guarding the gate saw the document and released them.

"Wait!" At this time, a man ran from the quiet street. The man ran very fast. In a twinkling of an eye, he came to the gate of the city. He stopped in front of the moon and flowers. He seemed to take a quick look at them. He pointed at the nose and swore, "you heartless man. After a night of spring breeze, you left me alone?"

Yunqianyue was stunned. Looking at the person in front of her, she saw that she was a teenager of the same age. However, compared with her expensive black brocade robe, he was in rags, some dirty, and could hardly see any color. Besides, his hair was messy, and there were a few grass dregs on his face. His face was also dirty, but it was not difficult to see that he had a beautiful face, At this time, she was scowling at her, and she picked her eyebrows and did not speak.

"Last night, you said that as long as I followed you and I could not enjoy the wealth and glory, I would leave me today? no way. When you and I had a good time last night I For the first time... " The young man angrily pointed to the moon, and his anger was expressed in his words.

Cloud shallow moon mouth corner smoked, when did she want somebody else's first time? Why doesn't she know? She looked at the boy, still speechless.

The city guards at the gate of the city all opened their eyes. In a moment, the crowd looked at the noble young man who was sitting on the horse, and then looked at the angry young man in rags. Everyone's face could not help showing a sudden color. In this era, the childe of your family likes to have fun, and the boy is not fresh either. Although he is dirty, he looks like a little beautiful man. He must have been attracted by the noble childe. He lost his taste and left him after having a good time. At this time, the young man in rags was obviously angry and unwilling to pursue him.

"A bunch of nonsense. How can my young master like you?" Hua Luo Xiu eyebrows erect, thinking that this is the gate of the city, no more delay, in case the seventh prince comes from the south gate, it will be troublesome, and this person is too suspicious. If you come here at this time and stop the little Lord, you will have some plan.

"I finally know that you have found a new love again, take him away, just want to leave me alone?" The young man in rags pointed to the flowers and denounced the cloud and the moon, "you bastard who likes the new and dislikes the old! What's wrong with me? He's just better dressed and washed, and if you wash me clean, I'm much more beautiful than he is. "

Cloud shallow moon eyebrow tip tiny pick, still do not speak, looking at the broken clothes youth.

"Get out of here Hua Hua pulls out his sword from his waist and stabs at the young man in rags.

"Anyway, I have been defiled by you, I I can't be a man again, even if I die! " The young man in ragged clothes suddenly closed his eyes and stood in the same place as if he were dead. Although his face was dirty, his eyebrows and eyes were clear, and he looked at death as if he were home.

The falling sword comes to the young man's neck, and the tip of the sword is pushed forward one inch, and the young man in broken clothes will be killed on the spot.

The soldiers who guarded the city all opened their eyes. Many looked at the young man in rags with pity, but no one came out to stop him. At first sight, the young people sitting upright are either rich or expensive, and their small garrison soldiers can't be provoked."Stop it!" Cloud shallow month looks at the flower falls the sword tip to cut the skin of the young man's neck, the broken clothes boy still does not move, she makes a voice to stop.

Hualuo looked at the cloud and the moon, stopped and immediately withdrew his sword.

"Why don't you let him kill me? Or take me away! Or kill me The young man suddenly opened his eyes and angrily looked at the cloud and the moon, "otherwise, how do you want me to live in the future?"

"Step forward!" The cloud is shallow, and the moon's voice is light, and she speaks to the young man in broken clothes. Her voice is just right, there is a young voice change period of slightly dull, no one can doubt that the voice of the youth is from a woman's mouth.

Broken clothes young one Leng, looked at cloud shallow moon one eye, still stepped forward one step, but this one step strides extremely small.

"One more step forward!" Cloud shallow moon road.

The young man in rags took a step forward according to his words, which was still very small.

"Don't you want to go with me? Yes? Afraid? " Cloud shallow month looks at the broken clothes young man to walk two steps, also is not as common person one step distance, she picked pick eyebrows.

"Who said he was afraid?" Broken clothes young suddenly unconvinced to stride forward a big step, all of a sudden came to cloud shallow moon horse head.

Cloud shallow month reaches out to lift his chin, white fingers pinched his cheek, and touched his eyebrows. In a moment, he said to the flowers: "take a square of a veil!"

The flower falls according to the speech to hand a square to cloud shallow moon. , the fastest update of the webnovel!