The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 745

The lark fluttered its wings and skillfully flew out of the pavilion of the shallow moon and flew high into the sky. It became a small dot and disappeared.

Cloud light moon stood in front of the window, looking out of the window, the window is open, there is a trace of wind blowing, the curtain in front of the window fluttering, her face is hidden bright and dark.

No one came to the shallow moon Pavilion again. The courtyard was quiet. Even today, the whole cloud palace is very quiet.

The cloud moon stood in front of the window all the time. From noon till sunset, the sky was covered with black veil until the moon was high and the clouds covered the sky.

"Miss, it's time now. You haven't had any meals." Ling Lian finally can't help but speak softly.

"It's time so soon!" Cloud shallow moon turned back, for a long time did not move, the body can not help some stiff, to Ling Lian way: "three childe has not come yet?"

"Coming!" Cloud light moon words fall, a figure falls in the courtyard, see his body shape flash, bead curtain sends out tiny shake, in a twinkling of an eye, people have entered the room.

cloud, looking as like as two peas in the moon, saw that he was dressed in a purple Ruan Luo Luo's dress. It was just a set of clothes on her body, and there were no difference between her face and her face. Even the jewelry worn around the wrist and the wrist was exactly the same. She stares at the third childe for a moment, and then suddenly smiles, "where does this beauty come from?"

"Beauty from King Rong's house!" The third young master snorted and was not angry.

"From Prince Rong's mansion?" Clouds and moon raise eyebrows.

The third young master didn't answer. He went to the mirror and looked into it. After looking at himself for a moment, he was reluctant to say, "it's really the son of king. He's a genius. He's worthy of his reputation. Even such transfiguration techniques can be so delicate. "

"You say this is Rongjing's Yi Rong? Is Yi what I look like? " The moon blinked.

"Well, otherwise you think I can make you look like this easily?" The third young master turned around and sat down at the table tired. He took up the herbal tea on the table and poured it fiercely. For a moment, he put down the empty cup and said, "I've been tossing about all night, and I haven't even drunk any water."

"How can Rongjing know?" Yunqianyue thinks about what she didn't tell Rongjing that she was leaving.

The third young master glanced at the cloud and said, "how do I know how he knows? I was on my way here when he robbed me and made me look like this. It seems that you can't do bad things in the future, and you can't do good things. Otherwise, he will know that you will be locked in a big cage for your whole life

Yunqianyue looks at Linglian and Yixue, and they shake their heads together. "Miss, we are secretive. It's impossible for us to be investigated by jingshizi."

"Well!" Cloud shallow moon nods, looking at three childe way: "you must have the person of Rong Jing."

"How can I rest assured that he doesn't watch me? I came up late again The third young master curled his lips. "Don't say it's me. He won't let go of a male mosquito that flies into the shallow moon Pavilion."

Cloud shallow moon some funny ground cast open a face, to Ling Lian command, "carry a meal! I'll leave after dinner. "

Ling Lian nodded and went down immediately. After a while, she brought the food. Yun Qianyue and the third childe sat opposite each other at the table. They looked at the third childe who was very similar to her. She felt in a trance that she was looking at the mirror. She felt a strange feeling in her heart, thinking that if she looked at this person too much like herself, then others would look at it again It's self.

"How about it? Is it too similar? You can't eat? " The third childe looks at the cloud shallow moon, unexpectedly opens the voice also to become her voice, even if carefully listens also is not easy to distinguish.

"Well, it is. But it won't be too much to eat. " The moon shakes her head.

"I used to be a little reluctant to accept it. Now I understand why you like Rongjing. It's not strange that a man even knows a tiny mole on your chest." The third young master glanced at Yun Qianyue's chest, and his tone was strange.

Cloud light moon chopsticks a shake, nearly out of hand fly out, her face red, staring at the third childe, some grinding teeth way: "he actually told you this?"

"Well, it's OK! As like as two peas, you must have a mole like yours. The third young master pointed to his chest and said in a gloomy way: "this is the spot. If you don't believe me, I can take off my clothes and show you."

"This There's no need to be so refined Cloud shallow moon difficultly spit out a word, think of Rong Jing this bastard! This is a disguised declaration of sovereignty.

The third young master pointed to the food in front of him and said, "from your expression, to your movements, to what kind of food you like to eat, how you walk, and what people you will say to you, he spent the whole night teaching me, and I suspect that I am now one of you."

Yun Qianyue chuckles and smiles. The smile reaches the fundus of her eyes and stretches to the corner of her eyes. Although her smile is shallow, people who see her feel that she is happy from inside to outside.

The third childe rolled his eyes. "Can you still laugh when a man can see through it from inside to outside?"

"Being loved by a man from inside to outside, whether I'm good or bad, he loves me. Why can't I laugh?" Yun Qianyue put down her chopsticks and waved to Ling Lian, "give me the burden."Ling Lian quickly picked up the simple luggage to the cloud shallow month, charged: "miss all the way to be careful!"

"I see. Don't worry." Yunqianyue is not worried at all now. The third childe doesn't pretend to be ill. Even if she leaves the house, as long as she doesn't meet someone who is too familiar with her, no one will treat her as a fake. She walks to the door and suddenly stops and instructs: "try not to appear in front of night light dye and night nature."

"Why did Rongjing tell me to go and appear more often in front of them?" The third young master raised his eyebrows.

Cloud shallow month frowned, from top to bottom looked at three childe, left two words, "as you." Words down, her toes light, floating out of the shallow moon Pavilion.

The third young master seemed to mumble something in the room. Yun Qianyue didn't hear clearly. He was very fast. In a flash, he left the cloud palace. He stopped outside the wall of the cloud palace, took a look in the direction of Lord Rong's house, and then went to the south gate.

At this time, it was midnight, except for the gatekeepers and night watchmen, all the Tiansheng capital had turned off the lights and slept soundly. After two incense sticks, she came to the south gate, quietly flew over the city wall, and began to use her lightness skills to the south.

Walking out ten miles away, he saw a man and two horses waiting in front of Wangjun Pavilion. The man was Hualuo. Hualuo is a tight suit, sitting on the horse, looks like spring peach blossom, beautiful, amazing.

Cloud shallow moon came to the flowers, stopped, looked at the flowers, asked with a smile: "wait for a long time?"

"My subordinates join the small Lord!" Flower falls, turn over to dismount, to cloud shallow month a gift, respectfully shake head, "also not long." , the fastest update of the webnovel!