The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 749

"Cloud light moon, your heart is really kind. This kind of kindness, to put it bluntly, is folly Ye Qian coldly chided a, "what is to start first for strong, you can't understand it? Now Jing Shizi is very kind to you, but you can't guarantee that he doesn't have the same idea when he meets a better woman than you? Mind shaking? You can't guarantee that Princess Luoyao is an innocent woman? What if she takes a fancy to Jing Shizi and tries her best to get rid of you? You have to know that you and Jing Shizi are well-known in the world. She can't be unaware that you are her hindrance. "

"No matter what will happen in the future, but at least now she is not harmful to me, so I can't commit crimes. Besides, I believe in Rongjing. " Cloud light moon face color unchanged, light voice because mention believe raised a touch of gentleness, it seems that the touch of tenderness touched the bottom of her heart to take a soft heartstring, she said word by word: "Rongjing is not another ordinary man, he is Rongjing. All the women in the world want to marry him, which shows his great charm! It's not unusual for Luoyao to take a fancy to him. If she hurt me, I will not be soft hearted. If she competes fairly, will I lose her? "

"Fair competition?" Ye Qian raised her eyebrows and looked at the cloud shallow moon, as if she did not know her, "cloud shallow moon, is your brain sick? Under favorable conditions, what kind of benevolence and righteousness should we talk about? I'll do it for you, even if you don't do it. What are you afraid of? If she destroys her face, she loses one side to rely on. It's not too bad. You don't know how much. But now it's not the same. You have to know that Donghai is rich and powerful. The princess of Donghai kingdom is the Pearl of the king of Donghai. To get wind, to get rain, is more than several times higher than your legitimate daughter status of cloud palace. If the East China Sea put pressure on you, Jing Shizi and you would have been constrained by the old emperor and the seventh prince in Tiansheng. At that time, it would be a situation in which both sides were attacked by the enemy. Even if you have the hand to turn the clouds over, can you fight two emperors and two royal families? "

"So what?" Cloud shallow moon light smile, don't care, although the voice is light, but it is very solemn, "Ye Qian, governing the country first to be a man, to be a man first.". I don't care what other people do, my fundamental life is to uphold kindness. If people don't even have good ideas, all people in the world are evil. For their own selfish desires, they will engage in business and plan for others everywhere. They will not hesitate to commit crimes and destroy people's lives. I think the world will soon die. How important is a woman's appearance? You know, I know, even a three-year-old knows it all over the world. If it is destroyed, it will destroy a woman's life. I won't do it until I have to. Besides, I haven't seen the princess of Donghai. I don't know whether she is round or flat. Why don't I believe I'm better than her? Even if she had the heart to fight for Rongjing, she would have dealt with me. Even if she had been attacked by the front and the back, even if she had been attacked by both sides, Rong Jing and I would have shaken the whole world

Ye Qian suddenly lost her voice. When she looked at the moon, she saw that the woman opposite her had firm eyebrows and eyes. Her eyes were full of clear and cold starlight. The purple Ruan Yanluo was just a trace of simple and elegant taste. Even in a big red dress, she suddenly felt that she had lost some color in front of her. She has always been conceited that no woman in the world can be more resourceful and resourceful than her, and no one can have her mind. With her thin shoulders, when she set foot on the journey to southern Xinjiang seven years ago, she held up the important task of Southern Xinjiang. She believes that the belief is to do whatever it takes to keep the country and what she wants, but now Yun's words suddenly overturn her belief.

In her opinion, to keep her good thoughts is to be restrained everywhere, and let others attack her first and then confront her. It is too passive. It was seen by her as stupid. But now she suddenly felt that the stupidity she thought was gradually disappearing from her heart, and thinking about how many people in this dark and turbulent dye vat in the world are willing to stick to their ends?

No more?

No, there's only one cloud moon!

"Since you don't agree with this condition, what more conditions do you want to add?" Ye Qian put away the mind that was touched and asked.

"Just add the truth of a secret." Yunqianyue thought for a moment and said: "the truth about that day, the king of ten thousand mantras was poisoned by Arnebia and you were injured. You don't know that! "

"This won't work!" Ye Qian flatly refused.

"There's nothing I can do about it!" Cloud shallow moon to leaf Qian wave a hand, "we this one business don't do also! You know, I didn't mean to do business with you. I have no other advantages, but patience. I can slowly uncover the secrets, whether it's the purple bamboo forest, or the princess of the East China Sea, or the poison of Arnebia, and the countless unsolved cases left behind. "

Ye Qian suddenly got up and stood up, staring at the cloud light moon and said: "involving the secret of my southern Xinjiang, I will not reveal to you."

"At that time, there were you, ye qingran, ye Tianqing, Qin Yuning, and the dead bodies on the ground on the scaffold outside the gate of five. And a king of mantras. If you don't tell me, I can guess a little bit, but I think the jade seal is the property of your southern Xinjiang. You should know that the longer the jade seal is left outside, the more unfavorable it will be to the super standard of your southern Xinjiang. Moreover, the king of Southern Xinjiang is seriously ill, and you have to rush back. Do you think, compared with a small secret of Southern Xinjiang, which is valuable? "

Ye Qian body a meal, squint eyes, "you know my father king is seriously ill?"

"I think I'm not the only one who knows. People who should know should know a lot. " Cloud light moon road. She is not in a hurry, waiting for ye Qian."Good! I promise you to tell you all three things, but you must get the seal back to me within a month. " Ye Qian bit her teeth and finally agreed.

"Good!" Cloud shallow moon also nods happily. Although the blue family of the top ten families is troublesome to deal with, it is not an iron wall.

"The Prime Minister of Qin was a direct tributary of Southern Xinjiang which was separated during the great turmoil of Southern Xinjiang a hundred years ago. That is to say, his ancestor was from southern Xinjiang, and he was from southern Xinjiang. The Prime Minister of Qin had only one daughter, Qin Yuning. Now you understand? That day's Shicao is Qin Yuning's skill. " Ye Qiandao.

"So it is! This is a secret. The old emperor knew that the Prime Minister of Qin was a descendant of Southern Xinjiang? " The cloud is shallow and the moon suddenly appears. She thought that Prime Minister Qin and Qin Yuning should have contact with southern Xinjiang, but she did not think of this.

"Nature! Why was the southern Xinjiang in chaos? It's just that the royal family of Tiansheng instigated civil strife by means of means. Let the disorderly officials and thieves bring trouble to southern Xinjiang. Later, great grandfather calmed down the civil strife in southern Xinjiang, which greatly damaged the vitality of Southern Xinjiang. Now for a hundred years, relying on Nanliang to survive in the cracks of various countries. The rogue minister and thief was renamed by the night royal family of Tiansheng and became a key official of Tiansheng's court. Now he is the Prime Minister of two generations Ye Qiandao.

Yun Qianyue nodded. There are very few records about the disaster in southern Xinjiang a hundred years ago. It turns out that there is such a case. She raised her eyebrows. "That's why you don't talk. Do you pretend that you don't know the Prime Minister of Qin and Qin Yuning? So the one hundred Southern Xinjiang dead men who assassinated me and Rongjing were sent by Prime Minister Qin? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!