The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 747

Cloud shallow moon and flowers all the way speechless, fast horse to whip, on the quiet official road only hears the sound of the horse's hooves, the rhythm is consistent. At dawn, they came to the Cloud City 300 miles away.

Although the cloud city is not big, it is the nearest city to Tiansheng. The official roads are in all directions. Businessmen from all over the world usually settle in the Cloud City. Therefore, although the cloud city is small, it is as prosperous as Tiansheng capital. Small as a sparrow is, it has five internal organs. There are many restaurants and shops in Yuncheng. The Cloud City in the morning is lively and harmonious.

"Little Lord, let's go to zuixiang building and have a rest before we set out. You can also go to get chilly." Hua Luo looks at Yun Qianyue beside him. Now he has great respect for the riding skill of the little Lord. The wind of heaven Saint country is open. Although women don't go out of the gate, they don't step forward. Women in big families also learn some simple self-defense skills, but because women are weak, riding skills are not very good. She was the best riding woman he had ever seen. After walking 300 Li at midnight, he could hardly bear it.

"No problem!" Cloud shallow moon nods, the body is the capital of revolution, also do not contend in a moment and a half.

Flowers no longer speak, two people hit horse to zuixiang building.

When there was still some distance from zuixiang building, yunqianyue saw several cars and horses parked in front of zuixiang building. She turned her eyes around the cars and remembered that the troops in Nanjiang and Nanliang had only been away for two days. Naturally, their team is not as fast as she and Hualuo, and their journey is slow. Now they come to Cloud City. She pursed her lips, reined in her horse's reins, and said to the flowers, "don't meet the envoys of Nanliang and Nanjiang!"

Hualuo also knows that yunqianyue is going on a secret trip, so it's better to have less than one thing. Besides, she is not dressed up now. It's not too far from the capital. If the capital gets the news that she's going out of Beijing without permission, it's not good for Yun Wangfu and her. He nodded and whispered, "little Lord, let's go to Yanliu Tower!"

"Good!" Cloud shallow moon nods. Zuixiang building is the industry of Fengge, and yanliulou is the industry of Hongge. However, zuixiang restaurant is a pure broken restaurant, while Yanliu restaurant is a brothel. Although elegant, it is also a mixture of good and bad. So zuixiang restaurant is the first choice for Hualuo. Now zuixiang building can not rest, can only choose Yanliu building.

"Little Lord, come down with me!" Hualuo turned the horse's head and went to a quiet street.

Yunqianyue nodded and followed Hualuo behind. She thought that Rongjing had been distracted by Rongjing's meeting Princess donghaiguo. She stood at midnight unconsciously. Later, when the third childe arrived, she rushed out of the door in order to catch up with Hualuo. If she has not disguised as a disguise, she should keep it secret.

Hualuo turns around several quiet streets and comes to a high gate courtyard. He knocks the knocker gently. An old man opens the door and sees the flower falling. He is very happy. He is very glad to see him

"Well! I took the owner to Yanliu building to have a rest. Wash away the dust. " Hua Luo handed the reins to the old man.

"See you, little old man!" The old man saw the cloud behind the flowers. It seemed that he had already got the news, so he knelt down.

"No gift for the old man!" Cloud light moon gently raised his hand, holding the body of the old man to worship.

The old man stood up and took a close look at Yun Qianyue. He said with some joy: "the portraits spread in the Red Pavilion can't show the little master's three-dimensional vividness. But the little Lord and the old master look really similar. At first sight, the little old man almost took the master as the master. If it had not been for Mr. Hua's earlier message that Xiaozhu was going to Ferris cliff, I would hardly believe it. "

Cloud shallow moon light smile, face some warm meaning, "I can't be as elegant as my mother."

"It's a pity that the master is in his prime, so..." The old man was dejected.

"Mr. Qiu, I've been on my way in the middle of the night. I have to take a rest." The flowers stopped the old man's words and said to the cloud and the moon: "little Lord, you should come down. This is the backyard of the willow house. "

"Good!" Cloud shallow moon nods, shake off the reins, see the old man quickly wipe his eyes to take the reins, she secretly sighs, her mother's influence on the Red Pavilion how big? Can let the Red Pavilion from old to young so many years of loyalty. She thought that only her mother could do it!

After entering the courtyard, Hualuo took Yun Qianyue to a main courtyard. He pointed to the main house inside and said to her, "this main room is the place where the master came to Cloud City every time. You go in first, and your subordinates order you to fetch water and bath for you to go to the cold air."

"Good!" Cloud shallow moon nods, lift step into main room.

The house is clean and tidy, not stained with dust, and the windows are bright and clean. It is obvious that people clean the house every day. The furnishings in the house are not luxurious, but elegant. Although it is quite different from the light moon Pavilion in the cloud palace, you can still see the shadow of her mother. For example, the arrangement of lamps is in accordance with her mother's favorite orientation. For example, the string of beads in the bead curtain is also in accordance with her mother's favorite color. Although the eight immortals table and pear blossom wood chair look old, there is a trace of precipitation for months. She looked around the room and thought that the purpose of going to the skyscraper cliff was to explore her mother's past, although it was for the sake of the ten hermit families and Donghai kingdom.

Flower with two people to carry a risk of Tengteng caused by the bucket into the house, gently placed in the center after the retreat.Cloud shallow moon pulls up the curtain, closes the door, takes off the clothes, buries itself in the hot water. The warm heat flow infiltrated the skin along the capillary blood hole, and the cold air suddenly faded half. She thought that Hualuo looked young, but extremely calm. Before she went out with the wind ember, she took care of everything, but she had to take care of him. However, Hualuo was different. She closed her eyes comfortably and let the warm water drive away the cold. She didn't sleep last night She was tired, so she closed her eyes.

I don't know how long, just listen to a low drink outside the hospital, "who?"

With her eyes closed, yunqianyue opened her eyes and looked out of the window. The curtain was closed. She couldn't see the situation outside the window. She took back her sight. At this time, the water temperature was cold, which showed that she had been soaking in the water for half an hour. She went out of the bucket, wiped off the water stains on her body, put on her clothes, and quickly dressed herself. She went to the window and looked out through the curtain gap Standing Ye Qian was stunned.

It was Ye Qian. No doubt, it seemed that she was climbing over the wall. At this time, she was standing in the courtyard, and the sword was standing on her neck. Ye Qian's hands are empty, and did not take out her red brocade silk.

"I'm looking for yunqianyue!" Ye Qian comes to the point.

Hua Luo Qing Jun's eyebrows twisted slightly, and her eyes were cool. She did not answer Ye Qian's words and said coldly: "where did you come from? You'd better get out now, or I won't be polite! "

"I know the moon is here!" Ye Qian did not move, looking at the main house pulling the curtain, gently cried, "cloud shallow moon, I want to see you something! You have to see me. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!