The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 731

Yunqianyue took off her hand covering her face, hugged Rongjing's body and buried her head in his arms. She cried and resented, "why can't I keep a relative? From my side to walk again, first mother, then brother, now is aunt, and then who? Is it true that I am the only one left to be reconciled? "

"Don't talk nonsense! You and me, I won't leave! " Rongjing reaches out and pats the back of yunqianyue.

"Rongjing, I feel terrible..." Cloud shallow moon voice chokes, extremely low extremely depressed.

"Aunt is right. You should be happy for her. She likes children, rather than die alone in the palace, leaving a blood. The emperor is poisoned by the concealed weapon now. Even if he is good, he will lose his Yang Qi. I'm afraid that his time will not be long. More than a year, less half a year or a few months, there is no fixed number. The emperor is dead, and my aunt will live in the palace for the rest of her life. Do you want her to be the Empress Dowager again? Living in the cold palace all day Rong Jing sighed, "it's good. It's sad, but it's gorgeous."

"But this is the old emperor's conspiracy Yunqianyue couldn't be happy.

"Even if it's a conspiracy? For her aunt, she just wanted a child. And all we can do is help her keep the baby Rong Jing said, "we just need to remember that he is the son of his aunt, whether he is a man or a woman."

Yunqianyue hugs Rongjing and asks in a choked voice, "what can I do if I can't do it? I don't want my aunt to have this child. "

"It doesn't matter if you can't, it's me." Rong Jing hugs Yun Qianyue's slender body. What others see is a heartless, dandy, arrogant, cold-blooded and cold-blooded yunqianyue, while what he sees is a young woman with love and righteousness, flesh and blood, and thousands of faces. Behind her strength and tenacity, there is a soft heart. How soft, only he knows, her tears will melt his heart at this time. Let him have a kind of impulse, want to help her hand to kill the Queen's stomach that child, just to make her cry.

"Rongjing..." Cloud shallow moon sucks the nose to call lightly.

"Well!" Rong Jing answers.

"Rongjing..." The moon called again.

"Well!" Rong Jing answered again and tightened his arms.

"Rongjing..." The cloud light moon once again called, with a soft grunt nasal voice.

"I am!" Rongjing's arms tightened again and again.

Cloud shallow moon no longer talks. Once she felt strong enough to carry all the heavy responsibilities on her shoulders. It was not until that day that the plane exploded over Vienna during the mission of Xiao Qi. She suddenly fainted. She did not know that she was not so strong. After three days of coma, she woke up and no longer had a smile. Until rebirth, I saw my mother, father, brother, aunt and grandfather Later, when her mother left and her brother was replaced, she kept telling herself what she could not bear after the explosion over Vienna? But now that she knows that her aunt is pregnant and does not hesitate to use her life for a child, she just feels that she is not so strong and can't help watching her relatives leave again and again.

Rong Jing holds the cloud and the moon, and all the weight of her body leans on him. He knows that he doesn't have to say anything more. He just needs to hold her.

For a long time, cloud shallow moon asked softly, "is there really no way? Is there any way to have children and keep aunt's life? "

"No!" Rong Jing shook his head, "bearing fruit, yin and Yang, cannot be taken by one person at the same time."

Cloud shallow moon is silent down, although she also knows that there is no way, but still can't help asking out.

"Eyes are red with tears!" Rongjing took out Juan PA, gently wiped the tears of Yun Qianyue, looked at the moist dye on Juan PA, and sighed: "you still don't cry, at least don't cry in front of me, I can't stand it."

"I cry in front of you, but I cry in front of you. If you can't stand it, you have to take it. " Yunqianyue grabs Juan PA and wipes her eyes.

"Well! Then you cry. You'd better cry all your life. My family also saves the washing water. " Yung King Road.

Yunqianyue throws Juan PA back to Rongjing. She is not in the mood to joke. She pushes him away to sit on the soft couch. It is only two hours since this morning that she has sent off her two brothers. She hears that her aunt is pregnant and wants to exchange herself for a child. She feels that she has never been so tired as she is today. She was suddenly disgusted with the world.

"Cloud moon, look at me, you and me." Rongjing went to the soft couch, squatted down in front of the cloud and shallow moon, looked at her head and said, "no matter your father, your mother, your brother, your grandfather, or your aunt, they are not the people who accompany you all your life. Only I will always have me. I am the one who can accompany you for a lifetime

Cloud shallow moon thought move, looking at the Rong Jing.

"For countless days to come, maybe until we get old together, until we die, until the moment you close your eyes, there will be me around you." Rongjing holds Yun Qianyue's cold hand. The warm feeling of his palm reaches to the tip of yunqianyue's finger. He says softly and solemnly: "no matter you have an engagement, no matter I have an engagement, the person you have an engagement is not me, and the person I have an engagement is not you, but what does that have to do with it? As long as you and I are interlinked, who can tear us apart in this worldThe cloud is shallow and the lips are pursed.

"Remember, you're not alone." Rong Jing picked up the hand of Yun Qianyue and burned her lips on her fingertips.

Cloud shallow month heart's affliction suddenly dispersed some. Yes, everyone has their own choice. My aunt thinks that if she loses her life, she will be happy if she changes her child. She can't force her to come. She still has Rongjing. She believes that no matter who leaves her, Rongjing will always be there, which is enough. She smiles at Rongjing, leans forward, puts her head against Rongjing's forehead, and whispers, "I know, I believe, there are you who have a black heart. Your heart is so black that I won't stop until you bully enough."

"Well, you know it! I've only bullied you all my life. " Rong Jing against the cloud shallow moon forehead, smiling and nodding.

They stopped talking and the room was quiet. Light sadness, deep affection.

"Shallow moon..." With the sound of a rush of footsteps, an urgent voice came from outside.

Yunqianyue looked up and looked out of the window. He ran into the pavilion and said, "the moon is not good. The emperor has issued an edict to abolish the crown prince It's just that... "

"Who is the crown prince?" Cloud shallow moon pulls Rong Jing to stand up, looks at the door, takes the words to ask.

The queen has just left, the old emperor suddenly wants to abolish the crown prince, so that the heart of cloud shallow moon can't help but mention it.

When he came to the door, he saw the scene in the room. The last half sentence stuck in his throat. He couldn't spit it out or swallow it. He opened his eyes and looked at Rongjing in disbelief Jing Shizi... " , the fastest update of the webnovel!