The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 741

In addition, even if there is Rongjing, she has been seriously ill for ten years. If she fights against the disease, her subordinates may not be much better than her. The old emperor not only had Royal hidden guards, but also ye Tianyi, as well as the prince's mansion of Deqin and Xiaoqin, as well as the 400000 army of night light dye, as well as the potential forces that assassinated her and Rongjing in the potential darkness, she did not dare to act easily. One step short is how many people's lives are buried in the sea of fire. She was not afraid, but had to take into account the lives of those tied to her thread. Just do not want cloud palace, she can leave easily, Rongjing can also be pulled away by her, but after leaving? The world is big, so give up all turtle hide? She is not a hiding person, and Rongjing is not, so she can only lean.

Although Yunli came to the cloud palace for a short time, he was very smart and had a keen insight into the turbulent situation of the imperial court. He knew that the cloud palace was now on the crest of the storm. Therefore, even though he was not willing to marry the sixth princess, he had to accept the imperial edict.

"Miss!" Ling Lian and Yi Xue have been standing at the door, have a look, Qi Qi went to the cloud shallow moon side, Ling Lian stretched out her arm to block the sun on the head of the cloud shallow moon, and gently called out to her.

Cloud shallow moon takes back the sight, looks to Ling Lian, nods, should a, "Um!"

"In fact, it's nothing for the six princesses to marry into the mansion! After all, she came to the cloud palace. After entering this mansion, she was not a princess, but a member of the cloud palace. We should abide by the rules of the cloud palace. What else can she do about it Ling Lian murmured.

"Yes, miss, don't worry. The six princesses seem to have no city in mind, otherwise they would not be locked up in the imperial palace now and think about their mistakes behind closed doors. " Yi Xue also said.

Yun Xiaoyue laughed and shook her head: "even if it's not six princesses, but other princesses, I don't want cloud palace to marry a royal woman. No one wants her to marry in. "

Ling Lian and Yi Xue Qi live together.

"The daughter of the cloud palace has been married to the royal family for a hundred years. Now the royal family has to cram women into the palace." "I don't even want the name of the Royal daughter to be written on the genealogy of the cloud palace."

"Miss, do you want to kill the sixth princess?" Ling Lian asked in a low voice.

"As long as you kill the sixth princess, she won't get married?" Yi snow also agreed to nod, and lowered her voice: "there are people in the Imperial Palace in our Red Pavilion. If you want to start, you can be quiet. As soon as the young lady orders, the maid will go to deliver a message to the people in the palace. "

"As soon as the decree was issued, the sixth Princess died! It's not the best policy. Besides, my aunt is still in the palace Cloud shallow moon shakes head, wave to two people, "let emperor old son win a game first! There is a long way to go. "

"What about the six princesses?" Ling Lian asked.

"Let her live for two days before the date of marriage has been agreed." The cloud shallow month stands straight body, raises the step to go to the house, between the eyebrow eye some cold meaning. It was a hot summer day, but she was cold to the extreme. She thought that the wind ember has not written a few days? Is it time to write?

Back to the shallow moon Pavilion, push open the door, the room has no Rongjing figure, she asked to listen to the snow, listen to the rain, "Rong Jing?"

"Miss Hui, I don't know when Jing Shizi left." Listen to snow shake his head, "if not you ask, we still don't know King Shizi left! We have never heard of Jing Shizi leaving. "

Yunqianyue nods. When Rongjing is in her room, the people in this hospital are fine and never wander around her room. Listen to the snow, listen to the rain, do not know when he left is normal. Now that he has recovered his martial arts, he can leave whenever he wants. She walks into the room and lies down on the soft couch.

Ling Lian and Yi Xue know that Yun Xiaoyue is not in a good mood. They close the door for her and quietly retreat.

Yunqianyue closes her eyes and filters all the people and things in her brain. Thinking that this is just the beginning, she has always told herself that she is not in a hurry, but she is still in a hurry. Cloud from then let her flustered God, if the princess of the East Sea country came, she will how? She reached out and rubbed her forehead, forcing herself to calm down. The more chaotic the current situation, the more conspiracies the old emperor had, the more calm she had to be.

"Miss, the fourth Prince is here to see you!" Ling Lian asked quietly outside, "can you see me?"

Cloud shallow moon open eyes, this time night day Yu to do what? She nodded. "See you! Invite him in! "

"Do you want the fourth prince to go to the front hall or to the shallow moon pavilion?" Ling Lian asked.

"Come to the shallow moon Pavilion, please." The moon is still on the couch.

Linglian should go, not much time, with the night day Yu came to the shallow moon Pavilion.

Yunqianyue heard the footsteps and looked out of the window, only to see that night Tianyu was still as usual, but it seemed different when she looked at it carefully. She thought that night Tianqing was in prison like this. In an instant, the prince's house was raided. The Prince changed. Yetianyu fought with him for several years. It should be little does one think.

The door was pushed open from the outside, Ling Lian turned to her side, and her voice was neither humble nor high, "four princes, please!"

Yetianyu nodded and walked into the room. Through the bead curtain, he saw the moon lying on the bed of the imperial concubine. He did not speak immediately. Instead, he went straight to her and stood still. He called out in an ordinary voice, "sister Yue!""Sit down!" Cloud light moon reached out to the chair not far away.

"I'll have a word with you and go! Don't sit down! " Night sky Yu Road.

Cloud shallow moon pick eyebrows.

"Do you want the prince to die, or do you want him to live?" Asked Ye Tian Yu.

Cloud shallow moon suddenly a smile, "when did his life and death concern me?"? I want him to die and he can die? I hope he can live if he lives? "

"Nature!" Night day Yu nods.

"What do you say?" Cloud shallow moon looks at night day Yu, lazy way: "I don't know I can control his destiny."

"You can!" Night sky Yu Road.

"Ye Tianyu, don't you have a fever?" Cloud shallow month looks at night day Yu suspiciously, "the emperor does not let you thoroughly investigate the case of birthday banquet? In principle, he has the final say in his life.

Night day Yu suddenly bitter smile a, shake his head, "his life and death I now said do not calculate, even if I thoroughly investigate this case."

Cloud shallow moon does not answer, looking at him. It's about how clear things are.

"But you are different from me. If we regard Tiansheng capital as a chess game, we are all pieces on this board, including the father and the emperor, and of course, you and Jing Shizi. But you and Jing Shizi are the variables on this chessboard. " Night day Yu looked at cloud shallow moon, "prince, only you can save."

"What do you mean? Do you want me to save night sky Cloud shallow moon raise eyebrows, see night day Yu not language, she laughs: "you these years have not been against him? Once the most intense time, I remember that the fire and water couldn't stand. Now the emperor has given you a chance to cut him down. Do you dare not? Timid? Or not? Can't bear it? Thinking about brothers? Or something else? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!