The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 732

Cloud shallow moon does not have leisure reason to meet cloud Lord's surprise, pulling Rong Jing to the door, looking at the cloud King ye asked again, "father, who do you think the emperor wants to make the prince?"

Even though he was astonished and cowardly, he had been in the imperial court for more than 20 years. He quickly took up his surprise from Rongjing and said, "stand up Your aunt's child... "

Yunqianyue's face sank. Not long ago, the old emperor called the queen away. Now he will abolish the crown prince and make the child in her aunt's stomach the crown prince. What does the old emperor want to do? She could not help but clench her hand. She guessed it was the conspiracy of the old emperor.

At this point, the moon gently clenched her hand and said, "she broke it gently in her hand." He said, "Uncle Yun Wang, please come into the room and say it!"

Yunqianyue felt the warm and solid power from Rongjing's palm, which made her angry heart calm down a little. She took a look at the pale face of King Yun and said in a soft voice, "father, come into my room and say it!" Words down, let Rong Jing pull back to the room.

Cloud old lord should a, trembling body with two people into the room.

After entering the room, Rongjing took yunqianyue back to the soft couch, naturally took her into his arms and asked, "did Uncle Yun just get the news in the mansion? Or are you coming back from the palace? "

King Yun looked at Rongjing and yunqianyue. Seeing that Rongjing's action was normal, he also realized that his injury was false. He set his mind and said, "the emperor is ill in bed and recuperates. These days, the seven princes supervise the state to deal with the Court Affairs. Today, the seventh Prince didn't go to the early Dynasty. Instead, he went to the south gate to send the envoys away from Beijing. In the Manchu Dynasty, Wenwu went to the golden palace as usual. Duke Wen handed out the memorials that the seven princes had read. The emperor suddenly announced a decree half an hour ago. The edict is to abolish the crown prince and make the Queen's heir the crown prince. I was so shocked that I didn't have an idea, so I came to find the moon... "

"Who declared the edict? Where is the night nature at the time of the proclamation? " Asked the moon. It has not been half an hour since her aunt left, so the decree has been issued when her aunt is here.

"It's the intention of the seventh Prince and Duke Wen to declare together." The cloud Lord said.

Yunqianyue doesn't speak any more, thinking that since it is yetianyi and Duke Wen's intention to publicize together, ye Tianyi agrees. Now the old emperor is in bed, and the prince's house of yetianqing is fired, and he is sent into the prison. The tree falls down and the monkeys scatter. He is already the fish on the board of night Tianyi's knife board, and he has no ability to resist. However, ye Tianyi is not the opponent of Ye Tianyi If he did not agree, the imperial edict of the old emperor would not be taken out of the Shengyang hall. Her lips close tightly, night nature What is his move?

"I don't understand why your aunt has been happy for so many years. Why did she suddenly feel happy? Is it true that the doctor made a wrong diagnosis Cloud Wang Ye looked at the cloud shallow moon and asked anxiously.

"No! My aunt just came to me. She It's really pregnant The cloud is light and the moon's voice is heavy.

"How could that happen? What can I do? " "Your aunt's child has not yet been born. Our cloud palace has been on the crest of the storm, and now we have made a prince, which is adding fuel to the fire."

The cloud is shallow and the moon is silent.

"Uncle Yun Wang, now you go to gather some courtiers who support the cloud palace and kneel outside the Shengyang hall to remonstrate that this is not appropriate. You strongly support the establishment of the fourth prince as the crown prince, and live in an orderly way. I will send people to the palace to deliver messages to the Queen's wife. The queen will kneel outside the Shengyang hall with all the ministers, imploring the emperor to take back his life. " Rong Jing pondered for a moment and gave a warm command to the Lord Yun.

Cloud old Wang Ye looked at cloud shallow month one eye, see her do not speak, he immediately nodded, got up and stood up, "good, I am going to remonstrate." After that, he stumbled out of the door and soon out of the pavilion.

Cloud shallow moon slants head to look toward Rong Jing, "useful?"

"No use!" Rongjing spits out two words.

"Since it's useless, what are you doing?" Cloud light moon will all the weight of the body on the body, some tired to rub the forehead.

"The cloud palace needs to show an attitude. If it doesn't work, you have to toss and toss. Besides, is the fourth Prince unwilling? Give him a chance and the water will be more muddy. " Rong Jing takes off Yun Qianyue's hand to rub her forehead, and Ruyu's fingers instead of her fingers gently knead on her forehead.

The moon is not sure. They are not in the court, the foundation of the court is too shallow. Now he returned to the court less than two months ago. He abolished yetianqing and established yetianyi. Although the court would not openly resist, he was afraid that it would be attacked by the hidden forces of yetianqing and yetianyu. Although Ye Tianyi was not afraid of it, it was not conducive to the imperial situation which was riddled with holes behind the prosperity of Tiansheng. Therefore, the old emperor made a compromise to let the queen Pregnant. All people's eyes were diverted and the muzzle of the gun was aimed at the cloud palace. Cloud palace from today on, is really on the crest of the storm. Judging from the Queen's pulse, she has been pregnant for two months. That is to say, before ye Tianyi returned to the court, the old emperor had already prepared for this.

Cloud shallow moon lips tightly close up, think is the old emperor, even if she never despise him, but still underestimate him."One thing should be seen in two ways! there are both advantages and disadvantages. From our own point of view, our aunt is pregnant, and the emperor has made her baby the prince. What we see is the malpractice of the cloud palace being pushed on the crest of the storm, and what we see is that the aunt's life is threatened. On the other hand, from the perspective of the emperor and the seventh prince, this is a long line. We are at the end of the long line and he is at the other end of the long line, which is equivalent to tug of war, depending on who can pull out who. Since my aunt has to have this child, we will let him live and live well. With this crown prince status, you can live a better life, don't you? " Rong Jing's voice was light and shallow. When he said this, his eyebrows were slightly raised. His face, which was originally like a poem, was tainted with a faint evil charm. Let his whole face have a kind of bewitching magic.

"Well, you're right!" The old emperor wanted to take advantage of his aunt and push his successor to the top. She would not let him pass. Even if you can, cross the body.

"Eat! Only by cultivating our energy and storing our strength can we have strength! " Rong Jing bowed his head in the cloud shallow moon lip kiss, this kiss light shallow, without a bit of lust, but with a strong love and treasure.

"Well!" Cloud shallow moon nods.

Rong Jing gave an order to the outside, Ling Lian answered, and ran down quickly. After a while, she and Yi Xue came in with the meal and put it on the table, and then went back quietly. Rong Jing pulls cloud shallow moon to get up and sit in front of the table, a meal to eat than usual silence. , the fastest update of the webnovel!