The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 742

"I once hoped that the prince and his brother would fall down, and that he would die right. You know, the royal family has no family. But that's without seven brothers. Now you think if I kill the prince and brother, I can still reach the summit? Hum, killing the prince and brother and removing him with my hand is just a wedding dress for the seventh younger brother. The next one is me. " Night day Yu sneer way.

"So?" Clouds and moon raise eyebrows.

"So, the prince and brother can't die." Night sky Yu Road.

"He is no longer a prince! If you live out of the prison of the Ministry of punishment, you can only turn to heaven and night. " Cloud light moon road.

"Then he can't die." Night day Yu looks at cloud shallow moon, see her not language, he continues a way: "you and King son of love each other. But there are seven brothers and the princess of Donghai kingdom. The seventh brother will not let you go. The princess of Donghai kingdom is said to have set off from the East China Sea. It will take more than one month, or at least 20 days and a half months, to come to the capital. At that time, you will be faced with these two marriages lying between you. "

"And then?" Cloud light moon quietly pick eyebrows.

"Work with me!" Night day Yu spit out four words.

Cloud shallow month looks at night day Yu with smile, "what do you take to cooperate with me?"

"Although I'm not as resourceful as my seventh brother, I'm not as powerful as he is. I'm not as good as his father's heart. I'm not as tactful as he is. There are royal hidden guards given by my father and emperor, but I have general Chen's residence behind me, and I still have the forces buried in Beijing these years. What's more, how can night sky tilt have been the crown prince for 20 years in vain? If he's out of prison, we'll join hands, and the seven brothers won't get any good. " Night sky Yu Road.

"Why should I cooperate with you?" Cloud shallow moon asks again.

"We can help each other. Although the seventh brother is good to you, there are conditions. He just wants to marry you. And you don't love him and you don't want to marry him. His persistence has become an obstacle between you and Jing Shizi. If I check and balance him, I can naturally divide his heart to help you. This is one of them. My mother is pregnant, and I know about the fruit of giving birth to children. The mother loves her child so much that she must want this child. Although he is granted the crown prince by his father, the prince is just a pedal for the sake of his seventh younger brother. Sooner or later, he will be abolished. But if the child is lost, or if he is stillborn, or if he is not careful, he will save his father from abolishing him. And do you want to help the mother keep the baby? It's always good to have an extra helper. As for the fourth, is it still useful? There are countless reasons, but I think these two points are enough. " Night day Yu always looks at the cloud light moon's look.

Cloud light moon does not speak, seems to be thinking, and seems to have nothing to think about, look a little careless.

"Are you reluctant to do it to the seventh brother? After all, your affection for so many years. " Night sky Yu pick eyebrows.

Yunqianyue remembers those days in the past ten years. With her help, ye Tianyi has made great efforts to get to the present position. She knows that although he is in charge of the state, reading memorials and taking charge of the world, he is not easy. As he said at the gate today, it may not be true.

"Do you know that if you are so kind to him, you will always be passive? You can't bear to fight seven brothers! The father emperor saw this point of you, so he used it impolitely, so that you could not retreat. " Night day Yu with a straight face.

The moon is still silent.

"Sister Yue, I always thought you were a cold-blooded and heartless person. Don't look at you to follow in the night sky after so many years. I've seen with my own eyes how you've gone through these ten years. I have no other advantages, but I have one advantage. I can spy on people behind my back. Who and what psychology, at least I have a general idea. All the people in Beijing, I dare not say that I am the one who can see the most clearly and thoroughly. But I'm also the one who can handle everything. " Night day Yu looked at cloud shallow moon, "your eyes were clear before, even when you were obsessed with the prince and his brother, the fundus of your eyes was also clear. But now I suddenly feel that you are the most affectionate person. Has king Shizi changed you

Cloud light moon light smile, "who changes me is not important, the important thing is that I will not cooperate with you!"

Ye Tian Yu's face sank and her voice sank a little bit, "sister Yue, I've analyzed the pros and cons like this. Do you still cling to the trace of old love for the seventh younger brother? Really reluctant to start? You should know that if he is between you and Jing Shizi, you will not be able to achieve results. "

"It's my business, it's my business and nightlife's business, it's also my business and Rongjing's. I can help you save yetianqing from the prison. But I won't work with you. " Cloud shallow moon put a clear attitude, seriously looking at night day Yu, "I will not help you and night Tianyi compete for the world."

"I didn't ask you to help me fight for the world, but each took what he needed." Night sky Yu Road.

Cloud shallow moon shakes head, suddenly sighs, "night day Yu, you do not understand!"

