The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 740

"The six princesses are so noble that they dare not climb high." Cloud shallow moon sneers.

"The six princesses are willing to condescend to the throne." The way of night nature.

Cloud shallow moon purses lip, cold eye looks at night Tianyi, "Royal Princess can't marry out? The daughter of the cloud palace has been in the palace for hundreds of years. Would you like to cram the Royal daughter into the cloud palace? Do you want to move into the palace, and all the people surnamed Yun have changed their names and become night's? Or do you want to change your family name? Not night, but cloud? "

"Moon!" The voice of night Tianyi suddenly sank, "don't be unscrupulous and treacherous."

"I've done a lot of wicked things? If I didn't write to you secretly these years, you would come to read the imperial edict in front of me to the cloud Palace today, regardless of my will Cloud shallow moon already very angry.

"Moon!" Night Tianyi light drink a, eyes light surge up anger, heavy looking at the cloud shallow moon, "now is the father's will, do you have to press on me?"

Cloud shallow moon suddenly sneer at a smile, "how many people in the Emperor didn't die sitting in the Shengyang hall to review memorials and take charge of the world? Ye Tianyi, I know your skill better than anyone else. If you don't agree, can you bring this edict? "

Ye Tianyi looks at Yun Qianyue and looks at him. The air pressure between them is very low. Everyone kneeling at the gate of the cloud palace feels cold. In a moment, ye Tianyi suddenly smiles and laughs coldly. "Yueer, I thought that no one in this world can treat me as well as you, and no one can make you turn against me mercilessly. "I'm so cruel that I'm wrong," he said I thought it was just a scene. But it's not. There are night light dye, Rongfeng, Fengjin, nanlingrui, yundushan Now there is a cloud. Now in your heart, my ten-year relationship with you is not as good as a cloud, isn't it? He's worth your turn on me? Do you want to hurt me

Cloud shallow moon purses lips not to speak.

"My father is still lying in the temple of the holy sun for one day, and I will be the seventh Prince's son and his son. The only thing I have in my hand is that I fought with you in Northern Xinjiang. When I return to the heavenly capital, my rights are all given by him! Now the northern Xinjiang is thousands of miles away, and my power is also far away. Do you think I can understand everything? Have you really become the master of Shengyang hall Ye Tianyi raises eyebrows.

Cloud shallow moon cold face does not speak.

"Here is the edict. If you want to destroy it, destroy it!" Ye Tianyi suddenly withdrew his hand and threw the edict to the cloud moon.

Cloud shallow moon wrist trembles, the edict "pa" fell to the ground, hit the ground on the bluestone brick, issued a light sound. Night Tianyi, as if he had not heard of it, turned and got on the carriage. When the curtain fell, he did not look at the cloud and the moon again. He said in a deep voice to Brunei, "go back to the palace!"

"Yes Brunei took a look at Yun Qianyue, sat in front of the car, waved his horse whip, and left the cloud palace.

Cloud shallow moon looks at the carriage that night Tianyi takes to leave in silence, until the carriage goes out of her sight, she slowly turns back, looks down at the imperial edict on the ground. The old emperor was in charge of the country all his life. Naturally, he was not an old man who could not do anything. Even though he was haggard, bedridden and unable to take care of his food and clothing, he was also an old emperor. His skills and movements all over the world had been pinching everyone's life, including night nature.

She suddenly closed her eyes, and there was a moment of darkness in front of her, but she was clear and bright in Lingtai. At the next moment, she put her hand and did not hesitate to destroy the imperial edict on the earth.

"No!" Cloud from a startle, the body forward, blocking the holy decree on the ground.

Cloud shallow moon looked at cloud from, see he will protect the edict, her voice light shallow, "cloud from, you stay away, I can destroy it!"

If on the day of the old emperor's birthday party, he drew a sword against her, and she dared to destroy his sword in front of envoys from all over the world and all civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty, she had already made up her mind. What's more, today's little edict? What if she's destroyed? It's a big deal. The cloud palace and the royal family fight to the end! Can he really put all the people in the cloud palace in prison?

"I take orders!" Cloud from tightly grasp the edict, just open the voice hoarse.

"You take orders?" The cloud is shallow and the moon is squinting.

"Yes, I take orders!" Yunli nodded affirmatively, "it's a great honor and blessing to be granted the title of Prince Yun's son and the imperial edict to marry the princess. Why not

"Yunli, you should think clearly. She is the sixth princess Cloud shallow moon looks at cloud to leave. The first time she saw the face of Yunli could be so white, different from several times of smoked red in front of her, it was as white as a piece of paper. She did not think that he was willing to accept the edict.

"I know she is the sixth princess! I'm willing to take orders. " Yunli nodded solemnly.

"I have said for a long time that natural happiness is the most important thing in a short life of several decades. You don't have to sacrifice for anyone, even the cloud palace. I give you a ladder, is to want you to show your ambition, rather than such a grievance helpless to live. Life is like a play, you sing enough, I sing. We may not have to listen to others sing and not sing ourselves. " Cloud shallow month looks at cloud to leave seriously, the tone is clear: "cloud palace is implicated although many, but also many but royal family. What's the fear? "Yun Li suddenly lowered his head, and his voice was very low, "but this is a troubled time. The cloud palace is already on the crest of the storm. It's better to have one less thing than one more thing. It's for the sake of the empress and Empress of the imperial palace."

Cloud shallow moon purses lip, the hand in sleeve cannot help but clench. Her aunt

"I'll take the edict!" Yunli stood up with the imperial edict and gently brushed the folds of the clothes on the ground. He was polite to Yun Xiaoyue and called out "sister!"

Cloud shallow month clenched hand a loose, look to cloud from, suddenly found that from she took him into the palace to now back only two hours, he had a change, is tough and calm, she tightly pursed her lips, pulled out a smile, sincerely called out, "brother!"

Cloud from nod, no longer speak, take the imperial edict to the house.

Kneeling at the door of all people are coincidentally watching the cloud leave, look different. In a moment, the moon is light.

Cloud shallow moon also looked at the cloud to leave, until his figure far away, she just take back the sight, waved to the people, some powerless way: "all scattered!"

When they heard the words, they all got up and scattered one after another.

Cloud light moon will body against the door wall of the gate, looking up at the sky. She wanted to protect all the people, but she couldn't reach it. She was elbowed back and forth. She has a red Pavilion, but the Red Pavilion has gone to protect nanlingrui. It is impossible that the old emperor will not act against nanlingrui on the way from Tiansheng capital to Nanliang. She wants the Red Pavilion to protect nanlingrui, so she can't use the Red Pavilion any more. She can only wait until nanlingrui returns to Nanliang safely. The wind Pavilion, the third childe just took over the wind Pavilion, is still in the familiar period. For the past five years, the wind pavilion has been communicating with night Tianyi and entangled with the Royal hidden guards. They are very familiar with the wind Pavilion. The third young master can only reshuffle the cards after taking over the wind Pavilion, and it will take time to quickly change all the actions and styles of the wind Pavilion. The wind Pavilion does not dare to move lightly for the time being, otherwise it will be swallowed up by the Royal hidden guard. , the fastest update of the webnovel!