The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 748

In addition to the two words in her dictionary, if there is no copy of it. It's all about whether she wants it or not.

"I'll count three. You'd better leave. Otherwise the sword has no eyes. " Hua Luo's face was cold and cold, thinking that although the little master and his followers had not hidden their tracks when they were out of the city, the night was dark. He and the little Lord were highly skilled in martial arts. No one could approach or visit him for a few miles. Naturally, he could not see his appearance and was not checked by people. After entering the city, he showed up only a short time later. He admitted that he did not find any suspicious spies or secret guards. How did Princess ye come here? Did not hear the cloud shallow month to speak, knew that she would not see ye Qian, then did not withdraw the sword on her neck.

"You think it's you who are better at martial arts than me that you put your sword around my neck?" Ye Qian picked eyebrows to see the flowers fall, "I just didn't make a move. I didn't intend to do it since I came in, so I was made elbow by you."

The flowers snorted, "so what? All in all, get out of here at once

Ye Qian no longer paid attention to the flowers and said to the main room, "yunqianyue, I come to see you about jingshizi. Aren't you curious about the purple bamboo forest map you captured from the prime minister's office?"

Cloud shallow moon thought move, eyes slightly squint, do not answer.

"One..." Flowers did not see clouds, shallow moon was provoked, has begun to call the first number.

"Maybe you know the layout of the purple bamboo forest picture, but you don't know what the secret is." Ye Qian said again.

"Two..." Flowers began to call the second number.

"Why is that picture in Qin Yuning's hands? There are also secrets about Prince Rong's residence. Don't you really want to know? Even if you don't want to know this, you are afraid to be confused by me and don't believe me, but you don't want to know that the princess of Donghai Kingdom has not just come out from the East China Sea, but has come to Tiansheng for a long time? " Ye Qian picked up her eyebrows and spoke very quickly.

"Three..." Hualuo shouts the third number. With a slight turn of the wrist, the sharp blade of the sword is already close to Ye Qian's skin.

"Flowers fall, stop it!" The cloud is shallow and the moon is light.

Hualuo's actions in his hands were stopped in an instant and his sword was stopped, but he didn't leave Ye Qian's neck. The sword's cold edge was just like his people's, like the peach blossom in spring covered with a layer of frost, cool and cold.

"Cloud light moon, you are indeed there!" Ye Qian made a sound as expected, reached out and gently waved it. He opened the sword of Hualuo on his neck, glanced at Hualuo, and said to Yun Qianyue, "you are lucky. Wherever you go, you are accompanied by beautiful men. If the trend is deep. Let me suspect that you are born to be a master of peach blossom. Why don't you like Shijing! I'm willing to drink that vinegar. "

Cloud shallow month stretch out a curtain, look at Ye Qian, the eye light is cold, "how do you know I came here?"

"Yunqianyue, sometimes you say you are smart. You are really smart. You are still stupid when you say you are stupid. I am the princess of Southern Xinjiang, the daughter of the king of Southern Xinjiang, and the successor of Southern Xinjiang. Who came and who went to this small cloud city? If I don't know, how can I be the princess of Southern Xinjiang? The future queen of Southern Xinjiang? Don't forget, southern Xinjiang relies on the art of insect curse. As long as you are close to my border, you can feel your breath. Although you are well hidden, how unfamiliar am I to you? It's no surprise to know you're here Ye Qian scoffed at the cloud and the moon.

Cloud shallow moon suddenly, the original Southern Xinjiang insect mantra also has this function, she unexpectedly did not know. Her face is light, there is no color, "you come to me not only to tell me about the purple bamboo forest map and the princess of Donghai kingdom?"

"Nature! I want to talk to you about a deal Ye Qiandao.

Cloud shallow moon suddenly a smile, "three years ago you and night Tianyi talked about a deal, now you find me. I don't know what the future queen of Southern Xinjiang likes is not how to govern Southern Xinjiang and survive in the cracks of various countries, but to do business? "

"Cloud moon, don't laugh at me! Since you know that southern Xinjiang exists in the cracks of various countries, you know that it is not easy to survive. You have no right to laugh at what I have done for Southern Xinjiang and for my country. " Ye qianmei's eyes were cold. She looked at the dim voice of the cloud and the moon through the window and said, "what's the difference between you and me? What you are doing now is also to protect the cloud palace? It's just that you are luckier than me. You have a king son. "

Cloud shallow month hears speech smile to accept, the face is pure, good, no one has the qualification and the right to ridicule the people who pay for their own country. Even though ye Qian is well versed in calculation and planning, she does not hesitate to sacrifice her love and marriage. "Come in," she said

Ye Qian walks up to the main house.

Flower to see ye Qian into the house, put away the sword, also lift step to follow in. He must do his best to protect the small owner. No matter who you are, you should guard against it. This princess Ye is more thoughtful and has to guard against it.

Ye Qian went into the room, took a look at the water bucket in the middle and the petals in the bucket, and said with a smile, "even if you go out, you will enjoy it. But I don't know how jingshizi would look if he knew you were bathing in front of other men? "

"Ye Qian, I don't have time to fight with you!" Cloud shallow month turns to turn body, walk to the table to sit down, lightly swept leaf Qian.

"First of all, my conditions! If I tell you what I know, you will promise to help me get back the jade seal of Southern Xinjiang. " Ye Qian went to the table and sat opposite the moon. She was a business man."The jade seal of Southern Xinjiang?" Cloud shallow moon pick eyebrows.

"Not bad!" Ye Qian nodded and said, "I know you also sent someone to southern Xinjiang. Although your hidden guard Mo Li is good at martial arts and secret, my baby can also detect his breath. When he went to southern Xinjiang, someone had already stolen the jade seal of Southern Xinjiang. The man's breath was strange and was not checked by my baby. Therefore, I don't know who took the seal, but Yes, I think you must know, because your secret guard and that man have made a hand. "

"A picture of purple bamboo forest and the whereabouts of the princess of Donghai kingdom. I can check them by myself. It seems that the sum of these two things is not enough to offset the value of my helping you find the jade seal." Cloud shallow moon also business public talk, slowly tunnel.

"What if I helped you to destroy Princess Luoyao of Donghai?" Ye Qiandao.

The cloud is shallow and the moon is high.

"It is said that Princess Luoyao of Donghai kingdom is as beautiful as a fairy. If she destroys her face, she will not have the face to marry Jing Shizi. It will not help you Ye Qiandao.

"It's not a breach of engagement to ruin your appearance." Cloud light moon road.

"I don't have the ability to destroy the engagement. If I had, I wouldn't have come here to negotiate with you to get the jade seal back for me." Ye Qiandao.

"She was an innocent woman. She didn't have any deep hatred with me. It was just because of an agreement made a hundred years ago that she came to see Prince Rong's house for an appointment. That person is exactly the scene, so it becomes my hindrance. So there's no need for disfigurement. Break the engagement. If you can't do it, change it to something that you can do and I can't or can't do to benefit me. " Cloud shallow month think she is not so cruel, behind an innocent woman under that cruel hand. , the fastest update of the webnovel!