"Sister Yue, why don't I understand? I know very well. I know you can't do anything to the seventh brother. Do you know, you are so soft, is to be kind to him. Will let him not let you go even more, think you have him in your heart Night day Yu voice suddenly pull up, "he is the obstacle between you and Jing Shizi."

"Even if he's an obstacle, I can't use his feelings as a weapon against a person who loves me." Cloud shallow moon looks at night day Yu seriously, "what's more, this weapon also adds the chips of Jiangshan. Even if we turn our backs and fight against each other, it's all my own business. We will never involve you and yetianqing. We will never use his feelings to cooperate with you to fight against him. This is the principle. "Night day Yu suddenly lost voice.

"Linglian, see off the guests!" Cloud shallow moon no longer see the night sky Yu, to the outside called out.

Night day Yu some exasperated ground looked at cloud shallow moon one eye, suddenly a jilt sleeve, turned to go out of the door. He banged the door with a bang. The bead curtain crackled and swayed, making a clear sound.

Cloud light moon close eyes.

"Miss!" Outside the window came a familiar voice, Mo Li with a body of dust floating and falling.

Cloud shallow moon immediately opened his eyes, looked out of the window, see is Mo Li, quickly out of the voice, "come in!"

Mo Li opened the bead curtain and walked in. He was tired and had a faint smell of blood. As soon as he entered, he knelt on one knee at the door. He pleaded guilty and said, "excuse me, miss. Mo Li has not finished the task."

"Didn't you bring the jade seal of Southern Xinjiang? Is it very well guarded? " Cloud shallow moon looks at Mo Li, obviously he is injured.

Mo Li shook his head, "the jade seal of Southern Xinjiang has been stolen by the next step! His subordinates were injured in order to track down the jade seal, but they were not the man's opponent. The jade seal has not been obtained. "

Cloud shallow moon a Zheng, ask: "who?"

"I should be a member of the top ten families, otherwise I can't be familiar with my martial arts." Don't leave the road.

"Hand in hand, but you don't know which family it is?" Clouds and moon raise eyebrows. Mo Li was born in the top ten families of the Mo family. He is the leader of the Mo family, and his martial arts are naturally outstanding. He is familiar with his martial arts skills, and he is not his opponent. Obviously, he is one of the top ten families in martial arts. Because the martial arts of the top ten aristocratic families have always been secret and will not be known to the outside world.

"I don't know. The man is masked." Mo Li shakes his head, the voice turns, "but subordinate knows that person is a woman!"

"Woman?" The cloud is shallow and the moon is squinting.

"It's a woman." Mo Li nodded definitely.

"Well, I see. Go down and have a rest! You're seriously injured. You should take care of it first, and then you can do it well. " Cloud shallow moon ponders for a while, wave to Mo Li.

Mo Li answered, stood up and left the door.

Cloud shallow moon thought of wind ember to return to the top ten aristocratic families, a short time, also enough for him to win over the wind family. It seems that the other nine families must have been involved in various countries. It seems to be involved in the fight. Tiansheng was in the process of the replacement of the old and the new regimes, and it was also an opportunity for the affiliated countries. She pursed her lips and called out, "Ling Lian, Yi Xue, you come in!"

"Miss!" The two men came in.

"You were born in the top ten families. Could you tell me something about them?" Cloud shallow moon looks at two people.

They looked at each other and shook their heads together.

"Can't say?" Cloud shallow moon pick eyebrows.

"Come back to me, I can't say! But we were brought to the Red Pavilion by the master since we were young. Although we were born in the top ten families, we knew little about them. " Ling Lian Dao.

Yi Xue nodded.

Cloud shallow moon frown, tone slightly heavy, "just Mo Li came back to say that people from the top ten aristocratic families went to southern Xinjiang first, he stole the jade seal. It's a woman. Mo Li is also a member of the Mo family from the top ten families. He is my secret guard. You should know his martial arts, but he came back injured. Do you know which woman in the top ten families is better than Mo Li? "

They shook their heads. "We haven't been in touch with people from the top ten families these years, and it's not very clear. However, according to sister Hua Sheng, the head of the blue family of the top ten families is a woman with high martial arts skills."

"Blue House..." Cloud light moon eyes slightly narrowed, thinking for a moment, nodded, "OK, I know! You go down Ling Lian and Yi Xue walk down.

Yun Qianyue's hands are crossed together, thinking about the blue family of the top ten families. She remembers that she once happened to see the orchid mark on the back of the Blue Princess. She still has a very clear impression on the blue family of the top ten aristocratic families. Blue family, Blue Princess, night Tianyi , the fastest update of the webnovel!