The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 743

If that woman is the head of the blue family, why did she steal the jade seal of Southern Xinjiang? Does it mean that ye Tianyi has already been connected with the blue family of the top ten families? He wanted to use the jade seal to contain Ye Qian and southern Xinjiang. The master of the blue family stole the jade seal for him. Only in this way can this matter be justified.

Ye Tianyi

Cloud shallow month wryly smile, how she forgot the blue imperial concubine behind the orchid mark, how to forget the top ten families and a blue family.

"Sister Yue, what you just said is true?" Night day Yu went back and forth, standing at the door looking at the cloud shallow moon.

Cloud shallow moon rise, a time some turn but God come, "what words?"

Night day Yu face slightly heavy, "although you do not cooperate with me, but you said you can help me save night sky pour out."

"Oh! Well, yes Cloud shallow moon nods. Yetianqing can't die yet. Only by pouring out can ye Tianyi and ye Tianyu restrain Ye Tianyi. Ye Tianyu is too weak to be his opponent. Although she would not cooperate with them, she did not hinder their own actions.

"That's good!" Night day Yu nods, lift step walked in, "we now discuss how to save him out."

"It's very simple to get him out, just in the words of the emperor." Cloud light moon lazy tunnel.

"But my father doesn't let anyone mention him in front of him now. How can it be simple? If it's simple, I don't have to come to you. " Night day Yu sits down, facial expression is not good way: "besides, now seven younger brother supervises the country, any matter passes his hand. Even if the father and the emperor agree, it's not easy for the seventh brother. "

"There are two ways!" Cloud shallow moon thought for a while, slowly way.

"What can I do?" Night day Yu immediately asked.

"First of all, you will send a letter together with all the ministers to protect the night sky. And pointed out that the birthday party had nothing to do with him, but someone deliberately framed him. " Cloud light moon road.

"It's not easy for officials to submit letters jointly?" Night day Yu frowned, "the various factions in the court, how can we do a thing together?"

"The second way is to go into the palace and ask the Queen's aunt. After all, you and ye Tianqing were brought up in her name, which can be regarded as a mother and son. The Queen's aunt is pregnant with the Crown Prince now. It may be a disaster in the future, but now it is a talisman. If she uses the prince's threat to protect the night sky, she can also achieve half of the success. " Cloud shallow moon road.

"Is this feasible? Will the mother agree? " Ye Tianyi frowned and asked suspiciously.

"The Queen's aunt is not stupid. If you have a prince in her stomach, you can't see the situation clearly. Why don't you agree?" Cloud shallow moon pick eyebrows.

"Good! I'll go now Night day Yu nods, stands up, raises the step to walk.

"If the two methods are carried out at the same time, the emperor will certainly be able to come out under the pressure of the harem and the ministers. If you only use one of these methods, you will only have a half chance of success. " Cloud shallow moon road.

Night day Yu footstep a meal, "but how can the first method work?"

"Of course! You go to Rong Wang's mansion to visit Rong Jing's illness. He couldn't help but feel itchy this morning and did some small movements about the man Dynasty's civil and military affairs. Do you think they will listen to you if you hold the handle of the civil and military affairs in Manchu Dynasty? " Yunqianyue said slowly: "no matter the emperor, the filial piety, the prince De, the prime minister Feng, the prince Yun's residence, or the night nature, if you don't want to be ugly, you'll be afraid of it. The Emperor didn't want the court to be in turmoil, so he let the night sky tilt. "

"Good!" Night day Yu nods, turns to walk.

Cloud shallow moon sit still, think night sky pour out, from prince to ordinary prince. However, with such a long time of preparation in mind, he should not be too decadent.

Night day Yu walked to the door, suddenly stopped, turned back to cloud shallow moon way: "month younger sister, read you this time to help me. I can't let you do it for nothing. I'll tell you one thing. "

Cloud shallow moon pick eyebrows.

"The king of the East China Sea handed a letter of worship to his father. It said that Princess Luoyao of Donghai kingdom was on her way. Please go to the East China Sea to meet the prince Rong's son." Night day Yu words fall, see cloud shallow moon a Zheng, added: "worship card just arrived, now should send to Rong Wang Fu. If I guess it's right, the post is now in the hands of Jing Shizi. "

Cloud light moon's eyes narrowed slightly.

Night day Yu suddenly a smile, lift step out of the door.

Yunqianyue thinks that Rongjing was originally in the Qianyue Pavilion. Did she return to the Rong palace not long ago because she received a letter from the king of the East China Sea? She stood up and walked to the door. After two steps, she suddenly stopped again, reached out and rubbed her forehead. She gave a wry smile, turned and went back to the soft couch and sat down.

Not long after she sat down, a footstep came into the shallow moon Pavilion. She stood up and looked out of the window. When she saw that the man who came in was king Yun, she sat down slowly.

"Miss, here comes the king!" Ling Lian makes a sound to remind outside.

"Well!" Cloud shallow moon some absentmindedly should a.

King Yun pushed the door and walked in. He didn't find that the cloud was not looking right. He said in a hurry: "shallow moon, I just came back from the palace. The emperor has made up his mind to abolish the crown prince and make your aunt's child the crown prince. It is useless for us to kneel outside the Shengyang hall. The emperor is not seen at all. Do you still have a way to get the emperor to take back the imperial edict? ""No!" The moon shakes her head.

"Ah..." King Yun sighed and came to sit on the chair, looking a little depressed. "Now the glory of the Rong palace is really higher than the sky. My father is really afraid that things will turn against each other when things are extreme."

The cloud is shallow and the moon is silent.

"I just came back to the mansion and heard that the emperor granted Yunli the son of the cloud palace and married the sixth princess to him. Six princesses love I love King Shizi so much that I don't think about tea and rice. It's not a good marriage... " Cloud Wang Ye sighed again.

Cloud shallow moon as if not heard, still do not speak.

"Shallow moon, why don't you speak? What do you think? " Cloud Lord looks at cloud shallow moon, this just discovers her look is not right.

"No idea! You can toss as much as you like Yunqianyue suddenly kicked the embroidered shoes on her feet. She leaned back and sprawled on the soft couch. She said, "father, do you know the grasshopper after autumn?"

Cloud Wang Ye a Leng, "how to say?"

"Grasshoppers after autumn, that is to say, they can't hop for long!" Yunqianyue closes her eyes and thinks that the princess of Donghai has a surname, Luoyao? Luoyao

"Shallow moon, do you have something on your mind?" The king of cloud looked at the moon. He always felt that the daughter was not in good condition today, and his breath was gloomy.

"Well!" The moon answered.

"Because Yunli was given six princesses to marry? Or because of your aunt? " Cloud Wang Ye guessed.

"Father, I see that you look tired, and you've been basking in the hot sun outside the temple of the holy sun. Go back to your room and have a rest." Cloud light moon drives people. Two days ago, she might want to explore why his father was robbed by the Phoenix and his memory has been changed, but now she can't mention his half interest. I've always known that Rongjing has a great influence on her, but I don't want to be so big. All of a sudden, she understood that Rongjing faced her pettiness. Now that she had just heard the invitation, she couldn't help rushing to the Rong palace. , the fastest update of the webnovel!