The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 737

"Brunei, go to xuanrongfeng to meet me!" The old emperor was silent for a moment and called out to the outside.

"Yes, Emperor!" Brunei immediately responded and ran down.

"Moon girl, let's play a game of chess!" The old emperor suddenly said.

"The emperor's uncle can only lie in bed now. It's difficult for you to move. How can you play chess?" Cloud shallow moon pick eyebrows.

"People who can play chess have chess in their hearts. They can play without a chessboard." The old emperor looked at the moon and said, "don't tell me you can't play chess? How could I have believed that you little girl could not be a dandy? You are her daughter, how can there be no reason? Like mother, like daughter! I didn't expect that I was stupid once 20 years ago and again 20 years later. "

"My mother has already gone. Even if I can play chess, it has nothing to do with her." Cloud light moon road.

The old emperor snorted, "only if you can play chess! Is it you or me? "

"First of all, uncle." Cloud shallow moon body languidly leans on the bed board, does not have the bone general.

The old emperor glanced at her first. Cloud shallow moon has a son without thinking. The old emperor's eyes flashed a light, and then a son, cloud light moon also out of a son. Two people across the bed board, the air in the middle seems to have placed a chessboard invisibly. Shengyang hall is quiet. In addition to the sound of Ye Tianyi's occasional pen raising and memorials turning, it is the sound of two people playing chess.

Half a game of chess, outside came the voice of Brunei, "Bing emperor, the prince of Wenbo's residence, Rongfeng son is coming!"

The old emperor stopped and called out, "let him come in!"

Brunei should say, not long, Rong Feng opened the curtain and entered. When he saw the cloud sitting lazily against the wall on the Dragon bed, the moon seemed to be stunned for a moment. In a moment, he put his face back and calmly asked for his regards. Compared with the rigid and stiff cloud separation, he appeared casual and indifferent.

"No gift!" The old emperor waved to Rongfeng.

Rong Feng stood up, eyes fell in front of the foot three feet away.

"Rongfeng, do you know what I want you to do today?" The old emperor looked at Rong Feng, glanced at the cloud and asked.

"I don't know!" Rong Feng shakes his head.

"I heard that my seven princesses have gone to your residence today?" Although the old emperor asked, his tone was affirmative.

"Yes Rong Feng nodded.

"Why did the seventh Princess go to your residence?" The old emperor asked again.

"The seventh princess went wrong! He broke into the official's residence by mistake. " Rong Feng's reply was not high or low.

Cloud light moon blinks eyes, corner of the mouth tears out a smile. What a mistake! If she didn't see the conversation between Rongfeng and the seventh princess in the house of marquis Wenbo with her own eyes this morning, she would have believed his words by looking at Rongfeng's unthinking reply. He never knew that Rong Feng was a child who didn't make a draft.

"Oh? You say my seven princesses have gone wrong The old emperor was stunned. Obviously, he didn't expect Rongfeng to answer this way. He raised his eyebrows, "where did the seven princesses go? But into your house? "

"I should have been going to the filial piety palace." Rong Feng said lightly: "the house of the prince of filial piety is next to the house of marquis Wenbo. The seventh Princess made friends with the cold little prince of Xiaoqin palace since she was a child. When I wake up from my dream, I should go to see the cold little prince. I'm not careful and take the wrong path. "

The cloud is shallow and the moon is shining slightly. Although this is ambiguous, it is also a fact. Although Leng Shao Zhuo of Xiaoqin palace has been spoiled by Prince Xiao since he was a child, he does not like to pay for everyone, but he is very good to the seventh princess. The seventh princess is soft in temperament, and is cold to those who are good to her. Therefore, this is also true.

"So it is?" The old emperor squinted, "I thought the seventh princess was going to see you! I remember that the seventh Princess loved you since she was a child, and always liked to run to the Marquis of Wenbo. "

"The Emperor may have misunderstood him! The seventh princess did not go to see the minister. When she was a child, she ran to Wenbo Marquis because she was cold. After all, there is a wall between the house of filial piety and the house of marquis Wenbo. Seven princess face is soft, not good to see the cold little prince directly, Wen Bo Hou house has become a bridge. " Rong Feng's face did not change.

"That's it The old emperor nodded, his old face could not see what he thought.

Cloud shallow month low head, think Rong Feng should be how clever? But three or two words to get rid of the relationship with the seventh princess. Although she and the old emperor knew that the seventh princess was for him, and that it was for him that she always went to Wenbo Marquis house when she was young, but at that time Leng Shao Zhuo kept a close eye on the seventh princess. As soon as she was out of the palace, he would know, so he always went after him. In this way, it is now Rongfeng three words on the distortion of the facts. And won the old emperor speechless. She cheered for him in her heart, thinking that Rong Feng was his descendant and that he was really brilliant and did not disgrace his talent. He must have known that the old emperor meant marriage.

"Cold little prince, but wake up now?" The old emperor asked again.

"It seems that I woke up yesterday! But I'll be in bed for a few days Rong Feng answered, then turned his voice and continued: "but now the seventh princess is well. If the seventh Princess goes to the filial piety palace to accompany the cold little prince, the cold little prince will be happy, and the wound will be better soon. I'll be out of bed soon! "

The old emperor stares at Rong Feng, who can't see any emotion except calm in his eyes. He was silent for a moment and said, "Rong Feng, do you have a woman you like?"Rong Feng pursed his lips, and his eyes seemed to look at the cloud. Seeing that she was looking at her, he nodded, "yes!"

"Oh?" The old emperor raised his eyebrows, "who?"

"Cloud light moon!" Yung Fung Road.

The moon blinked and did not speak.

"Well? Moon girl The old emperor seemed to be stunned. He took a look at the cloud and the moon. His old eyes were deep. He moved his eyes and looked at Rong Feng. "Do you think the woman you like is the moon girl?"

"Yes Rong Feng nodded.

"Did you know she was engaged?" The old emperor's voice suddenly became heavier.

"Yes! I know not only that she has an engagement, but also that she has people she likes. But it is my business that I like her, and it has nothing to do with her. " Rong Feng confessed that his voice had never fluctuated since he came in.

Cloud shallow moon droops eyelashes, think I like her to have nothing to do with her words, what kind of feelings should be used to say it? If the old emperor had agreed to her invitation to marry them in the first place of martial arts champion conference, would she not like Rongjing and marry Rongfeng now? There are too many ifs in the world, so there is no result.

"Rongfeng, do you know that you are impossible! No matter whether she doesn't like you, even if she has an engagement, she can't marry anyone else except to marry into the royal family. " The old emperor's voice sank.

"I know! Therefore, I am willing to live without marriage. " Rongfeng every word of the tunnel.

Cloud shallow moon is startled, the body that sits on the bed rises to rise.

"Rongfeng, don't talk nonsense! If you don't marry, the Marquis of Wenbo will die out! " The old emperor's face was gloomy, "you are now the son of Wenbo Marquis's house, bearing the important task of inheriting the family of Wenbo marquis. In the future, it will be handed down from Wenbo Marquis house for thousands of years. How can you not marry? If you don't marry, you will be unfaithful and unfilial. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!