The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 739

With a sigh of relief, yunqianyue leaned against the wall of the car and nodded, "as long as you marry, I will become one after I marry Rongjing. If you are not the seventh princess, I will support you. Anyway, you can't live alone for life."

Rong Feng chuckles, looking at the cloud shallow moon, the eye light is warm, "I didn't know, because this still can frighten you."

"Nonsense!" Cloud light moon glanced at Rong Feng. I was really scared to hear him talking to the old emperor. Now the soul has not come back. With a night of Tianyi is already a debt, she does not want to get into Rongfeng.

Rong Feng no longer talks.

"Was the murder case of marquis Wenbo related to Princess Ming?" Cloud shallow moon asks suddenly.

Rong Feng's smiling face faded away. Looking at the moon, she pursed her lips and nodded. Seeing her narrowing her eyes, he whispered, "even if it doesn't matter, I won't marry the seventh princess."

The cloud is shallow, and the eyebrows are slightly picked.

Rong Feng said again, "don't marry a royal woman!"

Cloud shallow month suddenly a smile, reach out to shine on Rong Feng shoulder to pat, praise way: "have ambition!"

Rong Feng smile, cloud shallow month withdraw hand, body a slant, lying lazily on the car board, close eyes, to him way: "first send me back to the house, and then you go back to the house again!"

"Good!" Rong Feng nodded and told the outside, "go to the cloud palace!"

The coachman answered and turned his horse.

The carriage passed through the street and went to the cloud palace. The head of the cloud moon swayed along with the carriage running, and soon became sleepy. Rong Feng see cloud shallow moon sleepy meaning thick, then also no longer speak, picked up a book in hand.

The carriage stopped at the gate of the cloud palace, and Rong Feng reached out to wake up the cloud moon, "moon, you're back to the mansion!"

"Good!" Cloud shallow month lazily sat up, stretched out his hand to lift the curtain, got out of the car, waved to Rong Feng, "don't ask you to go in for tea! Go back to your house

Rong Feng nodded and dropped the curtain. He told the coachman that the carriage left the gate of the cloud palace.

Cloud shallow moon reaches out to block the scorching sun on the head and walks to the house. Just walked two steps, heard a car came, she looked back, and saw Ling Lian and Yi Xue driving a carriage to come, followed by a bright yellow carriage, in which sat Brunei. She remembered that the old emperor said that night Tianyi would come to announce the order in person, and she stopped.

Two carriages stop at the gate of the cloud palace, and ye Tianyi and Yunli get off the car successively. Ye Tianyi takes a look at Yun Qianyue and gives an order to Brunei. Brunei immediately raises his voice and shouts, "the edict is here! Everyone in the cloud palace receives the order

Three times in a row, the cloud palace continued to run out of the interior. Within a moment, black pressure knelt on the ground, whether it is the legitimate, or collateral, so large cloud palace thousands of people.

Cloud shallow moon did not kneel, but stood on one side, pale looking at the dark people.

"The cloud is away from the purpose!" Ye Tianyi opens the imperial edict and shouts.

Cloud from a lift clothes, kneeling in front of all people, the voice is respectful, "Minister receives order!"

"According to heaven, the emperor said: from now on, Yunli will inherit the name of King Yun and grant him a son of the royal family. In addition, he will betroth Princess Zhenzhi to Yunli and marry him on a date. After that, he will inherit the hereditary prince. That's it Night Tianyi read out the edict.

Cloud from a startled, can not believe to see the edict, in a moment, he turned to look at the cloud shallow moon.

Cloud light moon face color a change, suddenly step forward, a buckle night Tianyi wrist, angry way: "how can there be given marriage? Or six princesses? At that time, the emperor's uncle did not say that he would marry the six princesses to Yunli

Ye Tianyi looked at Yun Xiaoyue, clasping his wrist, holding the imperial edict. His voice was quiet, "this is what my father ordered earlier! After seeing Yunli, if he took on the status of Prince Yun's family, he would be more proud and more happy, and betrothed the six princesses to him. Moreover, he specially emphasized that it should be combined with the imperial edict of conferring the son of the nobility. "

Cloud shallow moon squints at him, "are you sure you didn't add it privately?"

"Of course not. With my great courage, I dare not attempt to tamper with the edict." Ye Tianyi flicked the hand of Yun Qianyue and handed the imperial edict to Yunli, who knelt on the ground, with a light tone, "congratulations to Yun Shizi, take the edict! From now on, you are not only the son-in-law of Prince Yun's house, but also the son-in-law of the royal family. It's a great honor. If you don't appreciate it, you will not only bring disaster to yourself, but also to the cloud palace. Even more, it will bring disaster to the empress, who was only granted the crown prince in the palace. "

The cloud shallow moon was furious at the speech, and seized the imperial edict with his hands, and urged his power to be destroyed.

"Moon, you have to think about it before you destroy it. There is an unborn prince in the back of the mother's stomach. You should know what the crime of destroying the edict is! What's more, Yunli is not you. How do you know that he is not willing to add happiness to his happiness? " Night Tianyi stops the hand of cloud shallow moon, the voice is not high, but enough cloud shallow moon and cloud leave kneeling on the ground to hear.

Cloud shallow moon if do not smell, take aunt to threaten her afraid? Although aunt is her weakness, but since the old emperor made her pregnant, how could he let her have an accident when he didn't use this move to play a maximum role? Her eyes glared fiercely at Ye Tianyi, and her true Qi ran from Dantian to wrist and rushed to Ye Tianyi to stop her hand."Yunli, you are now the son of cloud palace. You just watch her destroy the edict for you? " Ye Tianyi looks at the clouds.

Yunli woke up at this time and became the son of the cloud palace. He was prepared, but he never thought about marrying the sixth princess. Moreover, he knew that the sixth princess was punished by the emperor on the day of begging and birthday banquet. He didn't expect that the one who came with the fengci son was to give marriage, and the man was still the sixth princess. He saw that Yun Qianyue and ye Tianyi moved their hands, and his face turned pale and opened his mouth, but there was no sound.

"Although Nai Yun's mansion can't be destroyed, it can't be destroyed. There are hundreds of people in the cloud palace, and some of them are almost the same age as you. Because you are the only one who is honored, the branch of Lord cloud's mansion will rise. When a man enters the court and becomes an official, he has a bright future. Women will also choose a good marriage. " Night Tianyi looked at the cloud, pale, like a reminder, like a warning, "you can think about the consequences of refusing to accept."

"Ye Tianyi! I never knew you were threatening people with one thing or another? " Cloud shallow moon completely angry, coldly looking at night Tianyi, "marriage is a children's play? When you say marriage means marriage? Now that Yunli is the son of the cloud palace, he is my brother. Her marriage can't be based on a single edict. Naturally, she has to ask my grandfather, my father and my consent. "

"Yue'er, Yunli was granted the title of Prince Yun, which not only inherited the title of King Yun, but also related to the grand plan of emperor Tiansheng. That is to say, he is not only the son of cloud palace, but also the future king of cloud. He will enter the dynasty in the future. Do you think anyone can be the son of the cloud palace? " Ye Tianyi raises eyebrows and looks the same in the face of cloud light moon's anger. Wen Sheng reminds, "if you destroy the edict, what you destroy is not the edict, but the life of Yunli. This was originally a happy event. Why should we have a deep hatred? Is the Royal Princess not worthy of an adopted son of the cloud palace? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!