The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 744

"Yes, my father can't bear it any more!" Seeing that the moon was not willing to say more, the king of cloud stood up and went out.

Cloud shallow month hears cloud King Ye's footstep sound to go far, whole body feebly lies on soft couch.

A lark flew in from the window and landed on yunqianyue. She opened her eyes and saw two pieces of paper tied to its legs. She quickly took it down and opened the first one. It was written in Fengjin's Chinese Pinyin: "the wind family is settled!" When she saw these four words, she was suddenly relieved. Open another one and see it read, "the wind family and the blue family have an engagement. My fiance is Lan Yi, the leader of the blue family."

Cloud shallow month sees this line of words originally lying body Teng to sit up, because she moves too big, the lark that stands on her body frightens excited spirit to fly up at once.

"Miss!" Ling Lian and Yi Xue heard the movement in the house and rushed in immediately.

It's really wonderful to think about the world. The wind family actually has an engagement with the blue family, and the person who fulfills the engagement is the little master of the wind family, and the person who performs the engagement is Lan Yi, the leader of the blue family. And Fengjin is her person. If LAN Yi was the one who stole the jade seal in southern Xinjiang and fought with Mo Li, then she was involved with Ye Tianyi, so she should be regarded as a person of yetianyi. She looked at the note in her hand and couldn't describe her mood for a moment.

"What's the matter, miss?" Ling Lian looks at cloud shallow moon, see her facial expression changes, not too good, ask anxiously.

"It's OK!" Yunqianyue looked at them, shook her head and asked, "where is Huasheng?"

"Sister Huasheng was worried that Prince Rui was Miss's brother. She was afraid that something might go wrong and hurt Prince Rui. She personally escorted Prince Rui back to Nanliang." Ling Lian Dao.

Cloud shallow moon nods, "now capital besides you two people, who still has in Red Pavilion?" Cloud shallow moon asks again.

"Canglan, Fengyan and Fenglu are all following sister Huasheng to escort Prince Rui secretly! In addition to the two of us, Hualuo is the only one left in the capital, in case the young lady has something to do, so that he can get in touch with us. Now he is in Yanliu tower. " Ling Lian Dao.

Cloud shallow moon nods, looks at two people to ask: "does red pavilion have to collect information about all countries in the world? It includes Donghai state and the ten great hermit families. "

The two were stunned. Ling Lian said: "the Red Pavilion contains many secrets. Since the day the master established the Red Pavilion, it has laid hidden piles all over the world. There is a special secret Xin Pavilion in the library of the skyscraper cliff of the Red Pavilion. All the people with names in the world are recorded and supervised by someone. There should also be records about Donghai state and the top ten families. However, they have never entered the Sutra Pavilion, so it's not clear if there are any. "

"You've been in the Red Pavilion since you were young, but you haven't been in the library?" Clouds and moon raise eyebrows.

Yi Xue nodded and took the words: "once the master had a life, only the master and the seven elders could see it. The little Lord just took over the Red Pavilion, but he has not held a takeover ceremony on the Ferris cliff. The seven of us have to wait for the small Lord to hold the taking over ceremony. Only when the master is satisfied can we appoint the seven elders in person and have the right to enter the secret Pavilion."

"So it is!" Cloud shallow moon nods, bows the head to ponder.

Ling Lian and Yi Xue look at cloud shallow moon, no longer speak.

A moment later, the moon suddenly raised her head and said, "I want to go to the skyscraper cliff!"

When they were surprised, Ling Lian immediately asked, "Miss, when are you going to go?"

"After midnight today!" Cloud light moon road.

"Miss, can you get away now?" Ling Lian looks at Yun Qianyue and states: "now the Queen's mother is pregnant, and Mr. Yunli is adopted as the prince and becomes the son of Prince Yun's mansion. Now she is preparing for the adoption ceremony. In a few days, when she is ready, you will have to be there. Skyscrapers are thousands of miles away from the capital. It's going to take two days even if it's going to be quick. But the skyscraper cliff is called natural danger. The mountain range stretches for hundreds of miles. It takes half a day to go up the mountain. You have to go to the library after you go up the mountain. Even if you don't delay, it will take a day to read the records, at least half a day, and then it will take half a day to go down the mountain. The shortest time to return to the city is two days. It will take at least seven days. "

"Then we will postpone the adoption ceremony of Yunli to seven days later." Cloud light moon road.

"It's OK, but what if the emperor asks you to enter the Palace tomorrow?" Ling Lian said again.

"Just say I'm sick!" Yunqianyue remembered that the old emperor would ask her to play chess tomorrow. Her voice was cold. "Anyway, I was listed in the imperial edict he gave Yunli to confer a son of the world today. He should know that I was dissatisfied and was angry. Even if he sent someone to pass on me, I would not like to see him. It's no wonder that he would not like to see him."

"It is possible. But how clever the seventh Prince is, I'm afraid it can't be deceived. " Ling Lian Dao.

"It's OK to cheat for a few days, but it doesn't matter. Didn't Rongjing get the invitation from Donghai to pick up the princess of Donghai Cloud shallow moon light way: "he knows I care about Rongjing, probably think I will go with Rongjing to meet the princess of Donghai, let him think so."

Ling Lian was surprised, "King Shizi is going to pick up the princess of Donghai kingdom. Miss, don't you go?"

"No!" Cloud shallow moon shakes his head, "know yourself and know your enemy before you can win a hundred battles. Now I know too little about the top ten families and Donghai, which is not good for me. I have to go to the MI Xin Pavilion on the skyscraper to get to know the top ten families and Donghai as soon as possible. ""Isn't Jing Shizi lying in bed to recuperate his wounds? How can I pick up the princess of Donghai Yi snow road.

"He'll go. It's only when he's seriously injured that he'll show sincerity, isn't he?" Yun Xiaoyue suddenly laughed and said to Ling Lian, "you send a message to the third young master and let him come to me at night. After I left, he disguised himself as me. You two stay here, and the flowers will show me the way. We will go to the skyscraper

"Miss?" Ling Lian and Yi Xue Qi were surprised and shook their heads, "the skyscraper cliff is thousands of miles away, we want to be with miss. Although the martial arts are not as good as the young lady, how can you do it alone? We can both protect miss

"You two have to stay here to hide. If I leave and you both leave, there will be no one in the shallow moon Pavilion. Besides, you two are good at martial arts. Stay here to help the third young master act according to the circumstances. If you have anything, please send me by messenger. Hualuo and I are light and simple. It will be faster. Don't worry. It's not easy for others to hurt me now. " Cloud light moon road.

Ling Lian and Yi Xue nodded. Although they felt that Yun Qianyue was reasonable, they were still worried.

"You go and pass a message to Hualuo, and ask him to wait for me outside the gate of the south gate three quarters after Zishi." Cloud shallow moon road.

Two people nod, see cloud shallow moon no longer command, turn to walk down.

When the room was quiet, yunqianyue bowed her head and meditated for a moment. She stood up from the soft couch, went to the table, picked up the quill pen and wrote on the note "received, pay more attention." After a few words, the lark, who was waiting on the side, tied the note to its leg and let it go. , the fastest update of the webnovel!