The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 738

"Since ancient times, loyalty and filial piety can't be both." Rong Feng said lightly: "after the house of marquis Wenbo was destroyed, it disappeared for several years in the capital of Tiansheng. Tiansheng was not affected because there was no Marquis house of Wenbo. Whether there was a marquis house of Wenbo, the river and mountain of Tiansheng were still the rivers and mountains of Tiansheng, the imperial court was still the imperial court, and the emperor was still the emperor. Nothing has changed. Now that I come back to serve my country, it's just icing on the cake. The emperor is too worried

"Nonsense The old emperor stretched out his hand and slapped the bed board violently.

"Don't I tell you, uncle? It's not good for you to be angry all the time Yunqianyue calmed down and made a voice to remind her. She suddenly said with a smile: "I didn't know that the emperor's uncle is not only an emperor, but also a lunar elder. Are you not tired of caring about this marriage and that one? "

Hearing this, the old emperor suppressed his anger and called out, "Brunei, give me the seven princesses..."

"Father, it's time for you to take medicine now!" Ye Tianyi, who has not spoken for a long time, suddenly makes a sound.

The old emperor immediately stopped and looked at night Tianyi. When will he be interrupted? When was his order ignored? When did his edict fail? When does anyone dare to say something he doesn't like to hear in front of him? Perhaps anger gathered in his chest, and he suddenly coughed violently.

"Brunei, pour a cup of hot tea for my father!" Ye Tianyi put down the memorial and told the outside.

"Yes Brunei answered and brought in a cup of tea.

Yunqianyue gets out of bed and looks at the old emperor who coughs hard and turns his face away. The emperor, who was once dignified and vigorous, is now just an old man. Even lying in a hospital bed, he still thinks about calculating others and his country. She felt a sudden sadness for him.

After drinking a cup of hot tea while serving the old emperor, Brunei finally stopped coughing.

"Get the medicine!" Night Tianyi saw the old emperor and stopped coughing and told Brunei again.

"Yes Brunei went down in a hurry.

"You go down!" The old emperor lay down and seemed to calm down his emotions. He waved his hand to Yun Xiaoyue and Rongfeng with some tiredness. "Moon girl will come back tomorrow to play chess with me. That game of chess is only half played."

"I don't seem to be free tomorrow!" Cloud light moon road.

"Come if you don't have time! Can't you let me call your aunt to come and play chess with me? " The old emperor's tone was unquestionable.

Cloud shallow moon thinks that he is to catch her weakness! Her aunt is now her Achilles heel. She did not speak and took Rong Feng to walk outside the hall.

"Tianyi, have you drawn up the edict about Yunli The old emperor looked at the shadow of Rong Feng and Yun Qianyue and came to the door. He was inclined to the night sky. Seeing his reply, he said in a deep voice: "you go to the cloud palace with the moon girl. Let the king of cloud hold a ceremony of succession to Yunli on the day of his choice. "

"Yes Night Tianyi put down the memorial, stood up with a volume of imperial edict, looked at the old emperor, and went out of the Shengyang hall.

Within a moment, the old emperor was left in the Shengyang hall. He looked at the resplendent roof and thought that he had been young. Now he was really old, powerless and unable to do what he wanted.

Out of the Shengyang hall, cloud shallow moon pursed his lips and dragged Rongfeng to the palace gate. Rongfeng did not speak, and he was pulled by yunqianyue. Yunli has been waiting at the gate of Shengyang hall. Seeing the cloud light moon's face is not good, he takes Rong Feng and walks away. He is stunned for a moment and raises his steps to follow her.

After walking for a long time, a mammy came in front of her. Seeing Yun Qianyue, she quickly saluted her and said respectfully: "Miss shallow moon, the old slave is served by the Empress Dowager of Ming Fei. The empress Ming Fei knows that Miss shallow moon has entered the palace, so she specially sends the old slave to invite Miss Qianyue to the palace of Empress Dowager Mingfei."

"No time today!" Cloud light moon around the Mammy, dropped a word, continue to move forward.

The Mammy was stunned. She didn't think that yunqianyue was so shameless, so she immediately followed up and stopped Yun Qianyue. "Miss Qianyue, the lady of Ming Fei, said she wanted to talk to you. Please go there!"

"I said no time! Are you deaf? " Cloud shallow moon cold face, eyes sharp to see that mammy one eye.

The mammy shuddered and stopped.

Cloud shallow month drags Rong Feng to continue to walk forward, the footstep does not stop, does not come out a moment then went out the palace gate.

At the gate of the palace, Ling Lian and Yi Xue are waiting by the carriage. Yun Xiaoyue takes a look at them and turns to Yun Li and says, "you go back to the mansion in my carriage first!"

"Good!" Cloud from looked at Rong Feng, nodded.

Cloud shallow month drags Rong Feng to Wenbo Houfu's carriage, comes to the car, she opens the curtain and gets on the car, also pulls Rong Feng up. The curtain fell to cover the two figures. She said, "drive

The coachman did not move, but asked tentatively, "son of a generation?"

"Back to the house!" Rong Feng ordered.

The coachman quickly waved his whip and the carriage started.

Yunqianyue shakes off Rongfeng's hand and looks at his face. Rongfeng's face is calm, and she can't avoid the sight of shangyun Qianyue. Cloud shallow month looked at him for a moment, suddenly let out gas, serious way: "Rong Feng, how can you never marry? Even if it's not the seventh princess, it's another woman who can't live without marriage. "Rong Feng slightly lowered his head and remained silent.

"You know I always take you as a relative. How can you make my conscience safe?" The cloud is shallow and the moon is slightly heavy.

"You don't have to worry. I'm telling the truth. " Rong Feng raises his head and smiles to the cloud.

"Can you still laugh? Do you really want to live alone for life? " Cloud shallow moon stares at, looks at Rong Feng with a stiff face.

Rong Feng warm smile, although the smile is simple but sincere, "I really do not have the intention of marriage, lonely old life also can."

"Dirty words!" Cloud shallow moon chided a, some angry way: "you are now the son of Wenbo Marquis house, what kind of woman do you want to marry? Even if you don't marry the seven princesses, how many good women can be married? Still lonely and old for life? When I saved you, I wanted you to live alone for life? "

Rong Feng does not speak, only eyes light quietly looking at cloud shallow moon.

"Tell me, you said that what you just said is a dirty word, and it is impossible for you not to marry for life." Cloud shallow moon stares at Rong Feng's eyes.

"Well, I can't live without marriage." Rong Feng had no choice but to sigh and said with a bitter smile, "moon, you are really overbearing."

Yun Xiaoyue sighed, softened her tone and solemnly said, "Rongfeng, it's not my domineering, but how can you say you don't marry for life? I am a person, my heart to Rongjing, I hope all my relatives are happy. My family includes you. "

"If I don't say that, the emperor will always hold on to my marriage." Rong Feng's tone was warm, "I can't marry the seventh princess, and I don't want to marry another woman at present. Even if you want to marry, you should at least wait until you get married with Jing Shizi. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!