The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 746

"Well, let's go." Cloud shallow moon nods, hang the burden before the horse, turn over to mount the horse.

Flower fall also not much words, turn over to mount again.

Almost at the same time, they put a reins on their legs and left Wangjun Pavilion.

Not far from Wangjun Pavilion, a crescent white figure stands alone, watching the two horses walk away side by side, their thin lips slightly pursed, and their looks are quite rich in the dark night.

"Son of a lifetime, aren't you here to see off Miss shallow moon? Why did you let her go like this Xiange, dressed in black, stands behind Rongjing, watching the two horses go away side by side. He looks at Rongjing and is puzzled.

"He knew I was going to pick up the princess of Donghai, and he didn't want to see me." The sound of Rongjing is very light.

"You are sick in bed, so you don't have to pick up the princess of Donghai." String songs frown, some do not understand.

"Must go! I will show my sincerity when I go to meet you seriously. " Rongjing said: "Donghai can't be underestimated. Although it's separated from Tiansheng by sea, it's rich and powerful. It's a great country, far from being comparable to today's Tiansheng. What's more, a hundred years ago, the ancestor King Rong went to the East China Sea to borrow the anti evil pearl. Now, even after a hundred years, this favor is still returned by the Lord Rong's house. "

"But what if Princess Luoyao insists on your engagement after seeing you?" The string song frowned.

Rongjing did not answer the string song, looking at the direction of the cloud light moon left, a faint voice turned, some depressed way: "that man is too good!"

The string song is stunned.

"What's his name?" Rongjing asked.

"The son of the world is talking about the man who left with Miss shallow moon?" Some string songs can't keep up with the ideas of Rongjing.

"Well!" Rongjing nodded.

"I don't know! I've never heard of such a character. " String song shakes his head.

"Green shadow!" Rong Jing called out to his back.

"Son of a bitch!" A figure floats and falls behind the scene, like a cloud of fog.

"Who is that man?" Rongjing asked.

"This man, whose surname is Hua and whose name is Luo, is one of the seven elders who have been succeeded by Hongge. He was born in the flower family of the top ten families. It is as famous as canglan and Fengyan, the other two elders of the Red Pavilion. " "However, the Red Pavilion has always been secret, and my subordinates can only learn so much information these years."

"Well!" Rongjing nodded.

The green shadow retreated.

"Shizi, what is the relationship between miss Qianyue and Hongge?" String song asked in surprise.

"Red Pavilion..." Rong Jing murmured and said with a smile after a moment: "she is the little master of the Red Pavilion now. Now if the guess is right, she is going to the skyscraper cliff of the Red Pavilion. The mixin Pavilion of motianya contains the secrets about the ten aristocratic families and Donghai kingdom. She did

Xiange nodded, wanted to say something, and hesitated. After a moment, she still couldn't help but say, "son of the world, I think it's strange for you to get along with Miss shallow moon."

"Well?" Rong Jing raises her eyebrows.

"Miss shallow moon has never asked you anything. Her subordinates mean what kind of influence you have. It seems that miss Qianyue never cares about it, and you never interfere with Miss shallow moon's power. This I always feel something is wrong... " The string song carefully considers the words, seems to want to describe this strange, but can not describe.

"No wonder!" Rong Jing said with a faint smile, "these are just external things. What I want is her people, and what she gives me is her people. That's enough. If there are too many cumbersome things, they will not be pure and broken! "

The string song nodded vaguely.

"I really want to catch up with you!" Rongjing reached for his forehead. His voice was a little light and some heavy. The string song was stunned. He said again, "the flowers are growing so well!"

The string song finally understood, and the corners of her mouth began to twitch.

"It is said that the Huashi, Cang's and Feng's of the top ten families are devoted to beautiful men. It seems that the rumor is true." Rongjing's tone was a little gloomy, and she said in an angry way: "it's all under her control. I can't help but want to drive away..."

String song does not speak, the corners of the mouth twitch more severely.

"It takes at least seven days to go from the capital to the skyscraper, and then back to Beijing from the skyscraper. That is to say, she will stay with Hualuo for seven days and seven nights..." The scenery is like a poem, and its eyes are covered with mist.

String song can't stand it. When did his son of a family hurt the spring and mourn the autumn? When did you go to the old worries and add new ones? When and for whom? He coughed and reminded him, "son of the world, you are going to pick up Princess Luoyao from Donghai. It is said that Princess Luoyao is very beautiful. It should be miss Qianyue who is not at ease with you."

Rong Jing holds the hand of forehead a meal, suddenly a smile, "also right!" Then he turned and walked back to the city

Xiange breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that fortunately he did not have a woman, so that he would not become a son of the world. He was afraid that he would not remember his surname Rong any more when he met with Miss Qianyue. , the fastest update of the webnovel!